Amerikanen Jason Estrada gjorde med sitt framträdande i Aten-OS 2004 inte många glada. Många i hemlandet kände sig till och med personligt förolämpade av att han efter förlusten mot kubanen Michael Lopez inte visade sig "tillräckligt" besviken. Estrada var före turneringen en av de stora medaljfavoriterna i den tyngsta klassen, men blev i kvartsfinalen ganska enkelt utboxad av Lopez. När Estrada i en intervju efteråt deklarerade att det inte var hela världen, gick många amerikaner i taket och tog sin hand ifrån den snabbe men något överviktige landsmannen. En konsekvens av detta är att Jason Estrada har kunnat träda in i proffsvärlden, utan den hype som ofta följer med de amerikanska olympierna. Estrada är både snabb och rörlig, men för att vara tungviktare är han ganska kort och eftersom han också saknar riktig slagstyrka är det inte många som tror att han kommer att nå de ädlaste trofeerna. När han dessutom i sin hittils viktigaste match, mot Travis Walker hösten 2006, dök upp kraftigt överviktig och följaktligen förlorade mot en större men mycket mer tekniskt begränsad motståndare var det en hel del som räknade bort honom som tungviktshopp. Förlusten verkar dock ha varit en väckarklocka för Estrada, eftersom han sedan dess har gått ner en hel del i vikt. Tror dock inte att fredagens (25/1) möte med forne titelutmanaren Charles Shufford kommer att vara ett riktigt test för Estrada. Det är nästan sju år sedan Shufford utmande Wladimir Klitschko om WBO-titeln och han har de senaste åren boxats ytterst sporadiskt. I dag är Charles Shufford en välavlönad livvakt åt stjärnor som Britney Spears och Michael Jackson och har som boxare reducerats till en språngbräda för yngre män på väg upp. Allt annat än en klar seger, förmodligen på poäng, för Estrada skulle vara en stor skräll.
Då är lördagens (26/1) drabbning i Berlin mellan ryssen Alexander Povetkin och amerikanen Eddie Chambers betydligt intressantare. Den odiskutabla prospecttiteln står på spel och det är ett riktigt kalla kriget-möte mellan öst och väst. Två obesegrade pugilister på väg upp i en avgörande match om titeln "världens ledande prospect". Segraren förväntas på allvar ta upp kampen om tungviktstronen. Officiellt blir också vinnaren försteutmanare till Wladimir Klitschkos IBF-titel. Men att det står 2008 istället för 1984 i almanackan blir vi påminda om när boxarna läggs på dissektionsbordet. Povetkin är minst av allt någon Ivan Drago. Istället har vi att göra med den förmodligen mest kompletta tungviktsboxaren av idag. En tekniskt skicklig attackboxare som sällan släpper taget när motståndet är fastklistrad i ringhörnan. Han lämnar dessutom inte många luckor i defensiven, vilket gör honom tämligen svårträffad och därmed svårbesegrad. Povetkin är kanske också den mest meriterade supertungviktaren någonsin inom amatörboxningen, med OS-guld, VM-guld och EM-guld på sitt CV. Nu dateras den viktklassen endast tillbaka till 80-talet, men ändå.
Eddie Chambers saknar till skillnad från Povetkin några större amatörmeriter även om han stilmässigt påminner en aning om ovan nämnde Jason Estrada. Hans styrkor är alltså mer snabbhet och rörlighet än råstyrka. Chambers är också mer av en kontringsboxare än Estrada. Han försöker få motsåndaren att missa målet samtidigt som han kontraslår in snabba slagserier. Det är dock få som tror att Chambers kommer att besegra Povetkin. Povetkin har visat förut att han kan hantarera svårboxade defensivspecialister. Enkelt utmanövrerade han defensivboxarna Larry Donald och Chris Byrd under 2007. 2007 års version av Chris Byrd, som när han var som bäst var nästan omöjlig att träffa, befinner sig i och för sig på karriärens höstkant, men även som 37-åring kan han bjuda på en och annan åktur för den som är ofokuserad. Povetkin visade dessutom som amatör i åtskilliga möten med snabbe och hårdslående kontringsboxaren Roberto Camarelle få tecken på frustration när målet var ovanligt rörligt.
Man ska aldrig underskatta en obesegrad boxare, men jag tror inte att Chambers kommer att visa upp något som Povetkin inte tidigare har sett och klarat av. Förmodligen kommer Chambers luriga still göra det till en tämligen jämn historia under den första halvan av matchen, men ju längre tiden går, ju mer lätträffad kommer också Chambers att bli, vilket i slutändan kommer leda till en ganska klar poängseger, alternativt sen knockoutvinst för Povetkin.
Samma kväll i annan del av Europa, närmare bestämt Irland gör kubanen Mike Perez en emotsedd debut utan tröja. Den 22-årige southpawboxaren kan bli en attraktion för irländarna och jag kommer med stort intresse följa hans utveckling som profesionell tungviktsboxare.
Den 2 februari dyker en gammal bekanting upp i ringen. Då ska den 42-årige sydafrikanen Corrie Sanders boxas om den sydafrikanska titeln mot den tämligen okände Osborne Machimana. På pappret ska det här vara en enkel match för Sanders. Han är trots sin ålder en av de mest fruktade tungviktarna i världen eftersom han besitter en ovanlig kombination av snabbhet och slagstyrka, något som exempelvis Wladimir Klitschko fick erfara då han i mars 2003 blev tillintetgjord av den sydafrikanske southpawboxaren. Machimanas karriär har inte riktigt blivit det han hoppades på när han i sin proffsdebut 2000 skrevs upp som det svarta Sydafrikas stora tungviktshopp. Istället har karriären fyllts av dålig träningsdisciplin följt av loja framträdanden i ringen. Men det finns trots allt några tecken som gör den här på förhand "givna" utgången lite mer osäker. Machimana sägs ha gått igenom ett kraftigt stålbad efter sin förlust mot nya zeeländske hoppet Shane Cameron i december 2006. Den i Sydafrika legendariske tränaren Nick Durandt tog då hand om Machimana och satte honom direkt i hård träning, vilket ganska snabbt visade sig i en lättare och mycket mer vältränad Machimana. Resultaten i ringen lät inte heller vänta på sig då han under andra halvan av 2007 utklassade landsmännen Jake Els och Pieter Cronje, inga boxare i värdsklass, men enligt rapporterna var det ändå en helt ny Machimana som visade upp sig. Om vi till Machimanas nyvunna självförtroende lägger en Sanders som numera verkar mer intresserad av golf än boxning kanske utgången trots allt inte är så given ändå.
Den 16 februari går den väldige Nikolay Valuev upp mot vitryssen Sergei Lyakhovich i något som lanseras som en VM-kvalmatch. En match som ser ut att kunna bli ganska jämn och förmodligen kommer förloraren att degraderas till en "gatekeeper" i divisionen.
I en av förmatcherna går två unga prospects upp mot varandra. Italienaren Francesco Pianeta går upp mot amerikanen Michael Marrone. Två obesegrade boxare som bägge har blivit ganska lätt matchade hittils, så det är ytterst svårt att här sia om utgången. Varken Pianeta eller Marrone lär spränga några ljudvallar i framtiden, men det är alltid kul att se obesegrade boxare göra upp.
Den 19 februari möter en 42-årig Henry Akinwande den elva år yngre Steve Herelius i en match som gäller den vakanta EBU/EU-titeln!. Hade dom boxats för ett år sedan hade jag nog satsat en slant på Herelius som dittils hade visat upp sig som en prospect med spetskvaliteter. Men efter att i juni 2007 ha blivit stoppad av Albert Sosnowski i nionde ronden, verkar hans självförtroende ha dalat. Akinwande som med sina två meter, fortfarande är en ganska svårboxad herre skall därför inte ha några större problem med den betydligt kortare fransmannen.
Så den 23 februari ska då WBO-bältet och IBF-bältet bli ett, när Sultan Ibragimov och Wladimir Klitschko ska mötas i New York. De flesta experter tror här på en ganska enkel seger för IBF-mästaren Klitschko, och även om jag lutar åt ett tips i Klitschkos favör, är jag inte lika säker. WBO-mästaren Ibragimov har kvaliteter att rubba den väldige ukrainaren, problemet är bara att taktiken måste klaffa till fullo. Ibragimov kommer inte ha någon chans om han säkerhetsboxas som han gjorde mot Shannon Briggs och Evander Holyfield. Till det är Klitschko alldeles för tekniskt skicklig. Ryssen kommer också förmodligen bli hårt träffad och utslagen om han drar från höften och attackboxas utan tanke på försvar som han gjort i vissa matcher. Däremot tror jag han har en chans om han får möjlighet att kombinera sin defensivboxning med välplanerade attacker. Att kontringsboxas och attackera skoningslöst när han väl får möjligheten är alltså den riskfyllda taktiken att sätta sin tro på. Det är naturligtvis många bitar som skall falla på plats för att Ibragimov ska vinna, så Klitschko får trots allt stå som favorit, men jag tror trots allt att Ibragimovs kombination av snabbhet och styrka gör honom farlig för Klitschko.
Den 29 februari går returmatchen mellan uppkomlingarna Travis Walker och TJ Wilson av stapeln. För er som inte vet bröts den första matchen i oktober 2007 efter 15 sekunder då Wilson satte allt på ett kort och öste slag över Walker. Walker tyckte inte att han blivit hårt träffad och protesterade naturligtvis vilt, så voila här har vi returmötet. En intressant match även om jag inte tror att någon av herrarna kommer att vinna de stora titlarna i framtiden.
På den internationella kvinnodagen, den 8 mars, kommer sedan boxaren med nio liv, Oleg Maskaev och nigerianen Samuel Peter göra upp om WBC-bältet. Spontant känns Peter som en given favorit, men Maskaev ska som bekant aldrig räknas bort. Dessutom nås vi av rykten som säger att Peters privatliv varit en aning turbulent på sistone ...
Samma kväll skall ukrainaren Vladimir Virchis upp mot Juan Carlos Gomez i en match där det är tänkt att segraren skall få den stora äran att utmana den som vinner mellan Maskaev och Peter. Virchis mot Gomez är på pappret ett klassikt möte mellan råstyrka och stil. Ukrainaren är ganska långsam med sin skogshuggarstil men får han fäste är det inte många som reser sig upp. Gomez är i mycket Virchis motsats och besitter en bländade teknik som är få förunnade bland de tyngsta boxarna. Om Gomez är fokuserad och lyckas hålla sig undan för Virchis skruvade råsopar bör han vinna klart. Men Virchis har kraft i nävarna till det bittra slutet, vilket exempelvis Taras Bidenko fick erfara i mars 2005. Bidenko är likt Gomez en fin teknisk boxare och han boxade ut sin landsman i 11 ronder, innan Virchis bomb träffade den försvarslöse Bidenko i den sista ronden. Ett annat tecken i Virchis favör är att Gomez liv utanför ringen återigen verkar vara lite turbulent.
Den 13 mars går den väldige amerikanen Tye Fields upp mot pånyttfödde fransmannen Josue Blocus i vad som kan vara ett riktigt bra test på Fields färdigheter. Blocus åkte i sin senaste match över till Kanada och boxade ut hemmahoppet David Cadieux. Så om Blocus är motiverad kan Fields få det hett om öronen. Tye Fields är annars en ganska svårbedömd boxare. Resultaten på sistone har imponerat, men vid närmare granskning har en del av motståndarna inte riktigt levt upp till förväntningarna. Domonic Jenkins som har en del imponerande skrällsegrar på sin meritlista, verkade exempelvis inte alls intresserad av att ge Fields något motstånd i deras match i augusti. Det samma kan sägas om Maurice Harris, som när de möttes i juli 2006 enbart verkade vara intresserad av lite lättförtjänta pengar. Det kan naturligtvis vara så att Fields gör motståndet dåligt, men vissa av hans segrar har trots allt något dunkelt över sig, så hoppas att vi får se en toppad Josue Blocus i mars.
tisdag 22 januari 2008
torsdag 17 januari 2008
I dag lyfter vi på hatten för den störste, som föddes den 17 januari 1942 i Louisville, Kentucky, USA under namnet Cassius Marcellus Clay Jr.
söndag 13 januari 2008
Basketboll bytes mot boxboll
I fredags kväll fick Sundsvall Dragons besök av en medelålders gentleman på genomresa. Hela basketsverige gick i spinn av att Scottie Pippen, en före detta superstjärna, fyra år efter avslutat värv gjorde en tillfällig comeback med EN match i basketens elitserie. I Las Vegas, några timmar senare, gjorde en annan före detta basketspelare profesionell boxningsdebut. Kaspars Kambala - före detta lettisk landslagsman i basket och en kämpe på en bra bit över två meter klev med buller och bång in i ringen för att göra sin debut. Richard Steele, en legendarisk domare som numera sadlat om och blivit tränare har tagit den väldige letten under sina vingar. Det Steele i det här fallet gör i handling är en tanke som kittlat många boxningsdiskussioner under åren, nämligen hur lång tid det skulle ta att bygga upp en tungviktsboxare från grunden om han har alla de rätta fysiska företräderna.
Om man bortser från övriga kampsporter kommer de flesta sportbytarna till boxningen från den amerikanska fotbollen, men även en del basketspelare har sökt lyckan inom boxningen. Det mest kända exemplet de senare åren är kanske Mike Grant som under slutet av 90-talet målades upp som det stora amerikanska tungviktshoppet som skulle plocka ner Lennox Lewis från tronen. När det väl kom till kritan såg Grant ut som en komplett nybörjare i jämförelse med den erfarne Lewis, som sänkte Grant i den andra ronden en aprilnatt år 2000. Grant hade alla de rätta atletiska förutsättningarna, men blev trots detta ganska enkelt utmanövrerad i slutändan.
Att Kaspars Kambala, trots den rätta fysiken, har en del kvar att lära blev vi varse i fredags, när hypen kom av sig redan innan den hade börjat. Alvaro Morales, en rejält överviktig yngling hade nämligen inte läst manuset ordentligt utan avslöjade i en oavgjord fyrarondare, med ganska enkla medel, Kambala som den boxningsnybörjare han faktiskt är. Kamabalas boxningskarriär är inte slut med detta, men han har en lång väg att vandra om karriären är tänkt att nå utanför Las Vegas bakgator.
En annan och kanske än mer intressant före detta basketspelare är Kelvin Price som till dags dato gått tre proffsmatcher som alla vunnits enkelt på knockout. Motståndet har naturligtvis varit på en ganska låg nivå, men det är många som tror på den 32-årige Price som en framtida stjärna inom sporten. Price var en mycket framgångsrik basketspelare på universitetsnivå, när han stötte ihop med Roy Jones som tog med honom till sin pappa och tränare Roy Jones sr. Price ägnade sedan nästan fem år, under Jones den äldres ledning, åt att lära sig boxningens ABC innan han i somras gjorde sin professionella debut. Det som skiljer Price från många andra är att han gjort sin hemläxa ordentligt, och frågar du läraren, är han övertygat om att hans adept är en tungviktsvärldsmästare i vardande. Den gamle basketspelaren som är över två meter lång kombinerar enligt Jones sr storlek, räckvidd och slagstyrka med snabbhet och smidighet på ett sätt som kommer att göra honom mycket svårslagen i framtiden. Pappa Jones är naturligtvis part i målet och få har lyckats göra ett framgångsrikt byte till "självförsvarets ädla konst" men få har också gått lika grundligt till väga som Kelvin Price.
Om man bortser från övriga kampsporter kommer de flesta sportbytarna till boxningen från den amerikanska fotbollen, men även en del basketspelare har sökt lyckan inom boxningen. Det mest kända exemplet de senare åren är kanske Mike Grant som under slutet av 90-talet målades upp som det stora amerikanska tungviktshoppet som skulle plocka ner Lennox Lewis från tronen. När det väl kom till kritan såg Grant ut som en komplett nybörjare i jämförelse med den erfarne Lewis, som sänkte Grant i den andra ronden en aprilnatt år 2000. Grant hade alla de rätta atletiska förutsättningarna, men blev trots detta ganska enkelt utmanövrerad i slutändan.
Att Kaspars Kambala, trots den rätta fysiken, har en del kvar att lära blev vi varse i fredags, när hypen kom av sig redan innan den hade börjat. Alvaro Morales, en rejält överviktig yngling hade nämligen inte läst manuset ordentligt utan avslöjade i en oavgjord fyrarondare, med ganska enkla medel, Kambala som den boxningsnybörjare han faktiskt är. Kamabalas boxningskarriär är inte slut med detta, men han har en lång väg att vandra om karriären är tänkt att nå utanför Las Vegas bakgator.
En annan och kanske än mer intressant före detta basketspelare är Kelvin Price som till dags dato gått tre proffsmatcher som alla vunnits enkelt på knockout. Motståndet har naturligtvis varit på en ganska låg nivå, men det är många som tror på den 32-årige Price som en framtida stjärna inom sporten. Price var en mycket framgångsrik basketspelare på universitetsnivå, när han stötte ihop med Roy Jones som tog med honom till sin pappa och tränare Roy Jones sr. Price ägnade sedan nästan fem år, under Jones den äldres ledning, åt att lära sig boxningens ABC innan han i somras gjorde sin professionella debut. Det som skiljer Price från många andra är att han gjort sin hemläxa ordentligt, och frågar du läraren, är han övertygat om att hans adept är en tungviktsvärldsmästare i vardande. Den gamle basketspelaren som är över två meter lång kombinerar enligt Jones sr storlek, räckvidd och slagstyrka med snabbhet och smidighet på ett sätt som kommer att göra honom mycket svårslagen i framtiden. Pappa Jones är naturligtvis part i målet och få har lyckats göra ett framgångsrikt byte till "självförsvarets ädla konst" men få har också gått lika grundligt till väga som Kelvin Price.
Kubaner i exil
Få saker är så fyllda med mytologi som boxning på Kuba. När Teofilo Stevenson var som bäst på 70-talet skrevs det spaltmeter om vad som skulle ha hänt om han fått möta Muhammad Ali i en professionell ring. När kubanen och Stevensons efterträdare på den kubanska supertungviktstronen Jorge Luis Gonzalez hoppade av och blev proffs 1991, vattnades det i mångas munnar. Nu skulle vi äntligen få se hur den kubanska boxningsstilen stod sig som proffsboxning. Fyra år senare blev den väldige Gonzalez enkelt nedplockad av Riddick Bowe, en boxare som Gonzalez i sin tur ganska enkelt hade besegrat som amatör. Gonzalez magplask tog många som ett bevis på att skillnaden mellan kubansk amatörboxning och proffsboxning är milsvid. Det man glömde var framförallt två saker. Gonzalez hade vid tiden för sitt avhopp under ett par års tid inte boxats många matcher. Den då några år yngre och den numera tragiskt bortgångne stilboxaren Roberto Balado hade redan två år tidigare passerat Gonzalez som Kubas nummer ett inom supertungvikten. Den Gonzalez som äntrade proffsringen var alltså en skugga av sitt forna boxningsjag redan 1991. Att Gonzalez sedan under sin professionella period inte tog sin träning på allvar, utan föredrog Miamis vilda uteliv i stället gjorde inte saken bättre när han ställdes mot sin gamla rival.
Vilt uteliv har annars varit exilkubanska boxare ständiga följeslagare, och då inte bara i Miamis jetset-kvarter. Juan Carlos Gomez som under slutet av 90-talet och med Tyskland som plattform arbetade sig upp som den ledande cruiserviktaren i världen, hade vid sidan av ringen stora svårigheter att förlika sig med den tyska disciplinen. istället fylldes tysk press av Gomez ständiga partajande i Hamburgs nattliv. Gomez har i dag gått upp i tungvikt och säger sig ha de glada partydagrna bakom sig, men övergången från att vara den dominernde cruiserviktaren till att bli en tungviktare att räkna med är annars snårigare än vad Gomez från början trott. När han i oktober 2003 lekte med turken Sinan Samil Sam trodde många att Gomez skulle bli minst lika lyckosam som Holyfield drygt tio år tidigare hade blivit i sitt byte från cruiservikt till tungvikt. Men Gomez tungviktbana visade sig både vara vinglig och krokig. Gomez lockades över till Miami där han efter diverse dispyter utanför ringen blev knockad av landsmannen Yanki Diaz (Yamplier Azcuy som amatör). Den skicklige stilboxaren återkom sedan till Tyskland där han i oktober 2005 boxade ut tuffingen Oliver McCall, en seger som visade sig kortvarig då spår av kokain hade hittats i Gomez kropp. På det följde avstängning, löften om ett drogfritt liv, och nu senast ytterligare en match och vinst mot McCall. Inom kort ska Gomez gå en utmanarmatch mot den långsamme men extremt hårdslående ukrainaren Vladimir Virchis.
Nybliven stallkamrat med Gomez i tyska Arena är den kubanske superstjärnan Odlanier Solis. Solis slog som amatör igenom i slutet av 90-talet när han som tonåring gjorde livet surt för legenden Felix Savon. Många ansåg också att Savons biljett till Sydney-OS egentligen skulle tilldelats Solis. När Savon till slut la handskarna på hyllan fick i alla fall arvtagaren Solis sin chans, vilket ledde till tre VM-guld och ett OS-guld innan han för ungefär ett år sedan hoppade av den kubanska amatörboxningen för ett lukrativt proffskontrakt i Tyskland. Som amatör var Solis en fantastisk boxare som med kvicka händer och snabba fötter fick sina motståndare att se väldigt tröga och långsamma ut. Trots sin relativa korthet hade han heller inga problem att framgångsrikt gå upp från tungvikt till supertungvikt. Sin profesionella debut gjorde han i april 2007 där han bombade ut den rutinerade Andreas Sidon. Solis hann sedan med ytterligare fem matcher under året och ingen kan klaga på motståndet. Det var länge sedan en tungviktare hade en sådan tuff matchning i inledningen av sin karriär. Och den enda som (möjligen) har vunnit en rond mot Solis hittlis är faktiskt svensken Aldo Colliander som i juli 2007 förlorade en fyrarondare mot kubanen. Trots denna framgångssaga finns det moln på himlen. Likt Gonzalez och Gomez har Solis en fallenhet för det glada livet, vilket bland annat visat sig i en trivselvikt långt över den perfekta. Jag är heller inte helt säker på att hans promoter Ahmet Öner vet vilken boxartyp han har att göra med. Öner missar inte en chans att presentera Solis som en kubansk Tyson och även om det ser ut som Solis har blivit mer slagkraftig på senare tid är han allt annat än en endimensionell knockoutboxare. Odlanier Solis är vid sidan av ryssen Alexander Povetkin det mest intressanta nytillskottet på tungviktshimlen men om han vill bli ett allvarligt hot till den absoluta toppen måste han börja utnyttja sin naturbegåvning på ett bättre sätt. Solis bör i de kommande matcherna dansa mer så att hans kvicka händer, precision och snabba reflexer får mer utrymme. En överviktig Odlanier Solis som fokuserar allt för mycket på snabba knockoutvinster kommer inte att vinna några stora titlar i framtiden.
Vid sidan av Solis och Gomez har även den enorme Pedro Carrion gjort sig en liten karriär i Tyskland. Alexander Povetkin har sagt att den knappa segern mot Carrion i VM-finalen 2003 är en av de tuffaste i Povetkins karriär. Är det dock någon av de nya kubanernas proffsäventyr som kan jämföras med Jorge Luis Gonzalez är det Carrion. Likt Gonzalez var Carrion så gott som pensionerad när han i början av 2006 inledde sin professionella bana. Det verkar heller inte riktigt som Carrion vet om han ska ta sin proffsboxning på allvar eller inte. Redan i sin tredje match blev han inkallad som "motsåndare" för det obesegrade hemmahoppet Manuel Charr. Carrion "förlorade" men blev enligt de flesta vid ringside "bestulen" på segern. Det cirkulerar också olika uppgifter om hans ålder, allt från 32 till 37 har nämnts. Senaste gången Carrion sågs i ringen var i april 2007, så vi får väl se om det finns något mer i påsen för Pedro Carrion.
En annan tyskkuban men boxandes för det till Arena konkurrerande Sauerlandstallet är cruiserviktaren Yoan Pablo Hernandez. Han har till skillnad från många andra kubaner visat en positiv utvecklingskurva som profesionell. Hernandez i dag och för ett år sedan är två helt skilda boxare. Han är mycket mer fokuserad och skärpt i dag och kommer med säkerhet vinna en av cruiserviktens väldsmästarbälten. Eftersom Hernandez är längre än de flesta andra cruiserviktare så kommer han i händelse av idel framgångar förmodligen att doppa tårna i tungviktsklassen i framtiden.
Ett intressant nytillskott på den exilkubanska kartan är nyss fyllda 22-åringen Ismaikel Perez som precis landat i Irland, där han under namnet Mike Perez tänker boxa sig uppåt på rankinglistorna. Han var tungviktare som amatör, och som sådan knapp tvåa i Kuba efter Osmay Acosta. Stilmässigt sägs Mike Perez vara en slagkraftig och rörlig southpawboxare, så han kan vara värd att hålla utkik efter.
Vilt uteliv har annars varit exilkubanska boxare ständiga följeslagare, och då inte bara i Miamis jetset-kvarter. Juan Carlos Gomez som under slutet av 90-talet och med Tyskland som plattform arbetade sig upp som den ledande cruiserviktaren i världen, hade vid sidan av ringen stora svårigheter att förlika sig med den tyska disciplinen. istället fylldes tysk press av Gomez ständiga partajande i Hamburgs nattliv. Gomez har i dag gått upp i tungvikt och säger sig ha de glada partydagrna bakom sig, men övergången från att vara den dominernde cruiserviktaren till att bli en tungviktare att räkna med är annars snårigare än vad Gomez från början trott. När han i oktober 2003 lekte med turken Sinan Samil Sam trodde många att Gomez skulle bli minst lika lyckosam som Holyfield drygt tio år tidigare hade blivit i sitt byte från cruiservikt till tungvikt. Men Gomez tungviktbana visade sig både vara vinglig och krokig. Gomez lockades över till Miami där han efter diverse dispyter utanför ringen blev knockad av landsmannen Yanki Diaz (Yamplier Azcuy som amatör). Den skicklige stilboxaren återkom sedan till Tyskland där han i oktober 2005 boxade ut tuffingen Oliver McCall, en seger som visade sig kortvarig då spår av kokain hade hittats i Gomez kropp. På det följde avstängning, löften om ett drogfritt liv, och nu senast ytterligare en match och vinst mot McCall. Inom kort ska Gomez gå en utmanarmatch mot den långsamme men extremt hårdslående ukrainaren Vladimir Virchis.
Nybliven stallkamrat med Gomez i tyska Arena är den kubanske superstjärnan Odlanier Solis. Solis slog som amatör igenom i slutet av 90-talet när han som tonåring gjorde livet surt för legenden Felix Savon. Många ansåg också att Savons biljett till Sydney-OS egentligen skulle tilldelats Solis. När Savon till slut la handskarna på hyllan fick i alla fall arvtagaren Solis sin chans, vilket ledde till tre VM-guld och ett OS-guld innan han för ungefär ett år sedan hoppade av den kubanska amatörboxningen för ett lukrativt proffskontrakt i Tyskland. Som amatör var Solis en fantastisk boxare som med kvicka händer och snabba fötter fick sina motståndare att se väldigt tröga och långsamma ut. Trots sin relativa korthet hade han heller inga problem att framgångsrikt gå upp från tungvikt till supertungvikt. Sin profesionella debut gjorde han i april 2007 där han bombade ut den rutinerade Andreas Sidon. Solis hann sedan med ytterligare fem matcher under året och ingen kan klaga på motståndet. Det var länge sedan en tungviktare hade en sådan tuff matchning i inledningen av sin karriär. Och den enda som (möjligen) har vunnit en rond mot Solis hittlis är faktiskt svensken Aldo Colliander som i juli 2007 förlorade en fyrarondare mot kubanen. Trots denna framgångssaga finns det moln på himlen. Likt Gonzalez och Gomez har Solis en fallenhet för det glada livet, vilket bland annat visat sig i en trivselvikt långt över den perfekta. Jag är heller inte helt säker på att hans promoter Ahmet Öner vet vilken boxartyp han har att göra med. Öner missar inte en chans att presentera Solis som en kubansk Tyson och även om det ser ut som Solis har blivit mer slagkraftig på senare tid är han allt annat än en endimensionell knockoutboxare. Odlanier Solis är vid sidan av ryssen Alexander Povetkin det mest intressanta nytillskottet på tungviktshimlen men om han vill bli ett allvarligt hot till den absoluta toppen måste han börja utnyttja sin naturbegåvning på ett bättre sätt. Solis bör i de kommande matcherna dansa mer så att hans kvicka händer, precision och snabba reflexer får mer utrymme. En överviktig Odlanier Solis som fokuserar allt för mycket på snabba knockoutvinster kommer inte att vinna några stora titlar i framtiden.
Vid sidan av Solis och Gomez har även den enorme Pedro Carrion gjort sig en liten karriär i Tyskland. Alexander Povetkin har sagt att den knappa segern mot Carrion i VM-finalen 2003 är en av de tuffaste i Povetkins karriär. Är det dock någon av de nya kubanernas proffsäventyr som kan jämföras med Jorge Luis Gonzalez är det Carrion. Likt Gonzalez var Carrion så gott som pensionerad när han i början av 2006 inledde sin professionella bana. Det verkar heller inte riktigt som Carrion vet om han ska ta sin proffsboxning på allvar eller inte. Redan i sin tredje match blev han inkallad som "motsåndare" för det obesegrade hemmahoppet Manuel Charr. Carrion "förlorade" men blev enligt de flesta vid ringside "bestulen" på segern. Det cirkulerar också olika uppgifter om hans ålder, allt från 32 till 37 har nämnts. Senaste gången Carrion sågs i ringen var i april 2007, så vi får väl se om det finns något mer i påsen för Pedro Carrion.
En annan tyskkuban men boxandes för det till Arena konkurrerande Sauerlandstallet är cruiserviktaren Yoan Pablo Hernandez. Han har till skillnad från många andra kubaner visat en positiv utvecklingskurva som profesionell. Hernandez i dag och för ett år sedan är två helt skilda boxare. Han är mycket mer fokuserad och skärpt i dag och kommer med säkerhet vinna en av cruiserviktens väldsmästarbälten. Eftersom Hernandez är längre än de flesta andra cruiserviktare så kommer han i händelse av idel framgångar förmodligen att doppa tårna i tungviktsklassen i framtiden.
Ett intressant nytillskott på den exilkubanska kartan är nyss fyllda 22-åringen Ismaikel Perez som precis landat i Irland, där han under namnet Mike Perez tänker boxa sig uppåt på rankinglistorna. Han var tungviktare som amatör, och som sådan knapp tvåa i Kuba efter Osmay Acosta. Stilmässigt sägs Mike Perez vara en slagkraftig och rörlig southpawboxare, så han kan vara värd att hålla utkik efter.
Född motståndare
Det finns ingen sport som är så fixerade vid dåtid som boxning. I vilken annan sport grävs fem år gamla resultat upp i ljuset för att användas som ett bevis för bristande kapacitet. Det finns därför ingen annan sport där din meritförteckning är så viktig som i boxning, och det är här den profesionella "motståndaren" gör entré. Som motståndare förväntas du bjuda på bra motstånd, men ändå förlora. Hur bra motsånd du förväntas göra beror på din plats i motståndarhierarkien. Längst ner står de som enbart är där för att ge hemmaboxaren ett plus i vinst- och gärna också knockoutprotokollet. På engelska kallas de för "recordpadders". En siffra i protokollet och ihågkomna av inga. Längst upp i hierearkien står grindvakterna. De som testar om hemmaboxaren är redo för nästa steg. Om hemmaboxaren är någonting att ha, förväntas naturligtvis även grindvakten förlora. Men hans status är ändå att vara ett något så när tufft motstånd och därmed ett pålitligt test för den som vill uppåt på rankingen. Är de några som är vår tids gladiatorer är de dessa betalda motståndare. De som utan tanke på sina "egna" karriärer reser land och rike runt för att på kort varsel kunna hoppa in lite här och var. Ofta talangfulla, men utan några stora finansiärer eller nån känd promoter bakom sig "tvingas" de mer eller mindre boxas för brödfödan. Men då och då händer det att även "motståndare" gör sig ett namn som någonting mer än enbart förutsägbara stationer på resan till titelmatchen.
För drygt tio år sedan ställde Maurice Harris många högflygande drömmar på ända. Under sin "storhetstid" som tungviktsboxningens "spoiler" var han Lennox Lewis favoritsparring samtidigt som han blandade matcher på absoluta toppnivå med riktiga bottennapp. Harris inledde som sextonårig smågangster sin boxningskarriär, utan tanke på något annat än snabba pengar. Att Harris var en osedvanligt lovande talang märktes snabbt och ryktet gick bland gymen i New Jersey om den gänglige ynglingen som hade boxningen i kroppen men inte brydde sig om något annat än sitt gage. Flera gånger kunde han fullständigt boxa ut sin motståndare i två ronder för att sedan i rond tre helt ogenerat falla som en fura för en träff han inte ens blinkat åt tidigare i matchen. Nyckfullhet var bara förnamnet på Harris agerande i ringen. Första gången han på allvar lät tala om sig, var när den obesegrade silvermedaljören från Barcelona, David Izon i mars 1996 blev utboxad av den då okände Maurice Harris. För Harris del var det inget märkvärdigt, så han gick i kommande matcher tillbaka till sin gamla losermentalitet. Drygt ett år senare dök Harris namn upp igen när den hårdslående Jimmy Thunder ville ha en slagpåse att öva svingar på. Den gänglige ynglingen från New Jersey valde återigen att inte lyssna med det örat, utan istället fick han Thunder att slå stora hål i luften samtidigt som han själv övade dubbel- och trippeljabbar på den förvånade och frustrerade kraftkarlen från "down under". Harris började då för ett tag ta sitt boxande på allvar och många var de som led med den då 21-årige Harris, när han i matchen efteråt gav legenden Larry Holmes en boxningslektion, enbart för att se sig bortdömd i en mycket tveksam poängseger för den gamle värlsmästaren.
Maurice Harris la då ner verksamheten i ett års tid, men kom sedan tillbaka ivrigt påhejad av Lennox Lewis tränare Manny Steward som redan då var övertygad om att Harris var världens näst bäste tungviktare, och när Harris i juni 1999 på kort varsel hoppade in som ersättare till Hasim Rahman i en match mot en annan av Lewis sparringpartners Jeremy Williams, blev Lewis mycket förvånad. Williams kan väl inte vara så korkad att han går upp mot Harris tyckte Lewis. Men det gjorde Jeremy Williams som nog såg sig blind på Harris usla CV och tänkte att det inte skulle vara några problem. Men problem blev det. Trots en bruten hand i början av matchen, boxade en så gott som enarmad Harris ut Williams. Under hösten samma år blev Harris sedan brutalt utslagen av Derrick Jefferson i vad som anses vara en av de grymmaste knockoutslagen de senaste tio åren. Men Harris, boxaren med nio liv, fortsatte att kryssa mellan utmanare och unga hopp i viktklassen. Efter förluster mot Chris Byrd och Henry Akinwande trodde nog de flesta att Harris inte var ett hot längre. Den obesegrade vitryssen och sedemera världsmästaren Sergej Liakhovich var en av dom som lät luras, då han i juni 2002 accepterade matchen mot Harris. Ytterligare en gång visade Harris upp sig från sin bästa sida och slog ut vitryssen i den nionde ronden. 2003 blev Harris själv utslagen i en utmanarmatch mot puertoricanen Fres Oquendo. Eftersom det ryktades om hjärnskador för Harris trodde de flesta att karriären här var över, men tre år senare och 20 kilo tyngre dök Harris upp igen. Den här gången för att bli kanonföda åt den väldige Tye Fields. En ointresserad Harris lufsade omkring i ett par ronder för att sedan ge upp ... för alltid trodde vi nu alla ... men det sista kapitlet är inte skrivet då Harris nu under hösten gick upp och vann i ringen ytterligare en gång. Nånting säger mig att det finns rum för ytterligare en skrällseger från Harris sida ... eller inte.
Dagens motsvarighet till Maurice Harris är Demetrice King. Likt Harris har King allt för många oinspirerade matcher där han underpresterat på sitt samvete. Stilmässigt är/var Harris mycket mer av en stilboxare än King, men King är ingen oäven boxare, och likt Harris inledde han också sin karriär tidigt. King blev snart uppringd av betydligt erfarnare herrar som ville ha någon som bet ifrån så där lagom mycket. Femton förluster har det sedan blivit genom åren för King, men få är de gånger han inte boxat jämnt med den tänkte vinnaren och under 2007 har även segrarna kommit. Bland annat utsatte han den dittils obesegrade knockoutkungen, kanadensaren Bermane Stiverne för dennes första nederlag. King blev som så gott som alla av Stivernes motståndare nedslagen i den första ronden, men till skllnad från de andra reste sig King och kom tillbaka på ett heroiskt sätt då han i fjärde ronden själv stog som segrare på teknisk knockout. Raymond Olubowale är en annan hemmaboxare som blivit fälld av King. Och på samma sätt som Maurice Harris gjorde så många gånger, lovar nu Demetrice King hundraprocentig satsning i fortsättningen. Bägge boxarna säger sig ha förlorat många matcher som borde, alternativt kunde vunnits.
När det snackades som mest om Maurice Harris urusla meritlista och sparringframgångar, spekulerades det ofta i hur bra Harris kunde bli med optimala förberedelser, men saken med Harris var att han var som bäst när förberedelserna var så gott som minimala. När han i några få matcher fick den där efterfrågade möjligheten till så gott som hundraprocentig satsning, uteblev resultaten. Maurice Harris var alltid som bäst som inhoppare på kort varsel, när han utan någon press på sig kunde boxas avslappnat. Ett välavlönat sparringpass för Harris och en förväntad seger för motståndare, fick honom att leva ut för fullt. När däremot skriverierena kring hans usla "record" var som störst och han nästan målades upp som favorit mot på pappret bättre motståndare, var han som sämst.
Vi får väl se hur det blir med Demetrice Kings löften om satsning, han kanske trots allt har de mentala förutsättningar som Harris uppenbarligen saknade. Men det kommer i dagens "record"-fixerade boxning att vara svårt för honom att få den respekt han förtjänar. Hans meritlista kommer att vid en ytlig betraktelse se dålig ut, även om han från och med nu vinner femton raka segrar. Förmodligen kommer Kings roll även i framtiden vara "motståndarens" och jag tror kanske inte att den snart 23-årige sensationsmannen kommer att nå lika långt som den nyckfulle men extremt begåvade Maurice Harris. Men Demetrice King är i alla fall ett ypperligt exempel på att en boxare med femton förluster inte nödvändigtvis är en slagpåse.
För drygt tio år sedan ställde Maurice Harris många högflygande drömmar på ända. Under sin "storhetstid" som tungviktsboxningens "spoiler" var han Lennox Lewis favoritsparring samtidigt som han blandade matcher på absoluta toppnivå med riktiga bottennapp. Harris inledde som sextonårig smågangster sin boxningskarriär, utan tanke på något annat än snabba pengar. Att Harris var en osedvanligt lovande talang märktes snabbt och ryktet gick bland gymen i New Jersey om den gänglige ynglingen som hade boxningen i kroppen men inte brydde sig om något annat än sitt gage. Flera gånger kunde han fullständigt boxa ut sin motståndare i två ronder för att sedan i rond tre helt ogenerat falla som en fura för en träff han inte ens blinkat åt tidigare i matchen. Nyckfullhet var bara förnamnet på Harris agerande i ringen. Första gången han på allvar lät tala om sig, var när den obesegrade silvermedaljören från Barcelona, David Izon i mars 1996 blev utboxad av den då okände Maurice Harris. För Harris del var det inget märkvärdigt, så han gick i kommande matcher tillbaka till sin gamla losermentalitet. Drygt ett år senare dök Harris namn upp igen när den hårdslående Jimmy Thunder ville ha en slagpåse att öva svingar på. Den gänglige ynglingen från New Jersey valde återigen att inte lyssna med det örat, utan istället fick han Thunder att slå stora hål i luften samtidigt som han själv övade dubbel- och trippeljabbar på den förvånade och frustrerade kraftkarlen från "down under". Harris började då för ett tag ta sitt boxande på allvar och många var de som led med den då 21-årige Harris, när han i matchen efteråt gav legenden Larry Holmes en boxningslektion, enbart för att se sig bortdömd i en mycket tveksam poängseger för den gamle värlsmästaren.
Maurice Harris la då ner verksamheten i ett års tid, men kom sedan tillbaka ivrigt påhejad av Lennox Lewis tränare Manny Steward som redan då var övertygad om att Harris var världens näst bäste tungviktare, och när Harris i juni 1999 på kort varsel hoppade in som ersättare till Hasim Rahman i en match mot en annan av Lewis sparringpartners Jeremy Williams, blev Lewis mycket förvånad. Williams kan väl inte vara så korkad att han går upp mot Harris tyckte Lewis. Men det gjorde Jeremy Williams som nog såg sig blind på Harris usla CV och tänkte att det inte skulle vara några problem. Men problem blev det. Trots en bruten hand i början av matchen, boxade en så gott som enarmad Harris ut Williams. Under hösten samma år blev Harris sedan brutalt utslagen av Derrick Jefferson i vad som anses vara en av de grymmaste knockoutslagen de senaste tio åren. Men Harris, boxaren med nio liv, fortsatte att kryssa mellan utmanare och unga hopp i viktklassen. Efter förluster mot Chris Byrd och Henry Akinwande trodde nog de flesta att Harris inte var ett hot längre. Den obesegrade vitryssen och sedemera världsmästaren Sergej Liakhovich var en av dom som lät luras, då han i juni 2002 accepterade matchen mot Harris. Ytterligare en gång visade Harris upp sig från sin bästa sida och slog ut vitryssen i den nionde ronden. 2003 blev Harris själv utslagen i en utmanarmatch mot puertoricanen Fres Oquendo. Eftersom det ryktades om hjärnskador för Harris trodde de flesta att karriären här var över, men tre år senare och 20 kilo tyngre dök Harris upp igen. Den här gången för att bli kanonföda åt den väldige Tye Fields. En ointresserad Harris lufsade omkring i ett par ronder för att sedan ge upp ... för alltid trodde vi nu alla ... men det sista kapitlet är inte skrivet då Harris nu under hösten gick upp och vann i ringen ytterligare en gång. Nånting säger mig att det finns rum för ytterligare en skrällseger från Harris sida ... eller inte.
Dagens motsvarighet till Maurice Harris är Demetrice King. Likt Harris har King allt för många oinspirerade matcher där han underpresterat på sitt samvete. Stilmässigt är/var Harris mycket mer av en stilboxare än King, men King är ingen oäven boxare, och likt Harris inledde han också sin karriär tidigt. King blev snart uppringd av betydligt erfarnare herrar som ville ha någon som bet ifrån så där lagom mycket. Femton förluster har det sedan blivit genom åren för King, men få är de gånger han inte boxat jämnt med den tänkte vinnaren och under 2007 har även segrarna kommit. Bland annat utsatte han den dittils obesegrade knockoutkungen, kanadensaren Bermane Stiverne för dennes första nederlag. King blev som så gott som alla av Stivernes motståndare nedslagen i den första ronden, men till skllnad från de andra reste sig King och kom tillbaka på ett heroiskt sätt då han i fjärde ronden själv stog som segrare på teknisk knockout. Raymond Olubowale är en annan hemmaboxare som blivit fälld av King. Och på samma sätt som Maurice Harris gjorde så många gånger, lovar nu Demetrice King hundraprocentig satsning i fortsättningen. Bägge boxarna säger sig ha förlorat många matcher som borde, alternativt kunde vunnits.
När det snackades som mest om Maurice Harris urusla meritlista och sparringframgångar, spekulerades det ofta i hur bra Harris kunde bli med optimala förberedelser, men saken med Harris var att han var som bäst när förberedelserna var så gott som minimala. När han i några få matcher fick den där efterfrågade möjligheten till så gott som hundraprocentig satsning, uteblev resultaten. Maurice Harris var alltid som bäst som inhoppare på kort varsel, när han utan någon press på sig kunde boxas avslappnat. Ett välavlönat sparringpass för Harris och en förväntad seger för motståndare, fick honom att leva ut för fullt. När däremot skriverierena kring hans usla "record" var som störst och han nästan målades upp som favorit mot på pappret bättre motståndare, var han som sämst.
Vi får väl se hur det blir med Demetrice Kings löften om satsning, han kanske trots allt har de mentala förutsättningar som Harris uppenbarligen saknade. Men det kommer i dagens "record"-fixerade boxning att vara svårt för honom att få den respekt han förtjänar. Hans meritlista kommer att vid en ytlig betraktelse se dålig ut, även om han från och med nu vinner femton raka segrar. Förmodligen kommer Kings roll även i framtiden vara "motståndarens" och jag tror kanske inte att den snart 23-årige sensationsmannen kommer att nå lika långt som den nyckfulle men extremt begåvade Maurice Harris. Men Demetrice King är i alla fall ett ypperligt exempel på att en boxare med femton förluster inte nödvändigtvis är en slagpåse.
onsdag 9 januari 2008
Uppgång och fall
När Audley Harrison utklassade allt motstånd i de olympiska spelen i Sydney 2000, var jag övertygad om att han vid det här laget, sju år senare, skulle ha ha varit den profesionella tungviktens dominant i ett par års tid. Det jag då såg var en boxare i bröderna Klitschkos storlek, med smidighet och snabbhet som en mellanviktare, och eftersom han dessutom verkade ha löd i nävarna var allt upplagt för ett ur brittiskt perspektiv perfekt tronskifte.
Den gamle, Lennox Lewis började närma sig slutet på en framgångsrik karriär och den "unge" Harrison hade precis påbörjat den resa som Joe Frazier, George Foreman, Lennox Lewis och Vladimir Klitschko gjort före honom, nämligen den resa som börjar med olympiskt guld i tungvikt/supertungvikt och sedan når sitt mål när det ur högtalarna ekar "and the new heavyweight champion of the world ...".
Den olympiska guldmedaljen i den tyngsta klassen har de senaste 40 åren så gott som alltid inneburit ära och berömmelse i den profesionella ringen. Det enda lilla undantaget var 1984 års guldmedaljör Tyrell Biggs, men Biggs vann ett år då varken kubaner eller öststatare var med. Dessutom hade den amerikanske stilboxaren, om han nått toppen tio, femton eller tjugo år senare, förmodligen tagit ett av de stora bälterna. 1987 innehade nämligen en Mike Tyson, på toppen av sin storhetsperiod, alla tre mästarbälterna. Tyrell Biggs enda väg till ett bälte gick alltså genom denne oslagbare knockoutmaskin, som Tyson faktiskt var under 80-talets senare del. Ingen kan heller säga att Biggs inte gjorde ett ärligt försök. Under de första ronderna dansade Biggs omkring som sin stora förebild från Louisville. Tyson lät sig dock inte frustreras av den firade amatören med det rappa fotarbetet, och efter ett par ronder, när Biggs inte längre dansade som en fjäril var det bara en tidsfråga innan Tyson hade trängt in Biggs i ett hörn för att utdela nådastöten. Tyrell Biggs blev aldrig den samme efter detta, men han nådde i alla fall så långt han kunde. I en annan tid när en oslagbar Tyson inte satt som ensam herre på täppan hade det förmodligen räckt ännu längre.
Men när Audley Harrison i maj 2001 inledde sin karriär med bar överkropp fanns ingen Tyson. Lennox Lewis var på väg att abdikera och ingen gjorde direkt anspråk på att axla manteln. Röda mattan var utrullad och det var bara för Harrison att luta sig tillbaka och njuta av resan. Sju år senare är Audley Harrison ett skämt, en driftkucku utan motsvarighet i boxningskretsar.
Så vad gick egentligen snett? Personligen tror jag att Audley Harrison vid det här laget hade varit nummer ett, OM boxningen följt samma regler som andra sporter. Men problemet, eller om man så vill tjusningen, med boxning är att det inte kan reduceras till ett spel. Så gott som alla andra sporter är också spel, men det går inte att med bästa vilja i världen kalla boxning för ett spel. Man kan spela fotboll eller ishockey, men du kan inte spela boxning. En boxare försvarar inte något för spelet uppfunnet, utan han försvarar sin egen högst påtagliga kropp och förväntas därmed utsätta sig för något som 99% av mänskligheten finner mycket obehagligt, nämligen fysiskt våld. De flesta av oss vill inte att någon annan skall puckla på oss, och jag tror helt enkelt att Audley Harrison likt 99% av befolkningen inte gillar att bli påpucklad. Hans "brist" är alltså en mycket mänsklig brist i den meningen och det är enbart i boxningsringen som "bristen" blir en brist.
Harrison älskar rampljuset och har dessutom all den talang som behövs för att lyckas innanför ringen, men den talangen har väldigt få gånger fått fritt spelrum. När Danny Williams i december 2006 blev överkörd under tre enkelriktade ronder trodde många att Harrison äntligen hittat fram till den punkt där talang och utförande möts, men i själva verket var det nog så att den matchen var undantaget som bekräftar regeln. Efter två otroligt bleka framträdanden, dels mot Williams ett år tidigare, dels mot Dominic Guinn i april 2006, fanns det helt enkelt inga genvägar kvar för Audley. När han nästan på dagen ett år efter debaclet mot Danny Williams gick upp i samma ring igen, boxades den olympiska guldmedaljören för första och enda gången som professionell utan handbroms och hängslen. Den allmänna känslan när Harrison boxades, även före förlusterna mot Williams och Guinn, var alltid att han enbart fläckvis visade oss sin talang. Ett sådant tillfälle var OS-turneringen i Sydney och ett annat var när han med ryggen mot väggen ställdes mot Danny Williams. Det är mycket möjligt att det i Audley Harrisons värld räckte, ungefär som det för oss andra räcker att hoppa fallskärm en gång, för att visa att vi kunde. Det innebär inte att vi blir professionella fallskärmshoppare. När Audley Harrison i februari 2007 återkommer till ringen för ett rutinartat möte med landsmannen Michael Sprott är det återigen handbromsen i. I nästan tre ronder lullar Harrison omkring, när han för en sekund tappar fokus och blir träffad och uträknad.
Frågan är om han därmed lämnade ringen för alltid eller om sista kapitlet i sagan om Audley Harrison ännu inte är skrivet.
Den gamle, Lennox Lewis började närma sig slutet på en framgångsrik karriär och den "unge" Harrison hade precis påbörjat den resa som Joe Frazier, George Foreman, Lennox Lewis och Vladimir Klitschko gjort före honom, nämligen den resa som börjar med olympiskt guld i tungvikt/supertungvikt och sedan når sitt mål när det ur högtalarna ekar "and the new heavyweight champion of the world ...".
Den olympiska guldmedaljen i den tyngsta klassen har de senaste 40 åren så gott som alltid inneburit ära och berömmelse i den profesionella ringen. Det enda lilla undantaget var 1984 års guldmedaljör Tyrell Biggs, men Biggs vann ett år då varken kubaner eller öststatare var med. Dessutom hade den amerikanske stilboxaren, om han nått toppen tio, femton eller tjugo år senare, förmodligen tagit ett av de stora bälterna. 1987 innehade nämligen en Mike Tyson, på toppen av sin storhetsperiod, alla tre mästarbälterna. Tyrell Biggs enda väg till ett bälte gick alltså genom denne oslagbare knockoutmaskin, som Tyson faktiskt var under 80-talets senare del. Ingen kan heller säga att Biggs inte gjorde ett ärligt försök. Under de första ronderna dansade Biggs omkring som sin stora förebild från Louisville. Tyson lät sig dock inte frustreras av den firade amatören med det rappa fotarbetet, och efter ett par ronder, när Biggs inte längre dansade som en fjäril var det bara en tidsfråga innan Tyson hade trängt in Biggs i ett hörn för att utdela nådastöten. Tyrell Biggs blev aldrig den samme efter detta, men han nådde i alla fall så långt han kunde. I en annan tid när en oslagbar Tyson inte satt som ensam herre på täppan hade det förmodligen räckt ännu längre.
Men när Audley Harrison i maj 2001 inledde sin karriär med bar överkropp fanns ingen Tyson. Lennox Lewis var på väg att abdikera och ingen gjorde direkt anspråk på att axla manteln. Röda mattan var utrullad och det var bara för Harrison att luta sig tillbaka och njuta av resan. Sju år senare är Audley Harrison ett skämt, en driftkucku utan motsvarighet i boxningskretsar.
Så vad gick egentligen snett? Personligen tror jag att Audley Harrison vid det här laget hade varit nummer ett, OM boxningen följt samma regler som andra sporter. Men problemet, eller om man så vill tjusningen, med boxning är att det inte kan reduceras till ett spel. Så gott som alla andra sporter är också spel, men det går inte att med bästa vilja i världen kalla boxning för ett spel. Man kan spela fotboll eller ishockey, men du kan inte spela boxning. En boxare försvarar inte något för spelet uppfunnet, utan han försvarar sin egen högst påtagliga kropp och förväntas därmed utsätta sig för något som 99% av mänskligheten finner mycket obehagligt, nämligen fysiskt våld. De flesta av oss vill inte att någon annan skall puckla på oss, och jag tror helt enkelt att Audley Harrison likt 99% av befolkningen inte gillar att bli påpucklad. Hans "brist" är alltså en mycket mänsklig brist i den meningen och det är enbart i boxningsringen som "bristen" blir en brist.
Harrison älskar rampljuset och har dessutom all den talang som behövs för att lyckas innanför ringen, men den talangen har väldigt få gånger fått fritt spelrum. När Danny Williams i december 2006 blev överkörd under tre enkelriktade ronder trodde många att Harrison äntligen hittat fram till den punkt där talang och utförande möts, men i själva verket var det nog så att den matchen var undantaget som bekräftar regeln. Efter två otroligt bleka framträdanden, dels mot Williams ett år tidigare, dels mot Dominic Guinn i april 2006, fanns det helt enkelt inga genvägar kvar för Audley. När han nästan på dagen ett år efter debaclet mot Danny Williams gick upp i samma ring igen, boxades den olympiska guldmedaljören för första och enda gången som professionell utan handbroms och hängslen. Den allmänna känslan när Harrison boxades, även före förlusterna mot Williams och Guinn, var alltid att han enbart fläckvis visade oss sin talang. Ett sådant tillfälle var OS-turneringen i Sydney och ett annat var när han med ryggen mot väggen ställdes mot Danny Williams. Det är mycket möjligt att det i Audley Harrisons värld räckte, ungefär som det för oss andra räcker att hoppa fallskärm en gång, för att visa att vi kunde. Det innebär inte att vi blir professionella fallskärmshoppare. När Audley Harrison i februari 2007 återkommer till ringen för ett rutinartat möte med landsmannen Michael Sprott är det återigen handbromsen i. I nästan tre ronder lullar Harrison omkring, när han för en sekund tappar fokus och blir träffad och uträknad.
Frågan är om han därmed lämnade ringen för alltid eller om sista kapitlet i sagan om Audley Harrison ännu inte är skrivet.
tisdag 8 januari 2008
David Haye
Jag tillhör den lilla minoritet som faktiskt blev lite besviken när det blev klart att David Haye skulle gå en "sista" match som cruiserviktare mot walesaren Enzo Maccarinelli.
Egentligen finns det ingenting att klaga på. Det är förmodligen den mest emotsedda drabbningen mellan två britter sedan Lennox Lewis slog ut Frank Bruno i den sjunde ronden 1993. Matchen har alla ingredienser som kännetecknar en kittlande supermatch. De två främsta i sin viktklass gör upp om den odiskutabla mästartiteln. Att de dessutom kommer från samma del av världen och på många sätt kan ses som varandras motsatser gör inte saken sämre. "Utmanaren" Maccarinelli är hårdingen från Swansea i Wales, medan mästaren Haye är den glassige och kaxige storstadsgrabben från London.
Varför blev jag då besviken?
Mitt problem är att jag är en "heavyholic". Jag ser tungviktsklassen som den ultimata viktklassen, klassen där de bästa boxarna man-mot-man håller till. En stor tung man slår nästan alltid en liten lätt man på samma sätt som långa basketspelare alltid har en naturlig fördel framför korta basketspelare. I min värld blir därför de främsta cruiserviktarna först och främst potentiella tungviktare, ungefär som de bästa lagen i Superettan granskas som potentiella lag i Allsvenskan.
David Haye hade i princip redan gått upp i tungvikt när matchen mot Maccarinelli skrevs in i kalendern och Haye skulle absolut bli en välbehövlig vitamininjektion för tungvikten. Han har alla förutsättningar att lyckas. Engelsmannen slår både snabbt och hårt. Att han dessutom rör sig smidigt som en katt och visar en välbehövlig kaxighet i ringen gör inte saken sämre. Det enda frågetecknet är hans haka, som inte verkar vara gjord av hårdaste material.
Naturligtvis skulle en imponerande seger mot Maccarinelli vara den stora pricken över i:et innan han byter viktklass, men jag är rädd att han riskerar lite för mycket här. I både kropp och själ är Haye redan en tungviktare. Han har de senaste åren fått kämpa enormt med vikten för att klara cruiserviktsgränsen, vilket tär på kroppen i längden. Att han nu dessutom i tanken redan befinner sig i samma viktklass som Klitschko och de andra stora grabbarna gör att den här sista lilla kraftansträngningen i den lättare viktklassen kan bli förödande. David Haye har egentligen de mesta att förlora, medan Enzo Maccarinelli har allt att vinna. Även vid förlust skulle Maccarinelli fortfarande tillhöra de viktiga aktörerna inom cruiservikten, medan en förlust för Haye skulle stjälpa hela hans tungviktskarriär. Vän av ordning kanske här tycker att en förlust för Haye bara skulle vara ett bevis på att han inte hör hemma inom tungvikten. Men om förlusten beror på att han fokuserat för mycket på att klara vikten, samtidigt som han i tankarna redan är någon annanstans tror jag att slutsatsen inte är fullt så enkel.
Matchen ska gå av stapeln i London den 8 mars.
Egentligen finns det ingenting att klaga på. Det är förmodligen den mest emotsedda drabbningen mellan två britter sedan Lennox Lewis slog ut Frank Bruno i den sjunde ronden 1993. Matchen har alla ingredienser som kännetecknar en kittlande supermatch. De två främsta i sin viktklass gör upp om den odiskutabla mästartiteln. Att de dessutom kommer från samma del av världen och på många sätt kan ses som varandras motsatser gör inte saken sämre. "Utmanaren" Maccarinelli är hårdingen från Swansea i Wales, medan mästaren Haye är den glassige och kaxige storstadsgrabben från London.
Varför blev jag då besviken?
Mitt problem är att jag är en "heavyholic". Jag ser tungviktsklassen som den ultimata viktklassen, klassen där de bästa boxarna man-mot-man håller till. En stor tung man slår nästan alltid en liten lätt man på samma sätt som långa basketspelare alltid har en naturlig fördel framför korta basketspelare. I min värld blir därför de främsta cruiserviktarna först och främst potentiella tungviktare, ungefär som de bästa lagen i Superettan granskas som potentiella lag i Allsvenskan.
David Haye hade i princip redan gått upp i tungvikt när matchen mot Maccarinelli skrevs in i kalendern och Haye skulle absolut bli en välbehövlig vitamininjektion för tungvikten. Han har alla förutsättningar att lyckas. Engelsmannen slår både snabbt och hårt. Att han dessutom rör sig smidigt som en katt och visar en välbehövlig kaxighet i ringen gör inte saken sämre. Det enda frågetecknet är hans haka, som inte verkar vara gjord av hårdaste material.
Naturligtvis skulle en imponerande seger mot Maccarinelli vara den stora pricken över i:et innan han byter viktklass, men jag är rädd att han riskerar lite för mycket här. I både kropp och själ är Haye redan en tungviktare. Han har de senaste åren fått kämpa enormt med vikten för att klara cruiserviktsgränsen, vilket tär på kroppen i längden. Att han nu dessutom i tanken redan befinner sig i samma viktklass som Klitschko och de andra stora grabbarna gör att den här sista lilla kraftansträngningen i den lättare viktklassen kan bli förödande. David Haye har egentligen de mesta att förlora, medan Enzo Maccarinelli har allt att vinna. Även vid förlust skulle Maccarinelli fortfarande tillhöra de viktiga aktörerna inom cruiservikten, medan en förlust för Haye skulle stjälpa hela hans tungviktskarriär. Vän av ordning kanske här tycker att en förlust för Haye bara skulle vara ett bevis på att han inte hör hemma inom tungvikten. Men om förlusten beror på att han fokuserat för mycket på att klara vikten, samtidigt som han i tankarna redan är någon annanstans tror jag att slutsatsen inte är fullt så enkel.
Matchen ska gå av stapeln i London den 8 mars.
måndag 7 januari 2008
Evans Quinn
Jag måste erkänna att min faiblesse för Ali-kopior gör att jag ofta hamnar i galen tunna när jag uttalar mig om framtidens tungviktsmästare. Jag har alltid föredragit lekfullheten och kvickheten hos en Ali framför blodtörstigheten och brutaliteten hos en Tyson och då räcker det med några smidiga danssteg, snabba kombinationer och händerna nere vid midjan för att jag ska börja drömma. Min nyfikenhet väcktes därför av ett youtube-klipp på nicaraguanen Evans Quinn från i somras. Quinn har två förluster på sin meritlista, men bägge har han fått sin revansch för.
Nedanstående klipp är från hans segrar över JJ McAllister och Victor Barragan.
Nedanstående klipp är från hans segrar över JJ McAllister och Victor Barragan.
I fredags gick författaren och boxningsvännen Stig Claesson bort. "Slas" var en skriftkonstens defensivboxare. Med små och enkla medel fick han skönlitteraturens sladdertackor att slå stora hål i luften.
So long Slas, hoppas att de säljer The Ring i himlen!
So long Slas, hoppas att de säljer The Ring i himlen!
söndag 6 januari 2008
Son of the Bounty Hunter
När Riddick Bowe i september 1988 fick se sig finalbesegrad av Lennox Lewis i de Olympiska spelen i Söul var Michael Hunter jr endast en månad gammal. Bowes silvermedalj är den senaste olympiska medalj som delats ut till en amerikansk supertungviktare och om vi tittar på den professionella tungviktsboxningen i USA under samma period ser bilden nästan lika mörk ut. De senaste riktigt "stora" tungviktarna från USA är alla barn av åttiotalet. Ingen amerikan har på allvar kunna axla manteln från Mike Tyson, Riddick Bowe och Evander Holyfield, så påståendet att amerikansk tungviksboxning befinner sig i en liten svacka är ett kraftigt understatement. Michael Hunter jr har alltså växt upp under den amerikanska tungviktsboxningen kraftigaste nedgångsperiod någonsin.
Hunters pappa var Mike "Bounty" Hunter - en jovialisk defensivboxare vars stil kan beskrivas som "Chris Byrd på LSD". En gummiman som med händerna nere vid knäna och med ett leende på läpparna fick knockoutkungar att missa grovt. Tyvärr var Mike sr inte den mest disciplinerade idrottsmannen vilket gjorde att hans karriär aldrig nådde de höjder som hans talang erbjöd. Mike "Bounty" Hunters liv fick också ett tragiskt slut i februari 2006 då han efter att viftat med en pistolatrapp framför en polisman blev ihjälskjuten.
Faderns död kan också sägas vara startpunkten för sonens boxningskarriär eftersom han först då började tävlingsboxas. Att Michael jr hade ärvt faderns talang gick inte att ta miste på då han två månader och fem matcher senare gick till final i amerikanska Golden Gloves-mästerskapen. Folket vid ringside nickade igenkännande åt den då 17-årige nybörjarens snabbhet, rörlighet och smidighet och genast började ryktet gå om "Bounty Hunters" son som hade ärvts faderns naturbegåvning för boxning, men utan dennes fallenhet för överdrivet clowneri. Under 2006 fortsatte sedan Hunter att gå från klarhet till klarhet, men det var under sommaren 2007 han fick sitt stora genombrott med segrar i amerikanska mästerskapen och de amerikanska OS-uttagningarna. Det var framförallt sättet han utklassade sina konkurrenter på i OS-uttagningarna som imponerade på många experter. Hunter blev därmed USA:s man i amatör-VM hösten 2007, där han inledde flott men tyvärr fick ge sig i kvartsfinalen mot den ryske världsettan Islam Timurziev. I och med att enbart de fyra främsta i VM fick sin OS-biljett bokad får Hunter försöka kvalificera sig i någon av vårens OS-kval. Men med tanke på den unge och extremt talangfulle Hunters utvecklingskurva tror jag inte att det skall vara några problem. Klippet nedan är från hans förlustmatch mot den ryske stålmannen Timurziev.
Hunters pappa var Mike "Bounty" Hunter - en jovialisk defensivboxare vars stil kan beskrivas som "Chris Byrd på LSD". En gummiman som med händerna nere vid knäna och med ett leende på läpparna fick knockoutkungar att missa grovt. Tyvärr var Mike sr inte den mest disciplinerade idrottsmannen vilket gjorde att hans karriär aldrig nådde de höjder som hans talang erbjöd. Mike "Bounty" Hunters liv fick också ett tragiskt slut i februari 2006 då han efter att viftat med en pistolatrapp framför en polisman blev ihjälskjuten.
Faderns död kan också sägas vara startpunkten för sonens boxningskarriär eftersom han först då började tävlingsboxas. Att Michael jr hade ärvt faderns talang gick inte att ta miste på då han två månader och fem matcher senare gick till final i amerikanska Golden Gloves-mästerskapen. Folket vid ringside nickade igenkännande åt den då 17-årige nybörjarens snabbhet, rörlighet och smidighet och genast började ryktet gå om "Bounty Hunters" son som hade ärvts faderns naturbegåvning för boxning, men utan dennes fallenhet för överdrivet clowneri. Under 2006 fortsatte sedan Hunter att gå från klarhet till klarhet, men det var under sommaren 2007 han fick sitt stora genombrott med segrar i amerikanska mästerskapen och de amerikanska OS-uttagningarna. Det var framförallt sättet han utklassade sina konkurrenter på i OS-uttagningarna som imponerade på många experter. Hunter blev därmed USA:s man i amatör-VM hösten 2007, där han inledde flott men tyvärr fick ge sig i kvartsfinalen mot den ryske världsettan Islam Timurziev. I och med att enbart de fyra främsta i VM fick sin OS-biljett bokad får Hunter försöka kvalificera sig i någon av vårens OS-kval. Men med tanke på den unge och extremt talangfulle Hunters utvecklingskurva tror jag inte att det skall vara några problem. Klippet nedan är från hans förlustmatch mot den ryske stålmannen Timurziev.
Chazz Witherspoon
Först ut bland tungviktens uppkomlingar att visa framfötterna 2008 var Chazz Witherspoon som i helgen vann en knapp poängseger över den inte alltför skräckinjagande boxningsresenären Kendrick Releford. Segern var den tjugosexårige och fortfarande obesegrade Witherspoons tjugoförsta som professionell och som kusin till gamle mästaren Tim Witherspoon har Chazz i alla fall att brås på. Om du till det lägger en imponerande amatörbakgrund med segern i amerikanska Golden Gloves 2004 som höjdpunkt, borde framtiden se ljus ut för honom. Jag är dock mycket tveksam till att Chazz når Tims framgångar. Han är en habil hantverkare som kan grunderna bra men saknar spetskvaliteter som sticker ut. Det mesta Chazz Witherspoon gör i ringen är kompetent utfört men eftersom han varken dansar som en fjäril eller sticker som ett bi tror jag att inte på något mästarbälte för honom i framtiden. För närvarande innehar Chazz plats 14 på prospectrankingen.
fredag 4 januari 2008
Top 100 Heavyweight Prospects
(Updated in December 2016)
The search for the next great heavyweight continues.
To qualify for the list you must be considered a prospect in some way and a prospect is in my book someone with qualities that haven’t been pushed to the limit, an unknown commodity. A prospect is not necessarily undefeated even if an undefeated fighter is almost per definition a prospect. If you haven’t smelled defeat your still on your way up. But if your loss has been dubious in some way or if you have showed improvement since your loss, you might be a prospect too. The things that counts are what you can do in the future. So a prospect in my book could be anyone from the contenders to the debutants...
The ranking is based on (1) Level of competition (2) How you perform against the level you reached (3) Amateur credentials (4) Age.
(1) Anthony Joshua
YOB: 1989
H-W: 6.6-240
Country: UK
Record: 17-0 (17)
Latest: Stopped Eric Molina in round 3 the 10th of December.
Best win: Charles Martin
Comments: A fast and heavyhanded englishman with alot of hype around him. Took the olympic gold in 2012 and has been outstanding as a pro so far.
(2) Deontay Wilder
YOB: 1985
Country: USA
H-W: 6.7-220
Record: 37-0 (36)
Prodebut: 2008
Latest: Stopped Chris Arreola in round 8 the 16th of July
Best win: Bermane Stiverne.
Comments: USA:s only (boxing)medalist in Beijing. Rather mobile and very powerful. Has been rather protected as a pro but took a big step up when he convincingly won the WBC-title over Bermane Stiverne. Even if he's the WBC-champ, he's still some kind of prospect in my book.
(3) Oleksandr Usyk (!)
YOB: 1987
H-W: 6.3-200
Country: Ukraine
Record: 10-0
Latest: Outpointed the WBO-champ Krzysztof Glowacki the 17th of September.
Comments: Even if he's officially a cruiserweight right now I definitely see him as a heavyweight superstar in the making. Especially as his best performances as a boxer so far has been as a super heavy in the WSB 2013. Usyk is a technical southpawboxer who relies a lot on speed and reflexes with victories in WC 2011 and the Olympics 2012 on his amateur record.
(4) Joseph Parker
YOB: 1992
H-W: 6.4-240
Country: New Zealand
Record: 22-0
Latest: Outpointed Andy Ruiz the 10th of December.
Best win: Carlos Takam
Comments: Fast and powerful is Parker seen as the most promising heavyweight/superheavyweight from down under since David Tua. Took a bronze at the Junior WC in 2010 and competed in WC 2011.
(5) Luis Ortiz
YOB: 1979
Country: Cuba
H-W: 6.4-240
Record: 26-0 (22)
Rounds: 8
Latest: Stopped David Allen in round 7 the 10th of December
Best win: Bryant Jennings
Comments: A skillful Cuban southpaw who was the number 2 (behind Solis, Acosta and Alfonso) in Cuba for almost a decade, before he decided to turn pro. Began his procareer in an unusual tough way, was then suspended for using illegal stuff and has now made a statement with an impressive stoppage win over contender Bryant Jennings.
(6) Hughie Fury
YOB: 1994
H-W: 6.7-235
Country: UK
Record: 20-0 (10)
Latest: Outpointed Fred Kassi the 30th of April.
Comments: Tysons young cousin became the world youth champ in 2012 and is very fast and mobile for such a big man.
(7) Sergey Kuzmin
YOB: 1987
Country: Russia
H-W: 6.3-250
Record: 7-0
Latest: Stopped Konstantin Airich in round 2 the 8th of April
Comments: A skillful pressure fighter from Russia, who got a succesful amateurcareer behind him.
(8) Zhilei Zhang
YOB: 1983
Country: China
H-W: 6.6-250
Record: 13-0
Latest: Stopped Galen Brown in round 2 the 10th of December.
Comments: A top 5 superheavy among the amateurs for almost a decade who's rather smooth and mobile for a boxer at his size.
(9) Bogdan Dinu
YOB: 1986
Country: Romania
H-W: 6.4-230
Record: 13-0 (10)
Prodebut: 2008
Latest: Stopped Manuell Puheta in round 6 the 28th of November.
Comments: Dinu was a good amateur on european level and brings good handspeed and power to the table.
(10) Oscar Rivas
YOB: 1987
Country: Colombia
H-W: 6.1-240
Record: 200 (14)
Latest: Stopped Jeremiah Karpency in round 3 the 29th of July
Comments: A tough youngster who lost to Cammarelle in Beijing. He got a rather professional style, so absolutely one to follow a little closer as a pro. Rivas might be the most promising heavyweight south of Cuba.
(11) Adam Kownacki
YOB: 1989
Country: USA/Poland
H-W: 6.3-250
Record: 14-0 (11)
Latest: Stopped Jesse Barboza in round 3 the 25th of June.
Comments: An offensive minded powerman with a good amateurbackground.
(12) Izuagbe Ugonoh
YOB: 1986
Country: Poland
H-W: 6.5-230
Record: 15-0
Latest: Stopped Gregory Tony in round 2 the 1st of October.
Comments: A rather fast and powerful heavyweight who's in the same stable as Joseph Parker at the moment.
(13) Jarrell Miller
YOB: 1989
Country: Belieze
H-W: 6.3-280
Record: 18-0-1
Latest: Stopped Fred Kassi the 19th of August.
Comments: A powerful man from New York with some reputation around him.
(14) Adrian Granat
YOB: 1991
Country: Sweden
H-W: 6.7-250
Record: 13-0
Latest: Stopped Franz Rill in round 6 the 15th of October.
Comments: A former swedish amateur champ, who's been doing great so far as a pro.
(15) Lucas Browne
YOB: 1979
Country: Australia
H-W: 6.4-260
Record: 23-0 (20)
Latest: Stopped Ruslan Chagaev in round 10 the 5th of March.
Comments: A big heavy hitting australian with alot of believers behind him.
(16) Otto Wallin
YOB: 1990
Country: Sweden
H-W: 6.5-230
Record: 16-0
Latest: Outpointed Raphael Zumbano the 3rd of December
Comments: A young swede with a decent amateur background.
(17) Gerald Washington
YOB: 1982
Country: USA
H-W: 6.5-250
Record: 18-0-1
Latest: Stopped Ray Austin in round 4 the 16th of July
Comments: A former "football"-player with some hype surrounding him.
(18) Trevor Bryan
YOB: 1989
H-W: 6.5-230
Country: USA
Record: 17-0
Latest: Outpointed Galen Brown the 2nd of July.
Comments: One of the brightest super heavyweight talents among the amateurs in USA during the last couple of years.
(19) Junior Fa
YOB: 1989
H-W: 6.6-260
Country: New Zealand
Record: 8-0
Latest: Stopped Pablo Matias Magrini in round 3 the 10th of December.
Comments: A big and fluid boxer who had competed succesfully in the WSB.
(20) Michael Hunter (!)
YOB: 1988
H-W: 6.2-200
Country: USA
Record: 12-0
Latest: Outpointed Isiah Thomas the 13th of May.
Comments: The number one among american amateur heavyweights/super heavyweights for a couple of years is quick and rather hard to hit. Maybe not the most powerful out there though. Seems to be more of a cruiser at the moment.
(21) Darmani Rock (!)
YOB: 1996
Country: USA
H-W: 6.4-250
Record: 6-0
Latest: Outpointed Brice Ritani Coe the 19th of November
Comments: One of the most hyped american super heavies in a long time. was seen as a big hope for the Olympics in Rio but was surprisingly stopped by Marlo Moore in the US qualification. Fast and rather slick for such a big man.
(22) George Arias (!)
YOB: 1991
Country: Dominican Republic
H-W: 6.0-230
Record: 5-0
Latest: Outpointed James Hammortree the 5th of March.
Comments: A rather fast and heavyhanded heavyweight from Bronx who won the New York Golden Glove in 2014.
(23) Oleksandr Teslenko
YOB: 1992
Country: Ukraine
H-W: 6.4-215
Record: 7-0
Latest: Stopped Abraham Pascual in round 2 the 9th of September
Comments: A good allroundboxer with a decent amateur background.
(24) Evgeny Romanov
YOB: 1985
H-W: 6.1-220
Country: Russia
Record: 2-0
Latest: Stopped Vladimir Goncharov in round 1 the 25th of November.
Comments: A rather small but hard hitting Russian who's probably most famous for a knockout win over Deontay Wilder as an amateur in 2008.
(25) LaRon Mitchell
YOB: 1980
Country: USA
H-W: 6.3-245
Record: 15-0
Latest: Outpointed Scott Alexander the 21st of October.
Comments: A latebloomer who became the US amateur champ (beating Lenroy Thompson for exemple) in 2011 and now has turned pro.
(26) Stephan Shaw
YOB: 1992
Country: US
H-W: 6.5- 250
Record: 7-0
Latest: Outpointed Danny Kelly the 17th of May.
Comments: Turned pro after a succesful 2013 in the amateur ring.
(27) Simon Kean
YOB: 1991
Country: Canada
H-W: 6.5-250
Record: 7-0
Latest: Stopped Danny Calhoun in round 1 the 19th of November.
Comments: A rateher succesfulful amateur who comepeted for Canada in London 2012 for exemple.
(28) Jai Opetaia (!)
YOB: 1995
H-W: 6.3-210
Country: Australia
Record: 6-0
Latest: Stopped Uria Masamasaga in round 2 the 14th of October
Comments: A golden boy from Australia, with a flashy style, who won the Australian heavyweight championship at the age of 16. He also became the world junior champ in 2011 and lost a controversial decission to Mammadov in London 2012.
(29) Michael Wallisch
YOB: 1985
Country: Germany
H-W: 6.5-220
Record: 16-0
Outpointed Ivica Bacurin the 9th of Janury.
Comments: A rather typical stand-up german fighter with good basics and a decent amateur background.
(30) Tom Schwarz
YOB: 1994
Country: Germany
H-W: 6.5-240
Record: 17-0
Latest: Outpointed Dennis Lewandowski the 4th of June.
Comments: A big and powerful youngster with a decent amateurbackground on junior level.
(31) Willis Meehan (!)
YOB: 1995
H-W: 6.5-280
Country: Australia
Record: 5-0
Latest: Stopped Riki Barclay in round 1 the 27th of April.
Comments: Kali Meehans son is a huge talent who became the Aussie amateur champ in 2013. Combines a boxing career with a rugby dito. He might have a bright future in boxing IF he get rid of the rugby thing.
(32) Alexis Santos
YOB: 1990
Country: USA
W: 6.0-220
Record: 16-1 (11)
Latest: Stopped Daniel Martz in round 7 the 9th of April.
Comments: Santos was a decent amateur and he’s mobile, fast and powerful so he might be worth to keep an eye on.
(33) Robert Alfonso
YOB: 1986
Country: Cuba
H-W: 6.5-240
Record: 10-0
Latest: Outpointed Willie Herring in September.
Comments: Alfonso was the number one superheavyweight in Cuba before the young Savon entered the scene. He got fine skills, but might be a little to defensive minded and don't seem to have the best of chins though.
(34) Gregory Corbin
YOB: 1980
Country: USA
H-W: 6.5-270
Record: 13-0
Latest: Stopped Larry Knight in round 2 the 10th of December.
Comments: One of the best super heavies in the amateur ranks in USA a couple of years ago.
(35) Krzysztof Kosela
YOB: 1989
Country: Poland
H-W: 6.7-250
Record: 9-0
Latest: Stopped Igor Pylypenko in round 1 the 22nd of October.
Comments: A big man from Poland with a decent amateur career behind him.
(36) Rotislav Plechko
YOB: 1989
Country: Russia
H-W: 6.3-210
Record: 8-0
Latest: Stopped David Gegeshidze in round 1 the 21st of October
Comments: A heavyhanded boxer with good allroundskills from Russia
(37) Zhang Junlong
YOB: 1981
Country: China
H-W: 6.3-270
Record: 12-0
Latest: Stopped George Arias in round 2 the 11th of April.
Comments: Another chinese heavyweight on the rise. Got a good win over respectable journeyman Jason Gavern on his record.
(38) Trey Lippe Morrison
YOB: 1989
Country: USA
H-W: 6.2-220
Record: 13-0
Latest: Stopped Ty Cobb in round 2 the 10th of December.
Comments: The son of Tommy Morrison, who also reminds a little bit of his father stylewise. Took a step up on the ladder when he stopped Ed Latimore.
(39) Jermaine Franklin
YOB: 1993
Country: USA
H-W: 6.1-240
Record: 7-0
Latest: Stopped Willie Jake in round 5 the 27th of May.
Comments: A former top amateur in USA who might be someone to follow.
(40) Agit Kabayel
YOB: 1992
Country: Germany
H-W: 6.3-230
Record: 15-0
Latest: Stopped Christian Lewandowsky in round 7 th 4th of June.
Comments: A good brawler with some decent wins on his record.
(41) Ali Eren Demirezen
YOB: 1990
H-W: 6.3-240
Country: Turkey
Record: 2-0
Latest: Stopped Patryk Kowoll in round 1 the 15th of October
Comments: A powerful heavy with some amateur success on his record.
(42) Gary Sweeney
YOB: 1994
Country: Ireland
H-W: 6.4-210
Record: 2-0
Latest: Stopped Marek Gabor in round 3 the 16th of July.
Comments: Was a rather successful amateur
(43) Julian Pollard
YOB: 1981
H-W: 6.4-260
Record: 6-0
Latest: Stopped Alando Pugh in round 2 the 24th of January.
Comments: A former american footballplayer who turned into a rather decent amateurboxer.
(44) Andrey Afonin
YOB: 1989
Country: Russia
H-W: 6.3-220
Record: 1-0
Latest: Stopped Emilio Karate in round 2 the 3rd of December.
Comments: One of the top russian amateurs the last couple of years. Looks a little bit like Povetkin in style.
(45) Cassius Chaney
Country: USA
YOB: 1987
H-W: 6.6-240
Record: 7-0
Latest: Outpointed Raymundo Lopez the 3rd of June
Comments: A former basketballplayer who turned to boxing but contrary to most of his "colleagues" reached the top as an amateur first.
(46) Paul Koon
YOB: 1986
H-W: 6.3-230
Country: USA
Record: 3-0
Latest: Outpointed Rex Harris the 21st of February.
Comments: One of the best American heavyweights for the last couple of years and a competitive fighter in WSB during the time.
(47) Ruslan Myrsatayev
YOB: 1985
H-W: 6.1-225
Country: Kazakhstan
Record: 3-0
Latest: Stopped Nuhu Azuma in round 1 the 29th of October
Comments: A stocky fighter with an aggressive style and a good amateur career behind him.
(48) Craig Lewis
YOB: 1984
H-W: 6.4-230
Country: USA
Record: 8-0-1
Latest: Stopped Preston King in round 1the 10th of December.
Comments: A good allroundboxer who won the Golden Gloves in 2008 and has been competed in the WSB a couple of times since then.
(49) Tyrone Spong
YOB: 1985
Country: Netherlands
H-W: 6.2-220
Record: 6-0
Latest: Stopped Hugo Leon in round 3 the 3rd of September.
Comments: A former? kickboxer at top level who's now trying to reach the top at boxing.
(50) Mehdi Ghorbani
YOB: 1985
H-W: 6.3-230
Country: Iran
Record: 15-0
Latest: Outpointed Zaniar Vahabi the 14th of February
Comments: A good amateur who competed in Beijing for exemple.
(51) Nathan Gorman
YOB: 1996
Country: UK
H-W: 6.3-250
Record: 6-0
Latest: Stopped Igor Mihaljevic in round 3 the 26th of November.
Comments: Was a top amateur as a junior in UK.
(52) Sergiej Werwejko
YOB: 1988
Country: Ukraine
H-W: 6.5-230
Record: 4-0
Latest: Stopped Andre Bunga in round 7 the 10th of December.
Comments: Was a decent amateur with merits in the WSB for exemple.
(53) Con Sheenan
YOB: 1989
Country: Ireland
H-W: 6.5-225
Record: 3-0
Latest: Stopped Radek Varek in round 1 the 1st of October.
Comments: Was a top amateur just behind the absolute top.
(54) John Luna
YOB: 1996
Country: USA
H-W: 6.4-250
Record: 2-0
Latest: Outpointed Oswaldo Ortega the 20th of August.
Comments: One of the best juniors in USA for a couple of years.
(55) Dennis Kiy
YOB: 1991
Country: Germany
H-W: 6.6-235
Record: 7-0
Latest: Stopped Nedejiko Cvorovic in round 1 the 1st of July
Comments: A big german with some skills
(56) Martin Bakole Ilunga
YOB: 1993
Country: Congo
H-W: 6.5-250
Record: 7-0
Latest: Stopped Tomaz Mrazek in round 3 the 1st of October.
Comments: Little brother of Junior Makabu.
(57) Sean Turner
YOB: 1991
Country: Ireland
H-W: 6.0-260
Record: 7-0
Latest: Stopped Gabor Farkas in round 1 the 7th of November.
Comments: A good amateur with alot of power who competed in WSB for exemple.
(58) Nick Mazurek
YOB: 1994
Country: USA
H-W: 6.5-240
Record: 5-0
Latest: Stopped Mike Jones in round 1 the 14th of May.
Comments: A young kid with a decent amateur background and some following behind him.
(59) Matteo Modugno
YOB: 1987
Country: Italy
H-W: 6.7-265
Record: 18-0 (7)
Latest: Outpointed Ivica Perkovic the 28th of November.
Comments: A huge, fasthanded and mobile Italian who was the 2nd best amateur in Italy (behind Cammarelle) before he turned pro in 2010.
(60) Edwin Alvarez
YOB: 1988
Country: USA
H-W: 6.7-260
Record: 5-0
Latest: Outpointed Jerry Butler the 9th of October
Comments: A former decent amateur who got the size.
(61) Romarick Ngoula
YOB: 1987
Country: Cameroon
H-W: 6.2-230
Record: 9-0
Latest: Outpointed Jamal Woods the 10th of December.
Comments: A former WSB-fighter
(62) Kash Ali
YOB: 1992
Country: UK
H-W: 6.4-235
Record: 11-0
Latest: Outpointed Hari Miles the 1st of October.
Comments: A young fluid heavyweight from the Brendan Ingle-stable...
(63) Taishan Dong
Country: China
H-W: 7.0-285
Record: 6-0
Latest: Outpointed Daniel Arambula the 18th of December
Comments: A Valuev-like chinese ...
(64) Marcin Siwy
YOB: 1990
Country: Poland
H-W: 6.2-255
Record: 15-0
Latest: Outpointed Andre Bunga the 14th of May.
Comments: Another promising heavyweight from Poland.
(65) Mladen Miljas
YOB: 1992
Country: Canada
H-W: 6.6-240
record: 3-0
Latest: Stopped Tim Hague in round 1the 2nd of December.
Comments: A rather successful amateur back home in Canada
(66) Tyrell Wright
YOB: 1987
H-W: 6.2-220
Country: USA
Record: 8-0-1
Latest: Stopped Jacob Chavez in round 2 the 15th of August.
Comments: A top-10 amateur in USA, before he turned pro.
(67) Apti Davtayev
YOB: 1989
Country: Russia
H-W: 6.4-260
Record: 12-0-1
Latest: Stopped Talgat Dosanov in round 1 the 28th of May
Comments: A hard hitting young russian who got some following.
(68) Jose Medina
YOB: 1996
Country: Puerto Rico
H_W: 6.3-260
Record: 4-0
Latest: OutpointedTracey Johnson the 7th of October.
Comments: A young kid with some amateur cred.
(69) Alante Green
Country: USA
H-W: 6.3-230
Record: 1-0
Latest: Stopped Ray Murray in round 1 the 26th of November
Comments: A top 5 Super heavy in USA as an amateur.
(70) Bradley Hamil
YOB: 1990
Country: Canada
H-W: 6.4-240
Record: 1-0
Latest: Stopped Idris Wasi in round 1 the 3rd of September
Comments: A good amateur on Canadian level
(71) Pavel Doroshilov
YOB: 1994
Country: Russia
H-W: 6.3-220
Record: 3-0
Latest: Outpointed Morris Okola the 11th of December
Comments: Seen as a promising amateur before he turned pro.
(72) Sahret Delgado
YOB: 1994
Country: Puerto Rico
H-W: 260
Record: 5-0
Latest: Stopped Ruben Rivera in round 1 the 22nd of April
Comments: A decent amateur on the centralamerican scene.
(73) Patrick Eneanya
W: 6.3-220
Country: New Zeeland
Record: 8-0
Latest: Stopped Roger Izonritei in round 7 the 2nd of December.
Comments: A decent amateur with some following.
(74) Miljan Rovcanin
YOB: 1993
Country: Serbia
H-W: 6.3-225
Record: 14-0
Latest: Stopped Milos Dovedan in round 2 the 28th of November
Comments: An undefeated Serbian who seems like decent allround boxer.
(75) Senad Gashi
YOB: 1990
Country: Germany
H-W: 6.1-220
Record: 11-0
Latest: Stopped Andras Csomor in round 4 the 2nd of October
Comments: A rather small, but fast and powerful heavyweight.
(76) Egor Plevako
YOB: 1990
H-W: 6.3-230
Country: Ukraine
Record: 2-0
Latest: Outpointed Kenny Cruz the 27th of April.
Comments: A bronze medalist in the U-19 WC 2008, who traveled to New York and won the NY Golden Gloves in 2011.
(77) Anatoly Antonyuk
YOB: 1988
Country: Russia
H-W: 6.5-250
Record: 3-0
Latest: Stopped Sedrak Agagulyan in round 2 the 27th of February
Comments: Was a decent amateur who fought in the WSB for exemple
(78) Onoriode Ehwarieme
YOB: 1987
country: Nigeria
H-W: 6.4-215
Record: 11-0
Latest: Stopped Masebu Adewale in round 2 the 6th of July
Comments: Competed in the Olympics 2008 and WC 2009 for Nigeria.
(79) Hemi Ahio
YOB: 1990
Country: New Zeeland
H-W: 6.0-240
Record: 8-0
Latest: Stopped Richard Tutaki in round 3 the 5th of September
Comments: A decent pressure-fighter from Down Under.
(80) Burak Sahin
YOB: 1992
Country: Germany
H-W: 6.2-230
Record: 9-0
Latest: Stopped Peter Erdos in round 6 the 9th of April
Comments: A rather powerful brawler
(81) Ergun Mersin
YOB: 1990
Country: Switzerland
H-W: 6.3-240
Latest: Stopped Goran Dinic in round 2 the 29th of November.
Record: 12-0 (8)
Comments: Was a decent amateur on junior level.
(82) Gino da Fonseca
YOB: 1994
Country: Netherlands
H-W: 6.6-230
Record: 3-0
Latest: Outpointed Milen Paunov the 17th of October.
Comments: A young dutch heavyweight with size on his side.
(83) Stan Surmacz-Ahumada
YOB: 1990
Country: Philippines
H-W: 6.4-250
Record: 5-0
Latest: Outpointed Craig Hudson the 17th of June.
Comments: Fought rather succesfully as an amateur in Canada
(84) Marcus Carter
YOB: 1997
H-W: 6.2-270
Country: USA
Record; 1-0
Latest: Stopped Dalvin Henderson in round 1 the 30th of October
Comments: A young kid who won the the Golden Gloves 2016.
(85) Young Fury
YOB: 1996
Country: UK
H-W: 6.3-235
Record: 6-1
Loss: To Henry Smith in Furys 2nd fight
Latest: Outpointed Imantas Davidaitis the 14th of November.
Comments: Tysons brother.
(86) Samuel Kadje
YOB: 1990
Country: France
Record: 5-0
Latest: Stopped Ivan Brkljaca in round 3 the 30th of April
Commrets: A french heavyweight with a decent amateur background
(87) Nick Webb
YOB: 1988
Country: UK
H-W: 6.6-260
Record: 8-0
Latest: Stopped Jakov Gospic inround 1 the 21st of October.
Comments: A big athlete with a decent background on the UK amateur scene.
(88) Edgar Ramirez
YOB: 1995
Country: Mexico
H-W: 6.3-230
Record: 2-1
Loss: On points to Jonathan Rice
Latest: Stopped Israel Huerta in round 1 the 29th of October.
Comments: A young heavyweight from Mexico who competed in WSB and WC 2015.
(89) Umut Cankiran
Country: Turkey
Record: 3-0
Latest: Stopped Alexander Kahl in round 1 the 8th of May
Comments: Also called Umut Tyson. Impressive win over Kalnars in debut.
(90) James McKenzie Morrison
YOB: 1990
Country: USA
H-W: 6.3-220
Record: 9-0-2
Latest: Drewed with Aaron Chavers the 24th of September.
Comments: Another son of the late Tommy Morrison. More of a "boxer" than his powerful brother.
(91) Pano Tiatia
YOB: 1997
H-W: 5.10-230
Country: USA/Samoa
Record: 1-0
Latest: Outpointed John Orr the 30th of April
Comments: Was a top amateur on junior level.
(92) Mohamed Al Zein
YOB: 1991
H-W: 6.4-230
Country: Germany
Record: 5-0
Latest: Stopped Zoltan Beres in round 1 the 11th of October.
Comments: Ahmet Öhner latest Golden boy.
(93) Raphael Tronché
YOB: 1989
Country: France
H-W: 6.2-215
Record: 8-0
Latest: Outpointed Gabriel Enguema the 21st of October
Comments: A fast and mobile heavyweight with some power.
(94) Jack Mulowayi
YOB: 1987
H-W: 6.5-240
Country: Belgium
Record: 2-0
Latest: Outpointed David Gogishvili the 28th of May
Comments: A decent heavyweight from Belgium
(95) Isaac Chamberlain
Country: UK
YOB: 1994
H-W: 6.2-200
Record: 5-0
Latest: Stopped Russ Henshaw in round 6 the 16th of April.
Comments: A slick, wellschooled young cruiser/heavy who sparred with Deonray Wilder and Anthony Joshua for exemple
(96) Pezhman Seifkhani
YOB: 1990
Country: Sweden
H-W: 6.3-230
Record: 4-0
Latest: Outpointed David Gogishvili in round 1 the 19th of November.
Comments: A former swedish amateur champ.
(97) Bubba Tuigamala
YOB: 1992
Country: New Zeeland
H-W: 6.2-275
Record: 5-0
Latest: Outpointed Gogosina Ulutoa the 23rd of January.
Comments: Nephew of David Tua
(98) Gunnar Kolbein Kristinsson
YOB: 1988
Country: Iceland
H-W: 6.5-250
Record: 6-0
Latest: Stopped Kim Thompsen in round 2 the 4th of June
Comments: Icelands only? professional boxer is a big powerful heavyweight.
(99) Mike Balogun
YOB: 1983
Country: USA
H-W: 6.0-235
Record: 9-0
Latest: Stopped Brandon Lee Hinkle in round 1 the 20th of October.
Comments: A late starter who got some following.
(100) Ruslan Shamalov
YOB: 1991
H-W: 6.5-235
Country: Russia
Record: 2-0
Latest: Stopped Rex Harris in round 2 the 12th of November.
Comments: A decent amateur
And who are the most interesting amateur heavyweights? The list below is not an objective ranking about who’s the best amateur right now and so on, it’s a highly subjective ranking about potential to be a succesful professional heavyweight. Read it as some kind of amateurdraft if you like, where nr 1 is the one I would choose first (as a promoter) and so on…
(1) Filip Hrgovic
YOB: 1992
W: 6.5-SH
Country: Croatia
The most Klitschko-like in the amateur ranks seems to have great stamina and has been one of the best in the WSB the last couple of years.
(2) Erislandy Savon
YOB: 1990
H-W: 6.4-H
Country: Cuba
A tall Cuban with a fine technical style who was unbeaten in WSB 2015. And yes, Felix is his uncle.
(3) Ivan Dychko
YOB: 1990
W: 6.8-SH
Country: Kazakhstan
A tall, fast and mobile big man who has been at the absolute top for a couple of years.
(4) Magomedrasul Medzhidov
YOB: 1986
H-W: 6.2-SH
Country: Azerbadjan
A brutal brawler with a very proish style who became world champ in 2011 and 2013.
(5) Tony Yoka
YOB: 1992
H-W: 6.6-SH
Country: France
A big and mobile frenchman who has been among the best (5-10) for a couple of years and now finally reached his career-high with golds in WC 2015 and Rio 2016.
(6) Frazer Clarke
YOB: 1992
H-W: 6.6-SH
Country: UK
A big man who has looked sensational in WSB during 2016.
(7) Vassily Levit
YOB: 1988
H-W: 6.2-H
Country: Kazakstan
A fast heavyweight who was very succesful in 2015:s WSB. Was brutally robbed in the Olympic final 2016 against Tischenko.
(8) Joseph Joyce
YOB: 1986
H-W: 6.6-SH
Country: UK
A latebloomer who's big and strong. A volumepuncher who comes after you even if he doesn't seems to have the best of defence.
(9) Artem Suslenkov
YOB: 1995
Country: Russia
Russias national champ in 2016
(10) Evgeniy Tischenko
YOB: 1991
Country: Russia
H-W: 6.5-H
The number one heavy in Russia who's tall and wellschooled. Became the world champ in 2015 (even if was with a rather dubious decision agaisnt Savon in the final). Unfortunate for him, his name will after Rio 2016 always be remembered for being part of the worst robbery since Roy Jones "lost" the final in 1988.
(11) Yoandris Toirac/Yohandi Ortega
YOB: 1994
H-W: 6.4- SH
Country: Cuba
A rising super heavyweight talent from Cuba, who's light on his feet. He competed rather succesfully in WSB 2015.
(12) Mihai Nistor
YOB: 1990
H-W: 6.0-SH
Country: Romania
A heavy hitter who's been succesful in the APB in 2015. Beat Russo in WSB 2013 and is also the only one who won a round! against Usyk in WSB 2013.
(13) Justis Huni (!)
YOB: 1999
H-W: 6.4-SH
Country: Australia
The World Youth super heavy champion in 2016. Rather fast and slippery for a "man" at his size.
(14) Dainier Pero (!)
YOB: 1999
H-W: 6.3-H
Country: Cuba
The littlebrother of Leinier is sensational at his age. Slick, mobile and fasthanded. Won the heavyweight gold at the World Youth Championships in 2016.
(15) David Nyika (!)
YOB: 1995
H-W: 6.4-H
Country: New Zeeland
Won the gold as a light heavy in the commonwealth games 2014 and has now stepped up in the heavyweight division where he has been succesful and had some misfortune with the judges in the WC. Slick and unusually fast for a heavyweight. A little bit royjonesy stylewise.
(16) Magomed Omarov
YOB: 1989
H-W: 6.5-SH
Country: Russia
A big russian fighter who's good at everything, but not fantastic in any department. Competed in APB 2015.
(17) Bakhodir Jalolov
YOB: 1994
H-W: 6.7-SH
A young and tall Uzbek who took bronze in WC 2015.
(18) Abdulkadir Abdullayev
YOB: 1988
H-W: 6.4-H
Country: Azerbadjan
A rather tricky powerpuncher who's been successfull in WSB so far.
(19) Frank Sanchez
YOB: 1993
H-W: 6.3-H
Country: Cuba
A good Cuban who won the Cuban Nationals (sort of) in 2015 by beating Erislandy Savon in the final. He fights in the WSB at the moment.
(20) Leinier Pero
YOB: 1992
H: 6.3-H
Country: Cuba
A young, fasthanded heavyweight from Cuba who was their man in WC 2015.
(21) Kamshybek Konkabayev
YOB: 1991
H-W: 6.4-SH
Country: Kazakstan
A young heavyweight who boxes succesfully in the WSB at the moment.
(22) Gasan Gimbatov
YOB: 1993
H-W: 6.1-SH
Country: Russia
A fasthanded and powerful young man from Russia. Became the European junior champ in 2011 for exemple.
(23) Efe Ajagba
YOB: 1994
Country: Nigeria
Nigerias super heavy in Rio.
(24) Yordan Hernandez
YOB: 1996
H-W: 6.5-SH/H
Country: Cuba
Junior Super heavy-champ in Cuba and junior world champ as a heavy in 2014. A mobile boxer with a fine jab.
(25) Peter Kadiru
YOB: 1997
H-W: 6.6-SH
Country: Germany
Became the silver medalist in the junior WC and the olympic youth champ, where he beat Rock in the final, in 2014. Big and strong.
(26) Valeriy Topuzyan
YOB: 1996
Country: Russia
One of the best juniors in the world.
(27) Anton Pinchuk
YOB: 1988
H-W: 6.4-H
Country: Kazakstan
A fast and technical heavyweight who's a success in the APB so far.
(28) Daniel Dubois
YOB: 1997
H-W: 6.6-SH
Country: UK
A talented young kid who recently beat the junior world champ Kadiru
(29) Vitali Kudukhov
YOB: 1991
H-W: 6.2-SH
Country: Russia
One of the best heavies/supeheavies in Russia who's more of a brawler than a "boxer"
(30) Ivan Smirnov
YOB: 1997
Country: Russia
The top russian junior at the moment
(31) Wang Chibao
YOB: 1993
H-W: 6.4-SH
Country: China
Chinas man in WSB who's rather fast and light on his feat also competed in WC 2015
(32) Florian Schultz
YOB: 1994
H-W: 6.5-SH
Country: Germany
A young, talented German who competed in WC 2015.
(33) Andrey Stotskiy
YOB: 1995
H-W: 6.2-H
Country: Russia
The world youth champ in 2012.
(34) Lawrence Okolie
YOB: 1992
H-W: 6.5-H
Country: UK
Competes rather successful in WSB and qualified for Rio.
(35) Ulugbek Mubinov
YOB: 1993
H-W: 6.2-SH
Country: Uzbekistan
Competes succesfully in the WSB
(36) Jose Larduet
YOB: 1990
H-W: 6.2-H
Country: Cuba
A fast and powerful Cuban who won bronze at light heavy in 2009. Has now with some success moved up to the heavyweight and even super heavyweight at times.
(37) Erik Pheifer
YOB: 1987
W: 6.4-SH
Country: Germany
A good straight up boxer who's fighting succesfully in the APB at the moment.
(38) Henrich Ruiz
YOB: 1994
H-W: H
Country: Cuba
One of the brighest prospects among cuban heavies
(39) Marlo Moore
YOB: 1990
Country: USA
Knocked out Darmani Rock in the US Olympic Trials.
(40) Zhan Kosobitskiy
YOB: 1988
Country: Kazakhstan
Another top class Kazakh who got a win over Medzhidov in may 2012 for exemple.
(41) Patrick Maitala
YOB: 1995
Country: New Zeeland
H-W: 6.3-SH
A very promising young fighter from down under.
(42) Cam Awesome (Lenroy Thompson)
YOB: 1988
H-W: 6.2-SH
Country: USA
He became the US future star champ in 2008 and won the Golden Gloves in 2009 with a style that is based on constant movement.
(43) David Imoeseri
YOB: 1988
H-W: 6.2-SH
Country: USA
One of the best american heavies/superheavies at the moment. He's also one of the highest ranked in the World Series of Boxing.
(44) Yaroslav Doronichev
YOB: 1995
H-W: 6.1-SH
Country: Russia
A new Russian superheavy on the scene, who competes in WSB 2016
(45) Mu Haipeng
YOB: 1995
H-W: 6.6-SH
country: China
A succesful man in WSB.
(46) Gevorg Manukian
YOB: 1993
H-W. 6.2-H
Country: Ukraine
Competed in WC 2015.
(47) Dosjan Ospanov
YOB: 1986
H-W: 6.4-SH
Country: Kazakstan
Went pro a couple of years ago, but returned to the amateur. Became the Asian champ in 2011, where he beat the chinese Zhilei for exemple.
(48) Sandor Abdullayev
YOB: 1988
H-W: 6.5-SH
Country: Uzbekhistan
The silvermedalist from jr WC 2006 is a big man with good skills and has been doing the transiton to the senior level better than most of his “classmates” on the list. He competed in the WC 2009, where he lost to Zhang Zhilei, and in WC 2011, where he lost to Medzhidov.
(49) Erik Brechlin
YOB: 1990
Country: Germany
Took the silver in the Youth World Champ 2008.
(50) Viktor Vyhkrest
YOB: 1992
H-W: 6.5-SH
Country: Ukraine
A Klitschko-lookalike who competes (succesfully) in the WSB.
(51) Mohammad Ghosson
YOB: 1989
W: H
Country: Syria
A technical sound boxer who compteted in WC 2009
(52) Brandon Lynch
YOB: 1991
H-W: 6.6-SH
Country: USA
USA:s man in WSB during 2016
(53) Yousef Abed Elghani
YOB: 1988
W: 6.5- SH
Country: Israel
A fast and mobile southpaw who competed in WC 2009 where he lost a rather close fight to Bulgarian Pulev. He also took a bronze medal in EC 2010, where he lost on injury to the eventual winner Kuzmin.
(54) Ivan Veryasov
YOB: 1993
H-W: H
Country: Russia
Russias best junior among the heavies. He won the junior EC in 2011 for exemple.
(55) Istvan Bernath
YOB: 1989
W: 6.3-SH
Country: Hungary
A skilful but rather defensiveminded boxer who lost in the first round to Russias Sergejev in WC 2009.
(56) Kevin Espindola
YOB: 1996
H-W: 6.2-SH
Country: Argentina
A young boxer from Argentina who competes in WSB during 2016.
(57) Paul Omba Biongolo
YOB: 1995
H-W: 6.2-H
Country: France
A young an promising fighter from France who competed in WC 2015.
(58) Maxim Babanin
YOB: 1988
Country: Russia
The best junior super heavy in the world for a couple of years. Was expected to take over the Russian mantle after Timurziev but seems to have stagnated a little lately.
(59) Olzhas Bukayev
YOB: 1994
Country: Kazakhstan
The Kazakh super heavy champ in 2016.
(60) Emir Ahmatovic
YOB: 1986
H-W: 6.3-SH
Country: Germany
Competes rather succesfully in WSB during 2013.
(61) Mohammed Arjaoui
YOB: 1987
Country: Morrocco
Competed in WSOB and WC 2011 where he beat Sergey Kuzmin.
(62) Juan Noguiera
YOB: 1988
H-W: 6.2-H
Country: Brazil
Competed in Rio where he lost a close decision to the eventual "winner" Tischenko.
(63) Sergey Kalchugin
YOB: 1987
H-W: H
Country: Russia
Junior world champ in 2006 and the heavyweight dominator class for several years. Has now taken the step up among the seniors.
(64) Modo Sallah
YOB: 1983
H-W: 6.4-SH
Country: Sweden
A good technical Swede in the same style as Attila Levin. Has been out for a while, but is now back in the mix and might be someone for the proscene IF he can be disciplined enough.
(65) Jose Payares
YOB: 1986
H-W: 6.5-SH
Country: Venezuela
He beat( a sick) Michael Hunter and went to Beijing, where he lost to Ouatah in the first round. Competeted in WC 2011 where he lost to Cammarelle.
(66) Osmay Acosta
YOB: 1985
H-W: 6.2-H
Country: Cuba
A mobile and technical boxer” who took a bronze in Beijing and a silver in WC 2009, but Acosta is not in his predecessor Odlanier Solis class.
(67) Adonis Perez
YOB: 1994?
H-W: H
Country: Cuba
Junior heavy champ in Cuba.
(68) Arbi Madayev
YOB: 1990
Country: Russia
One of the best young super heavies in Russia
(69) Yunier Castro
YOB: 1992
Country: Cuba
A good cuban superheavyweight.
(70) Rustam Tulaganov
YOB: 1991
H-W: 6.2-H
Country: Uzbekistan
A good pressure-fighter who competed in WC 2015.
(71) Roy Korving
YOB: 1995
H-W: 6.3-H
Country: Holland
A young dutch heavyweight with some potential
(72) Yamil Peralta
YOB: 1991
H-W: 6.3-H
Country: Argentina
A good heavyweight from Argentina who competed in London.
(73) Isaias Mena
YOB: 1987
Country: Colombia
One of the best superheavies in South America and a competetitor in WC 2011, where he lost to Medzhidov.
(74) Gabriel Richards
YOB: 1993
W: H
Country: Sweden
The best heavyweight in Sweden at the moment
(75) Ivan Bezverkhiy
YOB: 1988?
Country: Ukraine
One of the top juniors in the superheavyweight division.
(76) Omar Ibanez
YOB: 1990
H-W: 6.0-SH
Country: Cuba
A young Cuban super heavy in the same style as Odlanier Solis and Roberto Balado (short and fast). Won the bronze in junior WC 2008.
(77) Richard Torrez
YOB: 1999
H-W: 6.2-SH
Country: USA
Took bronze in the World Youth Championships 2016.
(78) Yasmani Perez
Country: Cuba
One of the best super heavies in Cuba right now.
(79) Gurgen Topuyzan
YOB: 1996
Country: Russia
Brother or twinbrother with Valeriy Topuyzan?
(80) Nurzhan Bekzatov
Country: Kazakhstan
A new Kazakh with some good results lately
(81) Xuanxuan Wang
YOB: 1990
H-W: 6.3-H
Country: China
A rather tricky heavyweight who took bronze in WC 2011.
(82) Rostislav Arkhipenko
YOB: 1991
Country: Ukraine
A top youth boxer.
(83) Arslanbek Mahmudov
YOB: 1989
Country: Russia
The World University Champion who also got some other decent tournament-wins on his resume.
(84) Mirzokhid Abdullayev
YOB: 1991
H-W: H
Country: Uzbekistan
One of the best heavyweights in Asia.
(85) Abdulkhamid Nurmagomedov
YOB: 1987
H-W: H
Country: Russia
Russias man in EC 2011.
(86) Danis Latypov
YOB: 1990
Country: Russia
H-W: 6.4-SH
A decent russian with a lot of merits from WSB
(87) Felix Mario Savon
YOB: 1993
H-W: H
Country: Cuba
The son of Felix Savon
(88) Joshua Temple
YOB: 1992
H-W: 6.3-H
Country: USA
Number one among the American heavyweights as a teenager.
(89) Echlin Alizade
YOB: 1986
W: 6.2-H
Country: Azerbadjan
A good allroundboxer with alot of amateur credentials behind him.
(90) Dino Mansour
YOB: 1990
Country: Croatia
One of the best “juniors” in the super heavyweight division. He won the U-19 European Championships in 2009 for exemple.
(91) Nigel Paul
YOB: 1989
H-W: 6.4-SH
Country: Trinidad & Tobago
A novice who just qualified for the Olympics
(92) Yaidel Verde
YOB: 1994
H-W: H
Country: Cuba
The top junior in Cuba
(93) Viktar Zuyev
YOB: 1983
H-W: 6.1-SH
Country: Belarus
The fast and powerful southpaw who won the silver as a heavy in Athen 2004 and lost in the semifinal against Cammarelle as a super heavy in WC 2009 might be a crowdfavorite as a pro, but a questionable chin might be his downfall at the end.
(94) Clayton Laurent
YOB: 1990
Country: Virgin Islands
For being such an inexperienced boxer, he was very impressive in the 1st American qualification for the Olympics 2008.
(95) Gerarado Bisbal
YOB: 1984
H-W: 6.2-SH
Country: Puerto Rico
Has never been better than in the WSB 2013.
(96) Devon Young
YOB: 1998
H-W: 6.4-SH
Country: USA
One of the best juniors in USA at the moment
(97) Cristain Cabrera
Country: Dominican republic
One of the best superheavies in South America.
(98) Yoandri Maceo
Country: Cuba
A top5 Superheavy in Cuba.
(99) Orlando Rabi
YOB: 1990
Country: Cuba
An up and comming Super heavy from Cuba.
(100) Edgar Munoz
YOB: 1983
H-W: 6.0-SH
Country: Venezuela
A slick heaavyweight who usually competes in WSB.
Do you miss someone or do you have any other comments about my ranking?
Feel free to contact me at:
The search for the next great heavyweight continues.
To qualify for the list you must be considered a prospect in some way and a prospect is in my book someone with qualities that haven’t been pushed to the limit, an unknown commodity. A prospect is not necessarily undefeated even if an undefeated fighter is almost per definition a prospect. If you haven’t smelled defeat your still on your way up. But if your loss has been dubious in some way or if you have showed improvement since your loss, you might be a prospect too. The things that counts are what you can do in the future. So a prospect in my book could be anyone from the contenders to the debutants...
The ranking is based on (1) Level of competition (2) How you perform against the level you reached (3) Amateur credentials (4) Age.
(1) Anthony Joshua
YOB: 1989
H-W: 6.6-240
Country: UK
Record: 17-0 (17)
Latest: Stopped Eric Molina in round 3 the 10th of December.
Best win: Charles Martin
Comments: A fast and heavyhanded englishman with alot of hype around him. Took the olympic gold in 2012 and has been outstanding as a pro so far.
(2) Deontay Wilder
YOB: 1985
Country: USA
H-W: 6.7-220
Record: 37-0 (36)
Prodebut: 2008
Latest: Stopped Chris Arreola in round 8 the 16th of July
Best win: Bermane Stiverne.
Comments: USA:s only (boxing)medalist in Beijing. Rather mobile and very powerful. Has been rather protected as a pro but took a big step up when he convincingly won the WBC-title over Bermane Stiverne. Even if he's the WBC-champ, he's still some kind of prospect in my book.
(3) Oleksandr Usyk (!)
YOB: 1987
H-W: 6.3-200
Country: Ukraine
Record: 10-0
Latest: Outpointed the WBO-champ Krzysztof Glowacki the 17th of September.
Comments: Even if he's officially a cruiserweight right now I definitely see him as a heavyweight superstar in the making. Especially as his best performances as a boxer so far has been as a super heavy in the WSB 2013. Usyk is a technical southpawboxer who relies a lot on speed and reflexes with victories in WC 2011 and the Olympics 2012 on his amateur record.
(4) Joseph Parker
YOB: 1992
H-W: 6.4-240
Country: New Zealand
Record: 22-0
Latest: Outpointed Andy Ruiz the 10th of December.
Best win: Carlos Takam
Comments: Fast and powerful is Parker seen as the most promising heavyweight/superheavyweight from down under since David Tua. Took a bronze at the Junior WC in 2010 and competed in WC 2011.
(5) Luis Ortiz
YOB: 1979
Country: Cuba
H-W: 6.4-240
Record: 26-0 (22)
Rounds: 8
Latest: Stopped David Allen in round 7 the 10th of December
Best win: Bryant Jennings
Comments: A skillful Cuban southpaw who was the number 2 (behind Solis, Acosta and Alfonso) in Cuba for almost a decade, before he decided to turn pro. Began his procareer in an unusual tough way, was then suspended for using illegal stuff and has now made a statement with an impressive stoppage win over contender Bryant Jennings.
(6) Hughie Fury
YOB: 1994
H-W: 6.7-235
Country: UK
Record: 20-0 (10)
Latest: Outpointed Fred Kassi the 30th of April.
Comments: Tysons young cousin became the world youth champ in 2012 and is very fast and mobile for such a big man.
(7) Sergey Kuzmin
YOB: 1987
Country: Russia
H-W: 6.3-250
Record: 7-0
Latest: Stopped Konstantin Airich in round 2 the 8th of April
Comments: A skillful pressure fighter from Russia, who got a succesful amateurcareer behind him.
(8) Zhilei Zhang
YOB: 1983
Country: China
H-W: 6.6-250
Record: 13-0
Latest: Stopped Galen Brown in round 2 the 10th of December.
Comments: A top 5 superheavy among the amateurs for almost a decade who's rather smooth and mobile for a boxer at his size.
(9) Bogdan Dinu
YOB: 1986
Country: Romania
H-W: 6.4-230
Record: 13-0 (10)
Prodebut: 2008
Latest: Stopped Manuell Puheta in round 6 the 28th of November.
Comments: Dinu was a good amateur on european level and brings good handspeed and power to the table.
(10) Oscar Rivas
YOB: 1987
Country: Colombia
H-W: 6.1-240
Record: 200 (14)
Latest: Stopped Jeremiah Karpency in round 3 the 29th of July
Comments: A tough youngster who lost to Cammarelle in Beijing. He got a rather professional style, so absolutely one to follow a little closer as a pro. Rivas might be the most promising heavyweight south of Cuba.
(11) Adam Kownacki
YOB: 1989
Country: USA/Poland
H-W: 6.3-250
Record: 14-0 (11)
Latest: Stopped Jesse Barboza in round 3 the 25th of June.
Comments: An offensive minded powerman with a good amateurbackground.
(12) Izuagbe Ugonoh
YOB: 1986
Country: Poland
H-W: 6.5-230
Record: 15-0
Latest: Stopped Gregory Tony in round 2 the 1st of October.
Comments: A rather fast and powerful heavyweight who's in the same stable as Joseph Parker at the moment.
(13) Jarrell Miller
YOB: 1989
Country: Belieze
H-W: 6.3-280
Record: 18-0-1
Latest: Stopped Fred Kassi the 19th of August.
Comments: A powerful man from New York with some reputation around him.
(14) Adrian Granat
YOB: 1991
Country: Sweden
H-W: 6.7-250
Record: 13-0
Latest: Stopped Franz Rill in round 6 the 15th of October.
Comments: A former swedish amateur champ, who's been doing great so far as a pro.
(15) Lucas Browne
YOB: 1979
Country: Australia
H-W: 6.4-260
Record: 23-0 (20)
Latest: Stopped Ruslan Chagaev in round 10 the 5th of March.
Comments: A big heavy hitting australian with alot of believers behind him.
(16) Otto Wallin
YOB: 1990
Country: Sweden
H-W: 6.5-230
Record: 16-0
Latest: Outpointed Raphael Zumbano the 3rd of December
Comments: A young swede with a decent amateur background.
(17) Gerald Washington
YOB: 1982
Country: USA
H-W: 6.5-250
Record: 18-0-1
Latest: Stopped Ray Austin in round 4 the 16th of July
Comments: A former "football"-player with some hype surrounding him.
(18) Trevor Bryan
YOB: 1989
H-W: 6.5-230
Country: USA
Record: 17-0
Latest: Outpointed Galen Brown the 2nd of July.
Comments: One of the brightest super heavyweight talents among the amateurs in USA during the last couple of years.
(19) Junior Fa
YOB: 1989
H-W: 6.6-260
Country: New Zealand
Record: 8-0
Latest: Stopped Pablo Matias Magrini in round 3 the 10th of December.
Comments: A big and fluid boxer who had competed succesfully in the WSB.
(20) Michael Hunter (!)
YOB: 1988
H-W: 6.2-200
Country: USA
Record: 12-0
Latest: Outpointed Isiah Thomas the 13th of May.
Comments: The number one among american amateur heavyweights/super heavyweights for a couple of years is quick and rather hard to hit. Maybe not the most powerful out there though. Seems to be more of a cruiser at the moment.
(21) Darmani Rock (!)
YOB: 1996
Country: USA
H-W: 6.4-250
Record: 6-0
Latest: Outpointed Brice Ritani Coe the 19th of November
Comments: One of the most hyped american super heavies in a long time. was seen as a big hope for the Olympics in Rio but was surprisingly stopped by Marlo Moore in the US qualification. Fast and rather slick for such a big man.
(22) George Arias (!)
YOB: 1991
Country: Dominican Republic
H-W: 6.0-230
Record: 5-0
Latest: Outpointed James Hammortree the 5th of March.
Comments: A rather fast and heavyhanded heavyweight from Bronx who won the New York Golden Glove in 2014.
(23) Oleksandr Teslenko
YOB: 1992
Country: Ukraine
H-W: 6.4-215
Record: 7-0
Latest: Stopped Abraham Pascual in round 2 the 9th of September
Comments: A good allroundboxer with a decent amateur background.
(24) Evgeny Romanov
YOB: 1985
H-W: 6.1-220
Country: Russia
Record: 2-0
Latest: Stopped Vladimir Goncharov in round 1 the 25th of November.
Comments: A rather small but hard hitting Russian who's probably most famous for a knockout win over Deontay Wilder as an amateur in 2008.
(25) LaRon Mitchell
YOB: 1980
Country: USA
H-W: 6.3-245
Record: 15-0
Latest: Outpointed Scott Alexander the 21st of October.
Comments: A latebloomer who became the US amateur champ (beating Lenroy Thompson for exemple) in 2011 and now has turned pro.
(26) Stephan Shaw
YOB: 1992
Country: US
H-W: 6.5- 250
Record: 7-0
Latest: Outpointed Danny Kelly the 17th of May.
Comments: Turned pro after a succesful 2013 in the amateur ring.
(27) Simon Kean
YOB: 1991
Country: Canada
H-W: 6.5-250
Record: 7-0
Latest: Stopped Danny Calhoun in round 1 the 19th of November.
Comments: A rateher succesfulful amateur who comepeted for Canada in London 2012 for exemple.
(28) Jai Opetaia (!)
YOB: 1995
H-W: 6.3-210
Country: Australia
Record: 6-0
Latest: Stopped Uria Masamasaga in round 2 the 14th of October
Comments: A golden boy from Australia, with a flashy style, who won the Australian heavyweight championship at the age of 16. He also became the world junior champ in 2011 and lost a controversial decission to Mammadov in London 2012.
(29) Michael Wallisch
YOB: 1985
Country: Germany
H-W: 6.5-220
Record: 16-0
Outpointed Ivica Bacurin the 9th of Janury.
Comments: A rather typical stand-up german fighter with good basics and a decent amateur background.
(30) Tom Schwarz
YOB: 1994
Country: Germany
H-W: 6.5-240
Record: 17-0
Latest: Outpointed Dennis Lewandowski the 4th of June.
Comments: A big and powerful youngster with a decent amateurbackground on junior level.
(31) Willis Meehan (!)
YOB: 1995
H-W: 6.5-280
Country: Australia
Record: 5-0
Latest: Stopped Riki Barclay in round 1 the 27th of April.
Comments: Kali Meehans son is a huge talent who became the Aussie amateur champ in 2013. Combines a boxing career with a rugby dito. He might have a bright future in boxing IF he get rid of the rugby thing.
(32) Alexis Santos
YOB: 1990
Country: USA
W: 6.0-220
Record: 16-1 (11)
Latest: Stopped Daniel Martz in round 7 the 9th of April.
Comments: Santos was a decent amateur and he’s mobile, fast and powerful so he might be worth to keep an eye on.
(33) Robert Alfonso
YOB: 1986
Country: Cuba
H-W: 6.5-240
Record: 10-0
Latest: Outpointed Willie Herring in September.
Comments: Alfonso was the number one superheavyweight in Cuba before the young Savon entered the scene. He got fine skills, but might be a little to defensive minded and don't seem to have the best of chins though.
(34) Gregory Corbin
YOB: 1980
Country: USA
H-W: 6.5-270
Record: 13-0
Latest: Stopped Larry Knight in round 2 the 10th of December.
Comments: One of the best super heavies in the amateur ranks in USA a couple of years ago.
(35) Krzysztof Kosela
YOB: 1989
Country: Poland
H-W: 6.7-250
Record: 9-0
Latest: Stopped Igor Pylypenko in round 1 the 22nd of October.
Comments: A big man from Poland with a decent amateur career behind him.
(36) Rotislav Plechko
YOB: 1989
Country: Russia
H-W: 6.3-210
Record: 8-0
Latest: Stopped David Gegeshidze in round 1 the 21st of October
Comments: A heavyhanded boxer with good allroundskills from Russia
(37) Zhang Junlong
YOB: 1981
Country: China
H-W: 6.3-270
Record: 12-0
Latest: Stopped George Arias in round 2 the 11th of April.
Comments: Another chinese heavyweight on the rise. Got a good win over respectable journeyman Jason Gavern on his record.
(38) Trey Lippe Morrison
YOB: 1989
Country: USA
H-W: 6.2-220
Record: 13-0
Latest: Stopped Ty Cobb in round 2 the 10th of December.
Comments: The son of Tommy Morrison, who also reminds a little bit of his father stylewise. Took a step up on the ladder when he stopped Ed Latimore.
(39) Jermaine Franklin
YOB: 1993
Country: USA
H-W: 6.1-240
Record: 7-0
Latest: Stopped Willie Jake in round 5 the 27th of May.
Comments: A former top amateur in USA who might be someone to follow.
(40) Agit Kabayel
YOB: 1992
Country: Germany
H-W: 6.3-230
Record: 15-0
Latest: Stopped Christian Lewandowsky in round 7 th 4th of June.
Comments: A good brawler with some decent wins on his record.
(41) Ali Eren Demirezen
YOB: 1990
H-W: 6.3-240
Country: Turkey
Record: 2-0
Latest: Stopped Patryk Kowoll in round 1 the 15th of October
Comments: A powerful heavy with some amateur success on his record.
(42) Gary Sweeney
YOB: 1994
Country: Ireland
H-W: 6.4-210
Record: 2-0
Latest: Stopped Marek Gabor in round 3 the 16th of July.
Comments: Was a rather successful amateur
(43) Julian Pollard
YOB: 1981
H-W: 6.4-260
Record: 6-0
Latest: Stopped Alando Pugh in round 2 the 24th of January.
Comments: A former american footballplayer who turned into a rather decent amateurboxer.
(44) Andrey Afonin
YOB: 1989
Country: Russia
H-W: 6.3-220
Record: 1-0
Latest: Stopped Emilio Karate in round 2 the 3rd of December.
Comments: One of the top russian amateurs the last couple of years. Looks a little bit like Povetkin in style.
(45) Cassius Chaney
Country: USA
YOB: 1987
H-W: 6.6-240
Record: 7-0
Latest: Outpointed Raymundo Lopez the 3rd of June
Comments: A former basketballplayer who turned to boxing but contrary to most of his "colleagues" reached the top as an amateur first.
(46) Paul Koon
YOB: 1986
H-W: 6.3-230
Country: USA
Record: 3-0
Latest: Outpointed Rex Harris the 21st of February.
Comments: One of the best American heavyweights for the last couple of years and a competitive fighter in WSB during the time.
(47) Ruslan Myrsatayev
YOB: 1985
H-W: 6.1-225
Country: Kazakhstan
Record: 3-0
Latest: Stopped Nuhu Azuma in round 1 the 29th of October
Comments: A stocky fighter with an aggressive style and a good amateur career behind him.
(48) Craig Lewis
YOB: 1984
H-W: 6.4-230
Country: USA
Record: 8-0-1
Latest: Stopped Preston King in round 1the 10th of December.
Comments: A good allroundboxer who won the Golden Gloves in 2008 and has been competed in the WSB a couple of times since then.
(49) Tyrone Spong
YOB: 1985
Country: Netherlands
H-W: 6.2-220
Record: 6-0
Latest: Stopped Hugo Leon in round 3 the 3rd of September.
Comments: A former? kickboxer at top level who's now trying to reach the top at boxing.
(50) Mehdi Ghorbani
YOB: 1985
H-W: 6.3-230
Country: Iran
Record: 15-0
Latest: Outpointed Zaniar Vahabi the 14th of February
Comments: A good amateur who competed in Beijing for exemple.
(51) Nathan Gorman
YOB: 1996
Country: UK
H-W: 6.3-250
Record: 6-0
Latest: Stopped Igor Mihaljevic in round 3 the 26th of November.
Comments: Was a top amateur as a junior in UK.
(52) Sergiej Werwejko
YOB: 1988
Country: Ukraine
H-W: 6.5-230
Record: 4-0
Latest: Stopped Andre Bunga in round 7 the 10th of December.
Comments: Was a decent amateur with merits in the WSB for exemple.
(53) Con Sheenan
YOB: 1989
Country: Ireland
H-W: 6.5-225
Record: 3-0
Latest: Stopped Radek Varek in round 1 the 1st of October.
Comments: Was a top amateur just behind the absolute top.
(54) John Luna
YOB: 1996
Country: USA
H-W: 6.4-250
Record: 2-0
Latest: Outpointed Oswaldo Ortega the 20th of August.
Comments: One of the best juniors in USA for a couple of years.
(55) Dennis Kiy
YOB: 1991
Country: Germany
H-W: 6.6-235
Record: 7-0
Latest: Stopped Nedejiko Cvorovic in round 1 the 1st of July
Comments: A big german with some skills
(56) Martin Bakole Ilunga
YOB: 1993
Country: Congo
H-W: 6.5-250
Record: 7-0
Latest: Stopped Tomaz Mrazek in round 3 the 1st of October.
Comments: Little brother of Junior Makabu.
(57) Sean Turner
YOB: 1991
Country: Ireland
H-W: 6.0-260
Record: 7-0
Latest: Stopped Gabor Farkas in round 1 the 7th of November.
Comments: A good amateur with alot of power who competed in WSB for exemple.
(58) Nick Mazurek
YOB: 1994
Country: USA
H-W: 6.5-240
Record: 5-0
Latest: Stopped Mike Jones in round 1 the 14th of May.
Comments: A young kid with a decent amateur background and some following behind him.
(59) Matteo Modugno
YOB: 1987
Country: Italy
H-W: 6.7-265
Record: 18-0 (7)
Latest: Outpointed Ivica Perkovic the 28th of November.
Comments: A huge, fasthanded and mobile Italian who was the 2nd best amateur in Italy (behind Cammarelle) before he turned pro in 2010.
(60) Edwin Alvarez
YOB: 1988
Country: USA
H-W: 6.7-260
Record: 5-0
Latest: Outpointed Jerry Butler the 9th of October
Comments: A former decent amateur who got the size.
(61) Romarick Ngoula
YOB: 1987
Country: Cameroon
H-W: 6.2-230
Record: 9-0
Latest: Outpointed Jamal Woods the 10th of December.
Comments: A former WSB-fighter
(62) Kash Ali
YOB: 1992
Country: UK
H-W: 6.4-235
Record: 11-0
Latest: Outpointed Hari Miles the 1st of October.
Comments: A young fluid heavyweight from the Brendan Ingle-stable...
(63) Taishan Dong
Country: China
H-W: 7.0-285
Record: 6-0
Latest: Outpointed Daniel Arambula the 18th of December
Comments: A Valuev-like chinese ...
(64) Marcin Siwy
YOB: 1990
Country: Poland
H-W: 6.2-255
Record: 15-0
Latest: Outpointed Andre Bunga the 14th of May.
Comments: Another promising heavyweight from Poland.
(65) Mladen Miljas
YOB: 1992
Country: Canada
H-W: 6.6-240
record: 3-0
Latest: Stopped Tim Hague in round 1the 2nd of December.
Comments: A rather successful amateur back home in Canada
(66) Tyrell Wright
YOB: 1987
H-W: 6.2-220
Country: USA
Record: 8-0-1
Latest: Stopped Jacob Chavez in round 2 the 15th of August.
Comments: A top-10 amateur in USA, before he turned pro.
(67) Apti Davtayev
YOB: 1989
Country: Russia
H-W: 6.4-260
Record: 12-0-1
Latest: Stopped Talgat Dosanov in round 1 the 28th of May
Comments: A hard hitting young russian who got some following.
(68) Jose Medina
YOB: 1996
Country: Puerto Rico
H_W: 6.3-260
Record: 4-0
Latest: OutpointedTracey Johnson the 7th of October.
Comments: A young kid with some amateur cred.
(69) Alante Green
Country: USA
H-W: 6.3-230
Record: 1-0
Latest: Stopped Ray Murray in round 1 the 26th of November
Comments: A top 5 Super heavy in USA as an amateur.
(70) Bradley Hamil
YOB: 1990
Country: Canada
H-W: 6.4-240
Record: 1-0
Latest: Stopped Idris Wasi in round 1 the 3rd of September
Comments: A good amateur on Canadian level
(71) Pavel Doroshilov
YOB: 1994
Country: Russia
H-W: 6.3-220
Record: 3-0
Latest: Outpointed Morris Okola the 11th of December
Comments: Seen as a promising amateur before he turned pro.
(72) Sahret Delgado
YOB: 1994
Country: Puerto Rico
H-W: 260
Record: 5-0
Latest: Stopped Ruben Rivera in round 1 the 22nd of April
Comments: A decent amateur on the centralamerican scene.
(73) Patrick Eneanya
W: 6.3-220
Country: New Zeeland
Record: 8-0
Latest: Stopped Roger Izonritei in round 7 the 2nd of December.
Comments: A decent amateur with some following.
(74) Miljan Rovcanin
YOB: 1993
Country: Serbia
H-W: 6.3-225
Record: 14-0
Latest: Stopped Milos Dovedan in round 2 the 28th of November
Comments: An undefeated Serbian who seems like decent allround boxer.
(75) Senad Gashi
YOB: 1990
Country: Germany
H-W: 6.1-220
Record: 11-0
Latest: Stopped Andras Csomor in round 4 the 2nd of October
Comments: A rather small, but fast and powerful heavyweight.
(76) Egor Plevako
YOB: 1990
H-W: 6.3-230
Country: Ukraine
Record: 2-0
Latest: Outpointed Kenny Cruz the 27th of April.
Comments: A bronze medalist in the U-19 WC 2008, who traveled to New York and won the NY Golden Gloves in 2011.
(77) Anatoly Antonyuk
YOB: 1988
Country: Russia
H-W: 6.5-250
Record: 3-0
Latest: Stopped Sedrak Agagulyan in round 2 the 27th of February
Comments: Was a decent amateur who fought in the WSB for exemple
(78) Onoriode Ehwarieme
YOB: 1987
country: Nigeria
H-W: 6.4-215
Record: 11-0
Latest: Stopped Masebu Adewale in round 2 the 6th of July
Comments: Competed in the Olympics 2008 and WC 2009 for Nigeria.
(79) Hemi Ahio
YOB: 1990
Country: New Zeeland
H-W: 6.0-240
Record: 8-0
Latest: Stopped Richard Tutaki in round 3 the 5th of September
Comments: A decent pressure-fighter from Down Under.
(80) Burak Sahin
YOB: 1992
Country: Germany
H-W: 6.2-230
Record: 9-0
Latest: Stopped Peter Erdos in round 6 the 9th of April
Comments: A rather powerful brawler
(81) Ergun Mersin
YOB: 1990
Country: Switzerland
H-W: 6.3-240
Latest: Stopped Goran Dinic in round 2 the 29th of November.
Record: 12-0 (8)
Comments: Was a decent amateur on junior level.
(82) Gino da Fonseca
YOB: 1994
Country: Netherlands
H-W: 6.6-230
Record: 3-0
Latest: Outpointed Milen Paunov the 17th of October.
Comments: A young dutch heavyweight with size on his side.
(83) Stan Surmacz-Ahumada
YOB: 1990
Country: Philippines
H-W: 6.4-250
Record: 5-0
Latest: Outpointed Craig Hudson the 17th of June.
Comments: Fought rather succesfully as an amateur in Canada
(84) Marcus Carter
YOB: 1997
H-W: 6.2-270
Country: USA
Record; 1-0
Latest: Stopped Dalvin Henderson in round 1 the 30th of October
Comments: A young kid who won the the Golden Gloves 2016.
(85) Young Fury
YOB: 1996
Country: UK
H-W: 6.3-235
Record: 6-1
Loss: To Henry Smith in Furys 2nd fight
Latest: Outpointed Imantas Davidaitis the 14th of November.
Comments: Tysons brother.
(86) Samuel Kadje
YOB: 1990
Country: France
Record: 5-0
Latest: Stopped Ivan Brkljaca in round 3 the 30th of April
Commrets: A french heavyweight with a decent amateur background
(87) Nick Webb
YOB: 1988
Country: UK
H-W: 6.6-260
Record: 8-0
Latest: Stopped Jakov Gospic inround 1 the 21st of October.
Comments: A big athlete with a decent background on the UK amateur scene.
(88) Edgar Ramirez
YOB: 1995
Country: Mexico
H-W: 6.3-230
Record: 2-1
Loss: On points to Jonathan Rice
Latest: Stopped Israel Huerta in round 1 the 29th of October.
Comments: A young heavyweight from Mexico who competed in WSB and WC 2015.
(89) Umut Cankiran
Country: Turkey
Record: 3-0
Latest: Stopped Alexander Kahl in round 1 the 8th of May
Comments: Also called Umut Tyson. Impressive win over Kalnars in debut.
(90) James McKenzie Morrison
YOB: 1990
Country: USA
H-W: 6.3-220
Record: 9-0-2
Latest: Drewed with Aaron Chavers the 24th of September.
Comments: Another son of the late Tommy Morrison. More of a "boxer" than his powerful brother.
(91) Pano Tiatia
YOB: 1997
H-W: 5.10-230
Country: USA/Samoa
Record: 1-0
Latest: Outpointed John Orr the 30th of April
Comments: Was a top amateur on junior level.
(92) Mohamed Al Zein
YOB: 1991
H-W: 6.4-230
Country: Germany
Record: 5-0
Latest: Stopped Zoltan Beres in round 1 the 11th of October.
Comments: Ahmet Öhner latest Golden boy.
(93) Raphael Tronché
YOB: 1989
Country: France
H-W: 6.2-215
Record: 8-0
Latest: Outpointed Gabriel Enguema the 21st of October
Comments: A fast and mobile heavyweight with some power.
(94) Jack Mulowayi
YOB: 1987
H-W: 6.5-240
Country: Belgium
Record: 2-0
Latest: Outpointed David Gogishvili the 28th of May
Comments: A decent heavyweight from Belgium
(95) Isaac Chamberlain
Country: UK
YOB: 1994
H-W: 6.2-200
Record: 5-0
Latest: Stopped Russ Henshaw in round 6 the 16th of April.
Comments: A slick, wellschooled young cruiser/heavy who sparred with Deonray Wilder and Anthony Joshua for exemple
(96) Pezhman Seifkhani
YOB: 1990
Country: Sweden
H-W: 6.3-230
Record: 4-0
Latest: Outpointed David Gogishvili in round 1 the 19th of November.
Comments: A former swedish amateur champ.
(97) Bubba Tuigamala
YOB: 1992
Country: New Zeeland
H-W: 6.2-275
Record: 5-0
Latest: Outpointed Gogosina Ulutoa the 23rd of January.
Comments: Nephew of David Tua
(98) Gunnar Kolbein Kristinsson
YOB: 1988
Country: Iceland
H-W: 6.5-250
Record: 6-0
Latest: Stopped Kim Thompsen in round 2 the 4th of June
Comments: Icelands only? professional boxer is a big powerful heavyweight.
(99) Mike Balogun
YOB: 1983
Country: USA
H-W: 6.0-235
Record: 9-0
Latest: Stopped Brandon Lee Hinkle in round 1 the 20th of October.
Comments: A late starter who got some following.
(100) Ruslan Shamalov
YOB: 1991
H-W: 6.5-235
Country: Russia
Record: 2-0
Latest: Stopped Rex Harris in round 2 the 12th of November.
Comments: A decent amateur
And who are the most interesting amateur heavyweights? The list below is not an objective ranking about who’s the best amateur right now and so on, it’s a highly subjective ranking about potential to be a succesful professional heavyweight. Read it as some kind of amateurdraft if you like, where nr 1 is the one I would choose first (as a promoter) and so on…
(1) Filip Hrgovic
YOB: 1992
W: 6.5-SH
Country: Croatia
The most Klitschko-like in the amateur ranks seems to have great stamina and has been one of the best in the WSB the last couple of years.
(2) Erislandy Savon
YOB: 1990
H-W: 6.4-H
Country: Cuba
A tall Cuban with a fine technical style who was unbeaten in WSB 2015. And yes, Felix is his uncle.
(3) Ivan Dychko
YOB: 1990
W: 6.8-SH
Country: Kazakhstan
A tall, fast and mobile big man who has been at the absolute top for a couple of years.
(4) Magomedrasul Medzhidov
YOB: 1986
H-W: 6.2-SH
Country: Azerbadjan
A brutal brawler with a very proish style who became world champ in 2011 and 2013.
(5) Tony Yoka
YOB: 1992
H-W: 6.6-SH
Country: France
A big and mobile frenchman who has been among the best (5-10) for a couple of years and now finally reached his career-high with golds in WC 2015 and Rio 2016.
(6) Frazer Clarke
YOB: 1992
H-W: 6.6-SH
Country: UK
A big man who has looked sensational in WSB during 2016.
(7) Vassily Levit
YOB: 1988
H-W: 6.2-H
Country: Kazakstan
A fast heavyweight who was very succesful in 2015:s WSB. Was brutally robbed in the Olympic final 2016 against Tischenko.
(8) Joseph Joyce
YOB: 1986
H-W: 6.6-SH
Country: UK
A latebloomer who's big and strong. A volumepuncher who comes after you even if he doesn't seems to have the best of defence.
(9) Artem Suslenkov
YOB: 1995
Country: Russia
Russias national champ in 2016
(10) Evgeniy Tischenko
YOB: 1991
Country: Russia
H-W: 6.5-H
The number one heavy in Russia who's tall and wellschooled. Became the world champ in 2015 (even if was with a rather dubious decision agaisnt Savon in the final). Unfortunate for him, his name will after Rio 2016 always be remembered for being part of the worst robbery since Roy Jones "lost" the final in 1988.
(11) Yoandris Toirac/Yohandi Ortega
YOB: 1994
H-W: 6.4- SH
Country: Cuba
A rising super heavyweight talent from Cuba, who's light on his feet. He competed rather succesfully in WSB 2015.
(12) Mihai Nistor
YOB: 1990
H-W: 6.0-SH
Country: Romania
A heavy hitter who's been succesful in the APB in 2015. Beat Russo in WSB 2013 and is also the only one who won a round! against Usyk in WSB 2013.
(13) Justis Huni (!)
YOB: 1999
H-W: 6.4-SH
Country: Australia
The World Youth super heavy champion in 2016. Rather fast and slippery for a "man" at his size.
(14) Dainier Pero (!)
YOB: 1999
H-W: 6.3-H
Country: Cuba
The littlebrother of Leinier is sensational at his age. Slick, mobile and fasthanded. Won the heavyweight gold at the World Youth Championships in 2016.
(15) David Nyika (!)
YOB: 1995
H-W: 6.4-H
Country: New Zeeland
Won the gold as a light heavy in the commonwealth games 2014 and has now stepped up in the heavyweight division where he has been succesful and had some misfortune with the judges in the WC. Slick and unusually fast for a heavyweight. A little bit royjonesy stylewise.
(16) Magomed Omarov
YOB: 1989
H-W: 6.5-SH
Country: Russia
A big russian fighter who's good at everything, but not fantastic in any department. Competed in APB 2015.
(17) Bakhodir Jalolov
YOB: 1994
H-W: 6.7-SH
A young and tall Uzbek who took bronze in WC 2015.
(18) Abdulkadir Abdullayev
YOB: 1988
H-W: 6.4-H
Country: Azerbadjan
A rather tricky powerpuncher who's been successfull in WSB so far.
(19) Frank Sanchez
YOB: 1993
H-W: 6.3-H
Country: Cuba
A good Cuban who won the Cuban Nationals (sort of) in 2015 by beating Erislandy Savon in the final. He fights in the WSB at the moment.
(20) Leinier Pero
YOB: 1992
H: 6.3-H
Country: Cuba
A young, fasthanded heavyweight from Cuba who was their man in WC 2015.
(21) Kamshybek Konkabayev
YOB: 1991
H-W: 6.4-SH
Country: Kazakstan
A young heavyweight who boxes succesfully in the WSB at the moment.
(22) Gasan Gimbatov
YOB: 1993
H-W: 6.1-SH
Country: Russia
A fasthanded and powerful young man from Russia. Became the European junior champ in 2011 for exemple.
(23) Efe Ajagba
YOB: 1994
Country: Nigeria
Nigerias super heavy in Rio.
(24) Yordan Hernandez
YOB: 1996
H-W: 6.5-SH/H
Country: Cuba
Junior Super heavy-champ in Cuba and junior world champ as a heavy in 2014. A mobile boxer with a fine jab.
(25) Peter Kadiru
YOB: 1997
H-W: 6.6-SH
Country: Germany
Became the silver medalist in the junior WC and the olympic youth champ, where he beat Rock in the final, in 2014. Big and strong.
(26) Valeriy Topuzyan
YOB: 1996
Country: Russia
One of the best juniors in the world.
(27) Anton Pinchuk
YOB: 1988
H-W: 6.4-H
Country: Kazakstan
A fast and technical heavyweight who's a success in the APB so far.
(28) Daniel Dubois
YOB: 1997
H-W: 6.6-SH
Country: UK
A talented young kid who recently beat the junior world champ Kadiru
(29) Vitali Kudukhov
YOB: 1991
H-W: 6.2-SH
Country: Russia
One of the best heavies/supeheavies in Russia who's more of a brawler than a "boxer"
(30) Ivan Smirnov
YOB: 1997
Country: Russia
The top russian junior at the moment
(31) Wang Chibao
YOB: 1993
H-W: 6.4-SH
Country: China
Chinas man in WSB who's rather fast and light on his feat also competed in WC 2015
(32) Florian Schultz
YOB: 1994
H-W: 6.5-SH
Country: Germany
A young, talented German who competed in WC 2015.
(33) Andrey Stotskiy
YOB: 1995
H-W: 6.2-H
Country: Russia
The world youth champ in 2012.
(34) Lawrence Okolie
YOB: 1992
H-W: 6.5-H
Country: UK
Competes rather successful in WSB and qualified for Rio.
(35) Ulugbek Mubinov
YOB: 1993
H-W: 6.2-SH
Country: Uzbekistan
Competes succesfully in the WSB
(36) Jose Larduet
YOB: 1990
H-W: 6.2-H
Country: Cuba
A fast and powerful Cuban who won bronze at light heavy in 2009. Has now with some success moved up to the heavyweight and even super heavyweight at times.
(37) Erik Pheifer
YOB: 1987
W: 6.4-SH
Country: Germany
A good straight up boxer who's fighting succesfully in the APB at the moment.
(38) Henrich Ruiz
YOB: 1994
H-W: H
Country: Cuba
One of the brighest prospects among cuban heavies
(39) Marlo Moore
YOB: 1990
Country: USA
Knocked out Darmani Rock in the US Olympic Trials.
(40) Zhan Kosobitskiy
YOB: 1988
Country: Kazakhstan
Another top class Kazakh who got a win over Medzhidov in may 2012 for exemple.
(41) Patrick Maitala
YOB: 1995
Country: New Zeeland
H-W: 6.3-SH
A very promising young fighter from down under.
(42) Cam Awesome (Lenroy Thompson)
YOB: 1988
H-W: 6.2-SH
Country: USA
He became the US future star champ in 2008 and won the Golden Gloves in 2009 with a style that is based on constant movement.
(43) David Imoeseri
YOB: 1988
H-W: 6.2-SH
Country: USA
One of the best american heavies/superheavies at the moment. He's also one of the highest ranked in the World Series of Boxing.
(44) Yaroslav Doronichev
YOB: 1995
H-W: 6.1-SH
Country: Russia
A new Russian superheavy on the scene, who competes in WSB 2016
(45) Mu Haipeng
YOB: 1995
H-W: 6.6-SH
country: China
A succesful man in WSB.
(46) Gevorg Manukian
YOB: 1993
H-W. 6.2-H
Country: Ukraine
Competed in WC 2015.
(47) Dosjan Ospanov
YOB: 1986
H-W: 6.4-SH
Country: Kazakstan
Went pro a couple of years ago, but returned to the amateur. Became the Asian champ in 2011, where he beat the chinese Zhilei for exemple.
(48) Sandor Abdullayev
YOB: 1988
H-W: 6.5-SH
Country: Uzbekhistan
The silvermedalist from jr WC 2006 is a big man with good skills and has been doing the transiton to the senior level better than most of his “classmates” on the list. He competed in the WC 2009, where he lost to Zhang Zhilei, and in WC 2011, where he lost to Medzhidov.
(49) Erik Brechlin
YOB: 1990
Country: Germany
Took the silver in the Youth World Champ 2008.
(50) Viktor Vyhkrest
YOB: 1992
H-W: 6.5-SH
Country: Ukraine
A Klitschko-lookalike who competes (succesfully) in the WSB.
(51) Mohammad Ghosson
YOB: 1989
W: H
Country: Syria
A technical sound boxer who compteted in WC 2009
(52) Brandon Lynch
YOB: 1991
H-W: 6.6-SH
Country: USA
USA:s man in WSB during 2016
(53) Yousef Abed Elghani
YOB: 1988
W: 6.5- SH
Country: Israel
A fast and mobile southpaw who competed in WC 2009 where he lost a rather close fight to Bulgarian Pulev. He also took a bronze medal in EC 2010, where he lost on injury to the eventual winner Kuzmin.
(54) Ivan Veryasov
YOB: 1993
H-W: H
Country: Russia
Russias best junior among the heavies. He won the junior EC in 2011 for exemple.
(55) Istvan Bernath
YOB: 1989
W: 6.3-SH
Country: Hungary
A skilful but rather defensiveminded boxer who lost in the first round to Russias Sergejev in WC 2009.
(56) Kevin Espindola
YOB: 1996
H-W: 6.2-SH
Country: Argentina
A young boxer from Argentina who competes in WSB during 2016.
(57) Paul Omba Biongolo
YOB: 1995
H-W: 6.2-H
Country: France
A young an promising fighter from France who competed in WC 2015.
(58) Maxim Babanin
YOB: 1988
Country: Russia
The best junior super heavy in the world for a couple of years. Was expected to take over the Russian mantle after Timurziev but seems to have stagnated a little lately.
(59) Olzhas Bukayev
YOB: 1994
Country: Kazakhstan
The Kazakh super heavy champ in 2016.
(60) Emir Ahmatovic
YOB: 1986
H-W: 6.3-SH
Country: Germany
Competes rather succesfully in WSB during 2013.
(61) Mohammed Arjaoui
YOB: 1987
Country: Morrocco
Competed in WSOB and WC 2011 where he beat Sergey Kuzmin.
(62) Juan Noguiera
YOB: 1988
H-W: 6.2-H
Country: Brazil
Competed in Rio where he lost a close decision to the eventual "winner" Tischenko.
(63) Sergey Kalchugin
YOB: 1987
H-W: H
Country: Russia
Junior world champ in 2006 and the heavyweight dominator class for several years. Has now taken the step up among the seniors.
(64) Modo Sallah
YOB: 1983
H-W: 6.4-SH
Country: Sweden
A good technical Swede in the same style as Attila Levin. Has been out for a while, but is now back in the mix and might be someone for the proscene IF he can be disciplined enough.
(65) Jose Payares
YOB: 1986
H-W: 6.5-SH
Country: Venezuela
He beat( a sick) Michael Hunter and went to Beijing, where he lost to Ouatah in the first round. Competeted in WC 2011 where he lost to Cammarelle.
(66) Osmay Acosta
YOB: 1985
H-W: 6.2-H
Country: Cuba
A mobile and technical boxer” who took a bronze in Beijing and a silver in WC 2009, but Acosta is not in his predecessor Odlanier Solis class.
(67) Adonis Perez
YOB: 1994?
H-W: H
Country: Cuba
Junior heavy champ in Cuba.
(68) Arbi Madayev
YOB: 1990
Country: Russia
One of the best young super heavies in Russia
(69) Yunier Castro
YOB: 1992
Country: Cuba
A good cuban superheavyweight.
(70) Rustam Tulaganov
YOB: 1991
H-W: 6.2-H
Country: Uzbekistan
A good pressure-fighter who competed in WC 2015.
(71) Roy Korving
YOB: 1995
H-W: 6.3-H
Country: Holland
A young dutch heavyweight with some potential
(72) Yamil Peralta
YOB: 1991
H-W: 6.3-H
Country: Argentina
A good heavyweight from Argentina who competed in London.
(73) Isaias Mena
YOB: 1987
Country: Colombia
One of the best superheavies in South America and a competetitor in WC 2011, where he lost to Medzhidov.
(74) Gabriel Richards
YOB: 1993
W: H
Country: Sweden
The best heavyweight in Sweden at the moment
(75) Ivan Bezverkhiy
YOB: 1988?
Country: Ukraine
One of the top juniors in the superheavyweight division.
(76) Omar Ibanez
YOB: 1990
H-W: 6.0-SH
Country: Cuba
A young Cuban super heavy in the same style as Odlanier Solis and Roberto Balado (short and fast). Won the bronze in junior WC 2008.
(77) Richard Torrez
YOB: 1999
H-W: 6.2-SH
Country: USA
Took bronze in the World Youth Championships 2016.
(78) Yasmani Perez
Country: Cuba
One of the best super heavies in Cuba right now.
(79) Gurgen Topuyzan
YOB: 1996
Country: Russia
Brother or twinbrother with Valeriy Topuyzan?
(80) Nurzhan Bekzatov
Country: Kazakhstan
A new Kazakh with some good results lately
(81) Xuanxuan Wang
YOB: 1990
H-W: 6.3-H
Country: China
A rather tricky heavyweight who took bronze in WC 2011.
(82) Rostislav Arkhipenko
YOB: 1991
Country: Ukraine
A top youth boxer.
(83) Arslanbek Mahmudov
YOB: 1989
Country: Russia
The World University Champion who also got some other decent tournament-wins on his resume.
(84) Mirzokhid Abdullayev
YOB: 1991
H-W: H
Country: Uzbekistan
One of the best heavyweights in Asia.
(85) Abdulkhamid Nurmagomedov
YOB: 1987
H-W: H
Country: Russia
Russias man in EC 2011.
(86) Danis Latypov
YOB: 1990
Country: Russia
H-W: 6.4-SH
A decent russian with a lot of merits from WSB
(87) Felix Mario Savon
YOB: 1993
H-W: H
Country: Cuba
The son of Felix Savon
(88) Joshua Temple
YOB: 1992
H-W: 6.3-H
Country: USA
Number one among the American heavyweights as a teenager.
(89) Echlin Alizade
YOB: 1986
W: 6.2-H
Country: Azerbadjan
A good allroundboxer with alot of amateur credentials behind him.
(90) Dino Mansour
YOB: 1990
Country: Croatia
One of the best “juniors” in the super heavyweight division. He won the U-19 European Championships in 2009 for exemple.
(91) Nigel Paul
YOB: 1989
H-W: 6.4-SH
Country: Trinidad & Tobago
A novice who just qualified for the Olympics
(92) Yaidel Verde
YOB: 1994
H-W: H
Country: Cuba
The top junior in Cuba
(93) Viktar Zuyev
YOB: 1983
H-W: 6.1-SH
Country: Belarus
The fast and powerful southpaw who won the silver as a heavy in Athen 2004 and lost in the semifinal against Cammarelle as a super heavy in WC 2009 might be a crowdfavorite as a pro, but a questionable chin might be his downfall at the end.
(94) Clayton Laurent
YOB: 1990
Country: Virgin Islands
For being such an inexperienced boxer, he was very impressive in the 1st American qualification for the Olympics 2008.
(95) Gerarado Bisbal
YOB: 1984
H-W: 6.2-SH
Country: Puerto Rico
Has never been better than in the WSB 2013.
(96) Devon Young
YOB: 1998
H-W: 6.4-SH
Country: USA
One of the best juniors in USA at the moment
(97) Cristain Cabrera
Country: Dominican republic
One of the best superheavies in South America.
(98) Yoandri Maceo
Country: Cuba
A top5 Superheavy in Cuba.
(99) Orlando Rabi
YOB: 1990
Country: Cuba
An up and comming Super heavy from Cuba.
(100) Edgar Munoz
YOB: 1983
H-W: 6.0-SH
Country: Venezuela
A slick heaavyweight who usually competes in WSB.
Do you miss someone or do you have any other comments about my ranking?
Feel free to contact me at:
Top 100 Heavyweight prospects,
tisdag 1 januari 2008
Top 100 Heavyweight Prospects and Amateur Draft
(Updated in November 2008)
(For the latest ranking click here)
When the 18 year old Mike Tyson brutally demolished opponents in the mid 80-s, everybody “in the know” “knew” that they witnessed the new heavyweight superstar. The young Tyson is what you can call an archetype for the young heavyweight on the rise. The boxer with that special aura and the style of a future champ written all over him. But for every young Tyson or young Cassius Clay there’s hundreds of Courage Tshabalalas and Pele Reids. Hyped prospects who don’t deliver. Most of the prospects never succeed at all.
To illustrate that, I checked my top100-list from five years ago and found at that:
About 15 % are still considered prospects. Some of them still pad their records while a few others have came back after losses or inactivity. 5 % became beltholders and about 10% became gatekeepers or fringe contenders. The rest (70%) never reached anything close to the top. So that’s the bitter context for the young ones mentioned below I guess.
So what is a prospect? In my book, a prospect is someone with qualities that haven’t been pushed to the limit, an unknown commodity. A prospect is not necessarily undefeated even if an undefeated fighter is almost per definition a prospect. If you haven’t smelled defeat your still on your way up. But if your loss has been dubious in some way or if you have showed improvement since your loss, you might be a prospect too. The things that counts are what you can do in the future. And for that reason is not the “big” beltholders or official contenders considered prospects either.
The ranking is based on (1) Level of competition (2) How you perform against the level you reached (3) Amateur credentials (4) Age.
1 (1) Alexander Povetkin
YOB: 1979
Country: Russia
H-W: 6.2-225
Record: 16-0 (12)
Prodebut: 2005
Latest: Stopped Taurus Sykes in round 5 the 19th of July
Best win: Eddie Chambers in January
Other victims: Chris Byrd, Larry Donald, David Bostice, Friday Ahunanya, Ed Mahone and Richard Bango.
Rounds: 11
Comments: As one of the most successful superheavyweights ever in the amateur ring Povetkin is the closest thing to a predestined champ in the heavyweight division since… maybe Tyson. He’s at least the undisputed number one among the new generation of heavyweights. The stocky Russian is a pressurefighter who combines power with fast hands and good defence, so it requires something extraordinary to beat him. An impressive workmanlike decision over the former number two on this list, the slick Eddie Chambers in January 2008 consolidates his position as the best prospect in the world .
2 (3) David Haye
YOB: 1980
Country: UK
H-W: 6.3-215
Records: 22-1 (21)
Latest: Stopped Monte Barrett in round 5 the 15th of November
Best win (as a heavy) Monte Barrett
Loss: Stopped by Carl Thompson in 2004
Rounds: 12
Comments: Haye is definitely an exciting newcomer to the heavyscene and he certainly got the power and speed to make it interesting. At 6.3 he also got the right size for the big boys. His weak spot and the biggest reason that he should be counted as a rather unknown commodity as a heavyweight is probably his chin. Monte Barrett didn’t test Hayes chin, but all’n all a good win for Haye in his heavyweight “debut”..
3 (4) Juan Carlos Gomez
YOB: 1973
Country: Cuba
H-W: 6.4- 230
Record: 44-1 (35)
Prodebut: 1995
Latest fight: Outboxed Wladimir Virchis the 27th of September
Best win (as a heavy): Wladimir Virchis
Loss: Stopped in round 1 by Yanqui Diaz in August 2004
Other notable victims (as a heavy): Oliver McCall, David Defiagbon, Sinan Samil Sam, Al Cole
Rounds: 12
Comments: Don’t know what is going on with Juan Carlos Gomez. His career as a heavy has been very up and down so far. He showed his class as a heavy when he outclassed Sinan Samil Sam. Inactivity followed the win and when he returned countryman Yanqui Diaz shockingly stopped him and when we all thought that he finally was on the right track with wins over David Defiagbon and Oliver McCall he became suspended when cocaine was found in his body after the win over McCall. He came back with “another” win over McCall in 2007 and outboxed the Ukrainian dangerman Virchis in September 2008 in the most important fight of Gomez’ heavyweight career so far. The erratic Cuban got all the right tools to become a successful heavyweight. He’s one of the best cruisers ever and with great handspeed, mobility good defence and decent power he has the potential to do what Holyfield did (move up from cruiser to become a heavyweightchamp). His biggest enemy is his not so disciplined behaviour outside the ring as I see it. Let’s see if he finally (as a heavy) can live up to his talent.
4 (6) Alexander Dimitrenko
YOB: 1982
Country: Ukraine
H-W: 6.7-250
Record: 29-0 (19)
Prodebut: 2001
Latest fight: Stopped Luan Krasniqi in round 3 the 15th of November
Best win: Stoppagewin over Luan Krasniqi in November 2008
Other wins: Timo Hoffmann, Malcolm Tann, Vaughn Bean, Fernely Feliz, Ross Puritty,Julius Francis, Kendrick Releford
Rounds: 12
Comments: A former junior super heavy champ who looks like a basketball-player and moves very well for a man at his size. Dimitrenko can look a little weak or thin from time to time but his combination of size, mobility and decent power is hard to match.
5 (8) Chris Arreola
YOB: 1981
Country: USA (California)
H-W: 6.3-240
Record: 25-0 (23)
Prodebut: 2003
Latest: Stopped Israel Garcia the 25th of September
Best win: Chazz Witherspoon.
Other wins: Stoppagewins over Malcolm Tann, Damian Willis, Sedreck Fields, Domonic Jenkins and Damian Norris
Rounds: 8
Comments: Chris Arreola is a classical brawler who always comes forward with fast and powerful shots. He was a successful amateur in the light heavy division, but has as a pro moved up to the heaviest division and you can see that it’s not only muscles that brought him up in weight. Impressive win over previously unbeaten Chazz Witherspoon in June.
6 (2) Eddie Chambers
YOB: 1982
Country: USA (Pittsburgh)
H-W: 6.1-220
Record: 31-1 (17)
Prodebut: 2000
Latest fight: Stopped Raphael Butler in round 6 the 20th of June
Best win: Calvin Brock in November 2007
Other notable victims: Dominic Guinn, Derrick Rossy, Domonic Jenkins, Ed Mahone, Robert Hawkins, Ross Puritty,
Loss: On points to Alexander Povetkin in January
Rounds: 12
Comments: Eddie Chambers is a rather mobile and fast American heavyweight who lacks explosional power and also might be a little bit too small at the end. But he knows his way round the ring and with his relaxed and rather elusive style, might be a nightmare for a couple of the bigger and more powerful prospects and contenders out there. He showed that he could box on even terms with Povetkin when he was “on” and the KO-win over Raphael Butler showed that the slick Eddie Chambers still wants to be in the mix.
7 (9) Odlanier Solis
YOB: 1980
Country: Cuba
H-W: 6.1-255
Record: 12-0 (8)
Prodebut: 2007
Latest: Stopped Chauncy Welliver in round 9 the 11th of October
Best win: Stopped Alex Mazikin in round 1 in June 2007
Other wins: Cisse Salif, Jeremy Bates, Aldo Colliander, Marcus McGee, Andreas Sidon
Rounds: 9
Comments: Solis is probably the most talented heavyweight in the world but he might also be the biggest waste of talent on the list. He’s absolutely the most exciting heavyweight who have turned pro from Castro’s Cuba and his first five or six opponents as a pro were the most impressive start for a newcomer since... The level of opponents has not continue to impress during his second year as a pro though.
Initially we got a lightning fast, mobile and hard to hit heavyweight with decent power. Now we got a heavy who have balooned up from 200 lbs four years ago to over 250 lbs today, with improved power but declined speed and mobilty. To me it seems that the big problem for Solis is the people around him. Solis is rumoured to be a partyanimal outside the ring and his disciplin has been questionized more than once, but his promoter doesn’t seem to care. He just keep screaming about his “Cuban Tyson” who’s going to knock everybody out, and that’s a pity cause Solis is not just another “toughman” with power, he has the potential to be an all time great IF he remember what his real skills are (speed, mobilty and defense). A 250 lbs Solis who doesn’t dance and only searching the knockout will not be a champ.
8 (10) Kevin Johnson
YOB: 1979
Country: USA (New Jersey)
H-W: 6.3- 240
Record: 21-0-1 (8)
Prodebut: 2003
Latest: Stopped Matthew greer in round 3 the 7th of November
Best win: Bruce Seldon
Other wins: Terry Smith, Damian Willis, Robert Hawkins, Robert Wiggins
Draw: Timur Ibraghimov
Rounds: 10
Comments: Johnson might have the best jab on the list and he’s also a rather fast boxer with good allroundskills. But he seems to be a fighter who do just enough to win and he looks a little lacklustre and lazy at times which cost him the victory against Timur Ibraghimov for example. Johnsons opponents was unusual tough at the early stages of his career, but it seems that his matchmaking (like his style) has been more careful now. It seems that he doesn’t wants to mix it up if he’s not forced to, so it would make sense to put him against a good pressurefighter next.
9 (18) Denis Boytsov
YOB: 1986
Country: Russia
H-W: 6.1-220
Record: 23-0 (18)
Prodebut: 2004
Latest: Outboxed Vinny Maddalone the 15th of November
Best win: Robert Hawkins
Other wins: Ondrej Pala in 2006
Rounds: 10
Comments: An offensiveminded and powerful boxer with good allroundskills. He became junior world amateurchamp with only KO-wins in 2004 and he certainly looks a little bit like a young Tyson in style. He can look a little listless if his opponent doesn’t fall down from his brutal shots, but he’s got good basic skills. I hope he can refine those skills so he doesn’t become a onedimensinal knockoutboxer. He finally stepped up a little in class when he beat tough journeyman Robert Hawkins in April. Even if Boytsov hasn’t lived up to our huge expectations yet, he still got time on his side and is absolutely someone to keep an eye on.
10 (12) Malik Scott
YOB: 1980
Country: USA (Philadelphia)
H-W: 6.4-250
Record: 31-0 (11)
Prodebut: 2000
Latest fight: Stopped Arthur Cook in round 7 the 18th of July
Best win: Charles Shufford in May 2007
Other notable victims: Kendrick Releford, Damian Norris
Rounds: 10
Comments: Scott was an amateurstandout and got a good jab and fine movements. He’s what you call a safety-first fighter. He likes to outbox his opponents rather than mix it up and after seven years as a pro he hasn’t really stepped it up so it’s not only his style that is “safety-first”.
11 (-) Cedric Boswell
YOB: 1969
Country: USA
H-W: 6.3-225
Record: 28-0 (22)
Prodebut: 1994
Latest fight: Stopped Roman Greenberg in round 2 the 29th of August
Best win: Roman Greenberg
Rounds: 10
Comments: Boswell was mentioned as one of the brightest prospects on the horizon in the late 90:s and at the early 2000. In 2003 he was stopped by Jameel McCline in the 10th and final round in a fight that Boswell was winning handily until then. He has been rather inactive since, but showed when he “exposed” Roman Greenberg that he, despite his age, might be someone to keep in mind.
12 (21) Travis Walker
YOB: 1979
Country: USA (Houston)
H-W: 6.4-240
Record: 28-1-1 (22)
Prodebut: 2004
Latest: Stopped Wallace McDaniels in round 1 the 4th of September
Best win: Stopped T J Wilson in February
Other wins: Jason Estrada
Drew: Against fellow prospect Jason Gavern in September 2005
Loss: TJ Wilson in 2007
Rounds: 10
Comments: Walker a former topamateur with a win at the national Golden Gloves 2003 as the peak is a big guy with a big punch and decent skills. He surprised a lot of us when he won on points against the usually very fast and mobile Jason Estrada. The loss to TJ Wilson was of course a setback but it was a rather premature stoppage and in the rematch a much sharper Walker showed that the first fight was some kind of fluke.
13 (20) Jason Estrada
YOB: 1980
Country: USA (Rhode Island)
H-W: 6.1-240
Record: 14-1 (3)
Prodebut: 2004
Latest fight: Outpointed Domonic Jenkins the 29th of August
Best win: Lance Whitaker in April
Other wins: Charles Shufford in 2007
Loss: A close decision to Travis Walker in 2006
Rounds: 10
Comments: Estrada was heavily criticized for his lame performance in Athens 2004, but don’t forget that Estrada is probably the most successful American heavyweight since Riddick Bowe. He has also been matched rather tough so far too silence his critics, which also resulted in a close loss to fellow prospect Travis Walker. But he seems to have lost some weight since then and is faster in both hands and feet than most other heavyweights, so if you add his lack of power he might try to follow the footsteps of Chris Byrd. Frustrate your opponents with elusiveness and counterpunch them with fast and accurate punches. I doubt that Estrada can really match Byrds reflexes and upperbody movement, so Estradas key is to use his feet to become a elusive target.
14 (-) Ondrej Pala
YOB: 1984
Country: Czech
H-W: 6.3-235
Record: 20-2 (16)
Prodebut: 2005
Latest: Outpointed Henry Akinwande the 4th of July
Best win: Henry Akinwande
Other wins: Arthur Cook
Losses: Rene Dettweiler (very controversial) and Denis Boytsov on cuts in 2006
Rounds: 8
Comments: Pala is a decent allroundboxer who both can box and slug. Gave Boytsov his toughest fight so far until the fight was stopped on cuts and he has been doing some fine results since then with the decission over “Huggin’ Henry” as the peak. Pala might be a “sleeper” on the european scene.
15 (40) Darrel Madison
YOB: 1977
Country: USA (New York)
H-W: 6.2-245
Record: 11-1 (3)
Prodebut: 2006
Latest: Outpointed Elfair McKnight the 26th of September
Loss: On dsq (not a dsq that hurt a young prospects career)
Best win: Outpointed Zuri Lawrence in May.
Rounds: 8
Comments: Madison is a stocky heavyweight who became top5 in USA and a New York Golden Gloves-winner as an amateur. He’s a southpaw who has moved down in weight and has become both sharper and slicker the last year. His only loss was a questionable disqualification in a fight he was winning and he stepped up alot in competition when he beat the tricky veteran Zuri Lawrence.
16 (28) Steffen Kretschmann
YOB: 1980
Country: Germany
H-W: 6.5-235
Record: 12-0 (11)
Prodebut: 2006
Latest: Stopped Otis Tisdale in round 5 the 12th of September
Best win: Outpointed Corey Sanders in October 2007
Rounds: 8
Comments: Kretschman was a good amateur with a WC-bronze 2003 on his record for example. He’s a good technical boxer with decent power.
17 (93) Alexander Ustinov
YOB: 1976
Country: Ukraine
H-W: 6.8-300
Record: 13-0 (11)
Prodebut: 2005
Latest: Stopped Julius Long in round 1 the 11th of October
Best win: Outpointed Rudolf Abramyan in May
Rounds: 8
Comments: A huge powerpuncher who arrived from the K1-scene and looks a little like a rawer and wilder version of Vitali Klitschko.
18 (16) Oleg Platov
YOB: 1983
Country: Ukraine
W: 220
Record: 26-1 (22)
Prodebut: 2001
Latest: A NC against Danny Williams the 8th of December
Best win: Henry Akinwande
Loss: Ludomir Mace in 2002 (which he avenged)
Rounds: 12
Comments: Platov is more unknown than a couple of his friends from the east, but he’s been began to make some noise lately even if not much is written about him. He’s more of a puncher than a boxer and someone called him an Ukrainian Samuel Peter. His victory (even if it was close) over Akinwande can’t be denied and he also stopped Canadian Stephane Tessier, one of the few who have last the distance against Povetkin. Platovs 2007 hasn’t been so successful as 2006 and the NC against Danny Williams was a rather flattering result for Platov, cause he was in big trouble when the doctor stopped it.
19 (34) Carlos Takam
YOB: 1980
Country: Cameroon
H-W: 6.2-235
Record: 17-0 (13)
Prodebut: 2005
Latest: Stopped Humberto Evora in round 2 the 18th of December
Best Win: Stopped Daniel Bispo in June
Rounds: 6
Comments: Takam represented Cameroon in Athens 2004 where he lost to finalist Mohamed Aly. He also became the African amateurchamp in 2003 and 2004. Also impressive to beat the previously unbeaten Zinidine Benmakhouf in his debut in December 2005. Takam is a technical sound heavyweight with good allroundskills who needs to step up the competition a little. It seems that all heavyweight boxers in France suffers from lack of decent competition.
20 (23) Sebastian Kober
YOB: 1979
Country: Germany
H-W: 6.3-235
Record: 16-0 (11)
Prodebut: 2006
Latest: Outpointed Viktor Szalai the 27th of September
Rounds: 8
Comments: Kober is a good allroundboxer who was among the best amateurs in the world for a couple of years until he turned pro. His chin might be his weak spot as he showed some times at the amateurs.
21 (24) Evans Quinn
YOB: 1983
Country: Nicaragua
W: 215
Record: 16-2 (14)
Prodebut: 2004
Latest: Outpointed Andrew Greeley the 21st of June
Best wins: Stopped JJ Macallister in round 1 in July 2007
Rounds: 10
Losses: Two early losses
Comments: Fought his first 10 fights home in Nicaragua and his record after that (8-2) was not especially impressive for someone with ambitions, but after he left home he got 7 straight KO-wins with 6 in the 1st round and after his impressive US-debut this summer his name began to mentions with respect. Quinn is a very mobile boxer who combines speed and power in a way that is very unusual for a heavyweight. The question is how far he has developed since his early days in Nicaragua.
22 (31) Bowie Tupou
YOB: 1982
Country: Tonga
H-W: 6.3-260
Record: 15-0 (11)
Prodebut: 2006
Latest: Stopped Otis Tisdale in round 2 the 7th of June
Best win: Stopped normally tough Jason Bergman in November 2007
Rounds: 6
Comments: Probably the biggest hope from “down under”. Tupou is at the moment situated in USA and is described as a bigger version of David Tua. The thing is that one of Tuas biggest assets is his chin or ability to take a good shot and move on and only time will tell if Tupou can live up to that, but he sure got power in his fists.
23 (25) Bermane Stiverne
YOB: 1977
Country: Canada
H-W: 6.2- 240
Record: 15-1 (15)
Prodebut: 2005
Latest: Stopped Brad Gregory in round 1 the 11th of July
Best win: Knockoutwin over Harold Sconiers in 2007
Loss: Stopped by Demetrice King in July
Rounds: 4
Comments: A rather successful amateur who just missed the plane to Athens 2004. Stivernes relaxed and powerful style might be better suited for the proring, even if the loss to Demetrice King indicated that he seems to lack a plan B if the opponent doesn’t fall down. It seems that he underrates his own skills, cause I think he got more skills than just brutal power. He knows how to box. The thing is that he must learn when its time to use his boxingskills instead of searching for the knockout .
24 (48) Nagy Aguilera
YOB: 1986
Country: Dominican republic
H-W: 6.3- 230
Record: 10-0 (6)
Prodebut: 2007
Latest: Outpointed Douglas Robertson the 11th of October
Rounds: 8
Comments: A good amateur who’s situated in New York and been praised a lot by sparringpartner Lou Savarese who thinks that Aguilera’s combination of craftiness, speed and toughness will bring him to the top.
25 (30) Kertson Manswell
YOB: 1976
Country: Trinidad&Tobago
H-W: 6.4-240
Record: 16-0 (13)
Prodebut: 2004
Latest: Outpointed Earl Ladson the 2nd of August
Best win: Won on points over Corey Sanders in October 2006
Rounds: 10
Comments: One of Americas (beside Cuba and USA) best amateurs a couple of years ago. Stepped up a little in class when he in 06 defeated journeymen Monaco and Sanders, but became rather inactive after that. He’s not the youngest on the list, so he can’t take it to slow.
26 (32) Johnnie White
YOB: 1984
Country: USA (Louisiana)
H-W: 6.4-230
Record: 20-0 (17)
Prodebut: 2005
Latest: stopped Timothy Burden in round 1 the 10th of October
Rounds: 8
Comments: White might be a dark horse. His name doesn’t pop up so often when new blood among new heavies are discussed. But on the amateurscene (where he was known as Alfred White) he was seen as one of those with potential to reach the Olympic games 2008, when he suddenly turned pro. He’s described as a fast and powerful young man, so put him in your hat and wait.
27 (29) Mariusz Wach
YOB: 1979
Country: Poland
H-W: 6.7- 260
Record: 18-0 (8)
Prodebut: 2005
Latest: Outpointed Daniel Peret the 7th of August
Best win: Stopped Arthur Cook in June 2006
Rounds: 9
Comments: A big man with a lot of good amateurwins on his record. Was mentioned as one the best heavyweights who didn’t make it to Athens 2004.
28 (74) Derek Chisora
YOB: 1983
Country: UK
H-W: 6.2-250
Record: 7-0 (4)
Prodebut: 2007
Latest: Stopped Lee Swaby in round 3 the 26th of September
Best win: Stopped fellow prospect Sam Sexton in June
Rounds: 6
Comments: Chisora was a good amateur on UK level and has been rather succesful so far as a pro. Especialy the win over fellow prospect Sexton impresses.
29 (26) Carl Davis Drumond
YOB: 1975
Country: Costa Rica
W: 225
Record: 26-0 (20)
Prodebut: 2005
Latest: Stopped Alejandro Agustin Alvarez the 30th of June
Best win: Kelvin Davis
Other wins: Ramon Hayes, Sedreck Fields
Rounds: 10
Comments: Has stepped up in class lately with decent wins over journeymen like Ramon Hayes and Sedreck Fields and the former cruiser contender Kelvin Davis. Its been talk about a central American clash between him and Evans Quinn, which would be interesting.
30 (38) Gbenga Oloukun
YOB: 1983
Country: Nigeria
H-W: 6.1-220
Record 16-0 (10)
Prodebut: 2005
Latest: Stopped Petr Sedlak in round 2 the 10th of May
Rounds: 8
Comments: Nigerias man in the superheavydivision in Athens where he almost stopped (was outboxed until then) highly touted Roberto Cammarelle. He’s strong and tough but not the most technical out there.
31 (36) Solomon Haumono
YOB: 1975
Country: Australia
H-W: 6.2-235
Record: 15-0 (14)
Prodebut: 2000
Latest fight: Outpointed Cliff Couser the 27th of August
Rounds: 8
Comments: A former rugbyplayer in the footsteps of Anthony Mundine who after a couple of years in the ring went back to the rugbyfield, but now has made the decision to give boxing another try. Haumono is a real powerman who got some natural talent for boxing. The questionmark according to those who know is if he got the right dedication, but it is said that he’s on his way to USA for some training under the guidance of Roy Jones sr so maybe that’s an incentive.
32 (59) Jonte Willis
YOB: 1983
Country: USA (Washington)
H-W: 5.11-215
Record: 4-0 (2)
Prodebut: 2007
Rounds: 4
Latest: Outboxed Clarence Tillman the 20th of June
Comments: Willis is a small but fast heavyweight with good allroundskills and one of the best American amateurs post 2004. His opponents has also been rather tough so far for someone who just started his procareer.
33 (64) Francesco Pianeta
YOB: 1984
Country: Italy
H-W: 6.5- 245
Record: 17-0 (10)
Prodebut: 2005
Latest: Stopped Scott Gammer (injury) in round 8 the 29th of August
Best win: Michael Marrone in May
Rounds: 8
Comments: An Italian heavyweight who fights for Sauerland in Germany. Impressed in his win over previously unbeaten Michael Marrone.
34 (70) Kasim Howard
YOB: 1982
Country: USA (Florida)
W: 6.3-215
Record: 7-0 (4)
Prodebut: 2007
Latest: Outboxed Harvey Jolly the 11th of April
Comments: Howard, a fasthanded heavyweight, was a decent amateur who became nr 1 in Florida and reached the top10 in USA. He’s now praised by a lot of observers as one of the best heavyweight prospects from USA
35 (-) Mike Perez
YOB: 1985
Country: Cuba
W: 6.1-225
Record: 6-0 (5)
Latest: Stopped Luis Oscar Ricail in round 1 the 26th of October
Rounds: 6
Comments: Perez is a fasthanded southpaw who became the junior world champ as a light heavyweight in 2004 and was ranked number two among the Cuban heavyweights when he turned pro in Ireland earlier this year. He also seems to have the right backup as a pro, with cuban trainer Nicholas Cruz in his corner.
36 (35) Devin Vargas
YOB: 1981
Country: USA (Ohio)
H-W: 6.2-215
Record: 15-0 (7)
Prodebut: 2004
Latest: Stopped Dave Brunelli the 9th of May
Rounds: 8
Comments: USA:s heavyweight in Athens where he lost to Viktar Zuev. Likes to see himself as a boxer-kind of brawler and has been rather un-hyped as a pro so far.
37 (-) Manuel Quezada
YOB: 1977
Country: USA
H-W: 6.2-225
Record: 24-4 (15)
Prodebut: 2001
Latest: Outpointed Andrew Greeley the 21st of August
Losses: Last loss in 2005
Rounds: 10
Comments: Kind of a “latebloomer” who has improved a lot the last couple of years. A good bodypuncher, who knows his way around the ring. Hasn’t lost since 2005 and has beaten much better fighters during the time, than the boxers he lost to in his early days.
38 (49) Andrzej Wawrzyk
YOB: 1987
Country: Poland
H-W: 6.5-225
Record: 12-0 (8)
Prodebut: 2006
Latest: Stopped Harry Duiven jr in round 8 the 18th of October.
Rounds: 8
Comments: A young pole that got the size and the amateurcred. Wawrzyk was one of the best juniors among the amateur super heavies when he turned pro.
39 (46) Travis Kauffman
YOB: 1985
Country: USA (Pennsylvania)
H-W: 6.3-240
Record: 13-0 (7)
Prodebut: 2006
Latest: Stopped Josh Gutcher in round 1 the 13th of September
Rounds: 8
Comments: An amateur star with a lot of praisers behind him. He’s got quick and powerful hands. Has been inactive for more than a year because of some issues outside the ring, but is now back on track.
40 (72) Ashanti Jordan
YOB: 1977
Country: USA (Louisiana)
H-W: 6.3-230
Record: 6-0 (5)
Prodebut: 2007
Latest: Outpointed John Clark the 26th of september
Rounds: 6
Comments: Jordan was a top5-amateur in USA when he turned pro and might be some kind of sleeper among the “young” americans.
41 (55) Eugene Hill
YOB: 1978
Country: USA (Texas)
H-W: 5.11-250
Record: 14-0 (12)
Prodebut: 2006
Latest: Stopped Joe Fuller in round 2 the 11th of October
Rounds: 8
Comments: Like many others on the list was Hill a top10-amateur in USA when he turned pro, but unlike many of the others is Hills style much more proish than amateurish. He’s a stocky pressure-fighter with lots of power in his fists.
42 (61) Wilmer Vasquez
YOB: 1981
Country: Venezuela
H-W: 6.4-275
Record: 7-0 (4)
Prodebut: 2006
Latest: Outpointed Charles Davis the 11th of October
Rounds: 6
Comments: A muscled boxer with power who competed in the Olympic games 2004, but has like his nemesis from Athens, Solis gained a lot of weight since.
43 (43) Donnell Holmes
YOB: 1973
Country: USA (North Carolina)
W: 220
Record: 29-0-2 (25)
Prodebut: 2003
Latest: Stopped Benito Fernandez in round 2 the 27th of June
Best win: Stopped Stacy Frazier in 2005
Draw: Against Mark Doku and Earl Ladson
Rounds: 8
Comments: Has been mentioned as someone to look out for. But he definitely needs to step up in competition. Still fighting “recordpadders” is not a good sign.
44 (77) Keith Spencer
H-W: 6.6-260
Country: USA (California)
Record: 5-0 (4)
Prodebut: 2006
Latest: Stopped Hermann Binek in round 1 the 25th of July
Best win: Stopped fellow prospect Theron Johnson in June
Rounds: 4
Comments: Spencer is a big man who also was a good (but not great) amateur. Among the best, but not top3 in USA. A man at Spencer size might be better suited for a pro-ring, so might be worth the check.
45 (-) Tor Hamer
YOB: 1983
Country: USA (New York)
H-W: 6.2–225
Record: 1-0
Latest: Stopped Joseph Rabotte in round 2 the 22nd of October
Comments: Hamer established himself as one of the best american amateurs in a very short time with the victory in the Golden Gloves as the peak. His style can be described as a powerful and mobile bodypuncher.
46 (73) Andrey Fedosov
YOB: 1986
Country: Russia
H-W: 6.1-215
Record: 18-1 (14)
Prodebut: 2003
Latest: Stopped Harold Sconiers in round 4 the 29th of August
Loss: To Alexander Mileiko in 2004
Comments: Fedosov is a young fighter who’s described as more powerful than skilful.
47 (50) J D Chapman
YOB: 1983
Country: USA (Arkansas)
H-W: 6.6-245
Record: 29-0 (26)
Prodebut: 2002
Latest: Stopped Rick Boruff in round 2 the 8th of February
Rounds: 10
Comments: He has been given a lot of attention at least in Boxrecs forum where he’s discussed as much as the top stars in the sport. Aside of that he seems to be just a little overprotected.
48 (45) David Rodriguez
YOB: 1977
Country: USA (Texas)
W: 6.5-245
Record: 28-0 (26)
Prodebut: 1998
Latest fight: Stopped Andy Sample in round 1 the 27th of September
Rounds: 8
Comments: Has some kind of following in New Mexico, but seems to be very overprotected. Needs to fight someone half decent before we can judge him. One of his latest victim Brian Robinson was (0-6) when Rodriguez (17-0) fought him for example. And when he was (19-0) he fought (0-1) Brandon Quigley . Quigleys only fight prior to Rodriguez was a 1st round KO-loss to Travis Fulton who… etc… Rodriguez is a good exemple when a “good” record turns into bad record when you looks closer at it.
49 (-) Victor Bisbal
YOB: 1980
Country: Puerto Rico
H-W: 6.4- 240
Record: 13-1 (11)
Prodebut: 2005
Latest: Stopped Ronald Bellamy in round 4 the 1st of November
Loss: Stopped by spoiler Domonic Jenkins in april 2006
Comments: Bisbal was a successful amateur who competed in the Olympic games 2004 and was after that followed by a lot of hype in his first fights in the proring, when he two years ago all of a sudden was stopped by the prospectspoiler Domonic Jenkins. He’s now with a couple of lowprofile wins back on track again.
50 (-) Grzegorz Kielsa
YOB: 1979
Country: Poland
H-W: 6.4-230
Record: 7-0 (3)
Prodebut: 2006
Latest: Outpointed Jerry Butler the 29th of August
Rounds: 8
Comments: This pole was a good amateur who’s going on with his procareer in Canada at the moment. He was inactive for awhile, but is now back on track.
51 (-) Nate James
YOB: 1981
Country: USA
H-W: 6.5-260
Record: 1-0
Latest: Outpointed Timo Schwarm the 12th of July
Comments: A long powerful southpaw who was one of the best amateurs in USA for the last couple of years. He won the Golden Gloves in 2007 for exemple.
52 (92) Gregory Tony
YOB: 1978
Country: France
H-W: 6.5- 240
Record: 8-0 (8)
Prodebut: 2007
Latest: Stopped Daniel Peret in round 4 the 5th of June
Comments: A former K1-fighter who had started his boxingcareer with only ko-wins. And the things that I’ve seen of him as a kickboxer is that he’s more of a “boxer” than a “kicker”, so why not ...
53 (53) Ian Millarvie
YOB: 1980
Country: Scotland
H-W: 6.6-240
Record: 7-0 (5)
Prodebut: 2005
Latest: Stopped Jevgenis Stamburskis in round 2 the 5th of November
Rounds: 6
Comments: A successful amateur who was a rather talked about newcomer on the UK heavyweight scene when he turned pro. Rather inactive at the moment.
54 (42) Faruq Saleem
YOB: 1973
Country: USA (New Jersey)
H-W: 6.7-250
Record: 37-0 (32)
Prodebut: 1998
Latest fight: Outpointed Willie Perryman the 14th of November
Rounds: 10
Comments: Saleem is a big, powerful guy who has been matched very careful. The fact that a close 6-rounds win over Sedreck Fields counts as his best win after ten years as a pro. probably says it all.
55 (60) Martin Rogan
YOB: 1971
Country: Northern Ireland
W: 6.3- 225
Record: 10-0 (5)
Prodebut: 2004
Latest fight: Won the “Prizefighter tournament” the 11th of April (Won over David Dolan in the final)
Best win: Won the “Prizefighter tournament” the 11th of April
Rounds: 6
Comments: A toughman who started to box just a couple of years ago and developed into a top amateur before he turned pro.
56 (-) Manuel Charr
Country: Germany (Lebanon)
YOB: 1984
W: 6.4- 250
Record: 9-0 (4)
Prodebut: 2005
Latest: Outpointed Adnan Serin the 31st of May
Best win: Pedro Carrion in 2006
Rounds: 8
Comments: After beating the amateur star Carrion in 2006, he had some legal problems, but it seems that he’s back now.
57 (68) Maksym Pedyura
Country: Ukraine
H: 6.5- 235
Record: 11-0 (10)
Prodebut: 2006
Latest: Stopped Ergin Solmaz in round 2 the 12th of September
Rounds: 6
Comments: Read that he’s mentioned as a prospect and a heavyhitter but that’s all I found about him.
58 (-) Murad Khalidov
YOB: 1988
Country: Russia
Record: 3-0 (1)
Latest: Stopped Vadim Zangiev the 21st of June
H-W: 6.3-220
Comments: In 2007 he became the junior heavyweight champ as an amateur in Russia, so he must have something in his pocket.
59 (-) Robert Helenius
YOB: 1984
Country: Finland
H-W: 6.6-230
Record: 4-0 (1)
Latest: Outpointed Nikola Vujasinovic the 8th of November
Comments: A decent amateur on european level, with a silvermedal in EC 2006 as a peak so far
60 (56) Vladimir Tereshkin
YOB: 1988
Country: Russia
H-W: 6.5-235
Record: 9-0-1 (5)
Prodebut: 2007
Latest: Outpointed Daniel Peret the 1st of November
Rounds: 8
Comments: He was a good Russian amateur and with the right size and only 20 years old one to keep in mind for the future.
61 (-) Yakup Saglam
YOB: 1977
Country: Turkey
H-W: 6.4- 225
Record: 16-0 (15)
Prodebut: 2006
Latest: Stopped Attila Mameth in round 1 the 23rd of August
Comments: A rather unknown turkish boxer who has arrived in the shadows of his more known cuban stablemates (Solis …)
62 (-) Bogdan Dinu
YOB: 1986
Country: Romania
H-W: 230
Record: 2-0
Latest: Outpointed Sean McClain the 1st of August
Comments: Dinu was a good amateur on european level and fighting tough Stepahne Tessier in a debut is a rather unusual tough start for a beginner.
63 (62) Sam Sexton
YOB: 1984
Country: UK
H-W: 6.4-240
Record: 10-1 (3)
Prodebut: 2005
Latest: Stopped Chris Burton in the Prizefighter-final the 12th of September.
Loss: To Derek Chisora in June 2008
Rounds: 6
Comments: Sexton is a good allroundboxer with a decent amateurbackground. He came back fine after the loss to fellow prospect Chisora, with an impressive victory in the Prizefighter-tournament.
64 (-) Volodia Lazebnik
YOB: 1980
Country: Ukraine
H-W: 6.2-235
Record: 14-0 (8)
Prodebut: 2004
Latest: Outpointed Vladimer Chanturia the 15th of November
Rounds: 8
Comments: Was the top amateur in Ukraine the years just after the Klitschkos turned pro. Another Ukrainian hopeful for the future?
65 (-) Neven Pajkic
YOB: 1977
Country: Canada/Serbia
W: 6.3-230
Record: 8-0 (4)
Prodebut: 2005
Latest: Outpointed Shane Andreesen the 27th of September
Rounds: 8
Comments: A Serb/Canadian who is a decent allroundboxer and has began to make some noise on the Canadian scene lately.
66 (-) Magomed Abdusalamov
YOB: 1981
H-W: 6.4 -260
Country: Russia
Record: 1-0
Latest: Stopped Epiphanie Pipi in round 1 the 6th of September
Comments: Won the Russian championship in 2005 and 2006, but competed for Belarus most of the time as an amateur. Abdusalamov is a real puncher and got a lot of ko:s on his amateurrecord.
67 (66) Kelvin Price
YOB: 1975
Country: USA (Florida)
H-W: 6.8- 250
Record: 4-0 (4)
Prodebut: 2007
Latest: Stopped Melvin Lumzy in round 1 the 15th of March
Comments: Even if Price is a former basketballplayer there’s a couple things that separates him from the usual big tough athlete who tries to make an impact in boxing. The first thing is that he’s actually been training boxing almost every day for five years. He wanted to learn the basics from the ground. The other thing is that his teacher during the years has been Roy Jones sr who’s very impressed by the progress of his his adept. He believes that Prices combination of size, power, speed and agility will make him a future heavyweight champ. So I’m a little curious about his future.
68 (-) Seth Mitchell
YOB: 1983
H-W: 6.2- 240
Country: USA (Maryland)
Record: 8-0-1 (4)
Latest: Stopped Dan Whetzel in round 1 the 7th of November
Draw: With Alvaro Morales(!) in March
Rounds: 6
Comments: A latestarter who started to box as an amateur not long ago and has devoloped a lot since the start. Both fast and powerful
69 (65) Lenroy Thomas
YOB: 1985
Country: Jamaica
W: 6.4 -230
Record: 10-1 (7)
Prodebut: 2006
Latest: Outpointed Andrew Greeley the 7th of November
Rounds: 4
Comments: Thomas competed successfully in USA as an amateur and he was ranked among the best when he turned pro. He lost his debut to Ruben Rivera but has came back good after that.
70 (-) Kevin Burnett
YOB: 1982
Country: USA (Georgia)
H-W: 6.7-265
Record: 13-1-1 (8)
Latest: Outpointed Horace Ray Grant the 20th of June
Loss: Stopped by Willie Walker in 2006
Rounds: 8
Comments: Burnett was trained by Don Turner before, but I don’t know how it is right now. Described as fasthanded and powerful though. Was in deep trouble in the last round against Horace Ray Grant in a fight he won quite easy until then.
71 (95) Johann Duhaupas
YOB: 1981
Country: France
H-W: 6.5-235
Record: 17-0 (10)
Prodebut: 2004
Latest: Stopped Radoslav Milutinovic in round 1 the 20th of June
Rounds: 6
Comments: One of the best amateur heavies in France when he turned pro, but he hasn’t really stepped up in class yet.
72 (-) Deontay Wilder
YOB: 1985
Country: USA
H-W: 6.7-210
Record: 1-0
Latest: Stopped Ethan Cox in round 2 the 15th of November
Comments: USA:s only (boxing)medalist in Beijing. He’s still quite raw, but can be a force when he starts to use his size.
73 (-) Tom Dallas
YOB: 1985
Country: UK
H-W: 6.6-230
Record: 2-0
Latest: Stopped Howard Daley in round 2 the 15th of November
Comments: A top3 ranked super heavyweight in UK as an amateur.
74 (-) Rashad Minor
YOB: 1977
Country: USA
H-W: 6.3-290
Record: 1-0
Latest: Stopped Joel Colon in round 1 the 6th of September
Comments: Became the National Junior Olympic heavyweight champion in the mid-90:s and was seen as one of the brightest talents of young heavyweights in USA. But he disappeared and turned into basketball instead. He’s now after a couple of years in prison back in the ring, and he got his share of believers behind him. A little overweight but fast and powerful.
75 (-) Jeremiah Graziano
YOB: 1987
Country: USA
H-W: 6.1-200
Record: 1-0
Latest: Stopped Roger Ingram in round 1 the 29th of October
Comments: The young Graziano has with impressive victorys in a couple of national tournaments taken the amateur scene in USA by storm. He also got the name and style that smells of history. A stylish reminder of a young Mike Tyson, Graziano got an unusual high percent of KO:s on his record, so I got a feeling that we will hear a lot more about this young kid when he now walks into the proring. The big question is if he’s going to compete in the heavyweight or cruiserweight division.
76 (54) Chris Burton
YOB: 1981
Country: UK
H-W: 6.5-230
Record: 12-1 (6)
Prodebut: 2005
Latest: Lost the final to Sam Sexton in the Prizefighter-tournament the 12th of September
Best win: Stopped Matthew Ellis in February
Other wins: Franklin Egobe
Rounds: 8
Comments: Burton was a decent amateur on UK-level and is calm and fasthanded. Stepped up in class when he easily dominated Matthew Ellis. Lost to Sam Sexton in the Prizefighter-final, but not a “normal” loss, so he’s still on the list.
77 (-) Eric Martel
YOB: 1981
Country: Canada
H-W: 6.3-240
Record: 1-0
Latest: Outpointed Stephane Tessier the 24th of October
Comments: A rather fast heavyweight who was among the best amateurs in Canada.
78 (82) Andrey Rudenko
YOB: 1983
Country: Ukraine
W: 240
Record: 11-0 (4)
Prodebut: 2006
Latest: Outpointed Ivor Marinchev the 14th of June
Rounds: 6
Comments: Rudenko has represented the Ukrainian national team a couple of times.
79 (81) Joe Hanks
YOB: 1983
Country: USA (New Jersey)
H-W: 240
Record: 3-0 (2)
Prodebut: 2007
Latest: Stopped Ali Malik in round 2 the 17th of May
Comments: Hanks nickname is “The future” and with a decent amateur career behind him, he might be just that. He reached the semifinal in this years Golden Gloves and he has also been a popular sparringpartner for boxers like Wladimir Klitschko and Chris Byrd.
80 (-) Beka Lobzhanidze
YOB: 1981
Country: Georgia
H-W: 6.4- 230
Record: 1-0
Latest: Stopped Vaclav Cihlar in round 2 the 31st of May
Comments: Ranked among the 10-15 best amateurs in Europe when he turned pro
81 (-) Guru Singh
YOB: 1977
Country: India
W: 6.3-220
Record: 19-0 (11)
Prodebut: 2001
Latest fight: Stopped Colin Kenna in round 4 the 27th of September
Rounds: 10
Comments: Singh competed as a light heavy for India in the Olympics but has now moved up a little in weight. Took a couple of years off but is now back in the saddle.
82 (85) Henry Fuentes
YOB: 1976
Country: Cuba
H-W: 6.2-240
Record: 7-0 (4)
Prodebut: 2007
Latest: Outponted Willie Perryman the 26th of September
Comments: Fuentes is a former wrestler who took up boxing when he came to USA a year ago. Reports says that he has improved a lot so …
83 (-) Larry Olubamiwo
YOB: 1978
Country: UK
H-W: 6.4-260
Record: 2-0
Latest: Stopped David Ingleby in round 2 the 15th of November
Comments: Described as a huge heavyhitter who’s remarkable agile for someone at his size.
84 (-) Andres Taylor
YOB: 1979
Country: USA (Pennsylvania)
W: 205
Record: 2-0-1 (0)
Latest: Drewed with Jason Freeman the 21st of September
Comments: Was a top5 heavyweight among american amateurs when he turned pro.
85 (-) Alexis Mejias
YOB: 1978
Country: Puerto Rico
H-W: 6.4-230
Record: 8-1 (3)
Prodebut: 2000
Latest fight: Stopped Bernard Brown in round 2 the 7th of November.
Lost: To Patrick Nwanu in 2004.
Rounds: 4
Comments: Mejias was mentioned as someone to follow in the early 2000, but after a surprising loss to tricky Nwanu he suddenly disappeared. After four inactive years is Mejias now back in the saddle.
86 (91) Skyler Anderson
YOB: 1986
Country: USA (Washington)
H-W: 6.7- 240
Record: 10-1-1 (5)
Prodebut: 2005
Latest: Outboxed Joe Stofle the 4th of July
Rounds: 8
Comments: A young guy with some raw talent who improves in every fight according to those in the know.
87 (-) Yuri Budanov
YOB: 1986
Country: Russia
W: 220
Record: 8-0 (8)
Latest: Stopped Vladimir Danilovich the 22nd of October
Comments: Sounds like another young russian heavyhitter.
88 (99) Justin Jones
YOB: 1982
Country: USA (Houston)
W: 235
Record: 3-0-1 (2)
Prodebut: 2007
Latest: Drewed with Homero Fonseca the 18th of July
Comments: Jones was a decent amateur and won the Western Trials and became the Texas Golden Gloves champ for super heavies in 2007 for exemple.
89 (89) Dieter Roth
YOB: 1983
Country: Germany
H-W: 6.3-220
Record: 19-0 (12)
Prodebut: 2005
Latest: Outpointed Edgar Kalnas the 13th of September
Rounds: 8
Comments: The little brother of retired? Egon Roth. Dieter is a better “boxer” than his brother, but who on the list isn’t.
90 (-) Dwayne McRae
YOB: 1980
Country: USA
W: 245
Record: 1-0
Latest: Stopped Hannibal Otey in round 4 the 5th of September
Comments: A Lennox Lewis-lookalike with a decent variety of punches in his arsenal.
91 (-) Elijah McCall
YOB: 1988
Country: USA
H-W: 6.2-220
Record: 1-0 (1)
Latest: Stopped Darrion Moss in round 1 the 21st of June
Comments: The son of “Ironman” Oliver McCall at least makes an interesting story.
92 (-) Jesse Peterson
YOB: 1988
Country: USA (Tennessee)
W: 250
Record: 2-0 (1)
Latest: Stopped Ricardo Clayton in round 2 the 27th of September
Comments: A good amateur on US level
93 (-) Jens Krull
YOB: 1989
Country: Germany
W: 6.9- 285
Record: 3-0 (3)
Latest: Stopped Peter Simko in round 2 the 10th of October.
Comments: A huge young german with ambitions
94 (80) Alexey Soloviev
YOB: 1973
Country: Russia
H-W: 6.3-220
Record: 15-0 (10)
Prodebut: 2004
Latest: Stopped Raymond Ochieng in round 3 the 10th of May
Rounds: 11
Comments: Nothing much is known about this Russian boxer, but he continues to climbs up the ranking.
95 (-) Kaspars Kambala
YOB: 1979
Country: Latvia (Nevada)
H-W: 6.9-270
Record: 3-0-1 (2)
Latest: Stopped Ronnie Weaver the 8th of July
Draw: Against Alvaro Morales in January
Comments: A former basketballpalyer who has turned pro under the wings of Richard Steele. Hasn’t really impressed so far.
96 (88) Tyler Hinkey
YOB: 1982
Country: USA (Nevada)
H-W: 6.1-245
Record: 4-0-1 (3)
Prodebut: 2007
Latest: Stopped Mike Finney in round 1 the 13th of June
Draw: Against Alvaro Morales in October 2007
Comments: He was a decent amateur and he’s described as powerful.
97 (-) Tim Skolnik
YOB: 1981
Country: USA
W: 6.1-215
Record: 1-0
Latest: Stopped Sean McLain in round 4 the 6th of March
Comments: He was the alternate for Jason Estrada in the olympic games in Athen 2004.
98 (86) Richard Carmack
YOB: 1988
Country: USA (Kansas City)
W: 270
Record: 5-0 (5)
Prodebut: 2006
Latest: Stopped Nick Tindle in round 1 the 1st of December
Rounds: 2
Comments: Carmack was a good amateur at jr level and is also one of the youngest on the list, so he at least got a lot of time on his side.
99 (96) Edmund Gerber
YOB: 1988
Country: Germany
H-W: 6.3- 220
Record: 5-0 (1)
Latest: Outpointed Stanislav Lukyanchikov the 7th of June
Comments: A German kid who was a successful amateur on junior level
100 (-) Skuli Armannsson
YOB: 1983
Country: Iceland
H-W: 6.4-250
Record: 1-0 (1)
Latest: Stopped Caleb Nelson in round 2 the 7th of June
Comments: Boxers from Iceland are rarities so why not take the the chance to follow this heavyweight who was a decent amateur on european level.
And who are the most interesting amateur heavyweights? The list below is not an objective ranking about who’s the best amateur right now and so on, it’s a highly subjective ranking about potential to be a succesful professional heavyweight.
(1) Roberto Cammarelle
YOB: 1980
H-W: 6.3-SH
Country: Italy
He took the goldmedal in Beijing and won the WC in 2007, so his merits speaks for itself. Cammarelle is a fantastic boxer who's fast, hits hard and show up good reflexes. But I heard that he’s quite happy with his amateurlife and not so enthusiastic about turning pro, but with the two golds in the pocket, he surely is a hot name for the proscene and people have changed their mind before… Let’s hope that Cammarelle turns pro, cause I’m rather sure that he will be a succesful and an exciting one.
(2) Oleksandr Usyk
YOB: 1987
H-W: 6.3-H
Country: Ukraine
Usyk has the last year transformed from a good middleweight to a very good heavyweight. A technical southpawboxer who relies a lot on speed and reflexes. Lost to Clemente Russo in the qurterfinal in Beijing, but that was amateurboxing. Im rather sure that Usyk will get his revenge if they meet again in a proring. He moved down to light heavy in EC 2008 so I guess it’s rather unlikely that he will turn pro as a heavyweight.
3) Islam Timurziev
YOB: 1983
H-W: 6.2-SH
Country: Russia
Timurziev surprisingly lost to UK David Price in Beijing, but to me it looked like a very premature stoppage so I still rate him as one of the hottest amateurs in the world. And like his predecessor, Alexander Povetkin, the 25-year-old Russian Timurziev got a style that really should be better suited for the proscene. He moves economically, without being flatfooted. Add to this an impressive knockoutpower and you have a rather complete proboxer. The big questionmark is his health. He seems to be rather injury proned. Rumours about retirement are floating around at the moment.
(4) Michael Hunter
YOB: 1988
H-W: 6.2-SH
Country: USA
Although Hunter did not even got to the Olympics I rate him as one of the most interesting names for the proscene. The young American missed the ticket with the narrowest of margins three times in a row. Hunter is an unusually fast heavyweight. He is both fast in hands, feet and mind. In addition, he has good reflexes which makes him very hard to hit. He might lack a little in the power department though and I also think that his lack of experience showed in the Olympic qualifier against Robert Alfonso. But Hunter might be the biggest american talent in the heavyweight division since Riddick Bowe.
(5) Tyson Fury
YOB: 1988
H-W: 6.7-SH
Country: UK
Fury is a young big man who outclassed all opposition in the last ABA championships. Fury got the personality and is very mobile for such a big man, so I can imagine that British promoters are on a waiting list the day Fury hints about a career as a pro. He was scheduled to turn pro in September, but he cancelled that and it seems that he continues as an amateur a little longer instead.
(6) Vyacheslav Glazkov
YOB: 1984
H-W: 6.2-SH
Country: Ukraine
The silvermedalist from WC 2007 took a bronzemedal in Beijing. Glazkov is a good allroundboxer who might be more succesful as a pro than his predecessor Mazikin.
(7) Rakhim Chakhiyev
YOB: 1983
H-W: 6.0-H
Country: Russia
He won the heavyweight gold in Beijing and he’s more of a puncher than a “boxer”.
(8) Maxim Babanin
YOB: 1987?
Country: Russia
The best junior super heavy in the world during 2007, is expected to take over the Russian mantle after Timurziev.
(9) Zhang Zhilei
YOB: 1983
H-W: 6.8-SH
Country: China
A huge chinese who’s rather mobile and smooth for someone at his size. Took the silver in Beijing, but was outclassed by Cammarelle in the final.
(10) Oscar Rivas
YOB: 1987
H-W: 6.1-SH
Country: Colombia
A tough youngster who lost to Cammarelle in Beijing. He got a rather professional style and might be the best super heavyweight south of Cuba.
(11) Robert Alfonso
YOB: 1986
H-W: 6.4-SH
Country: Cuba
The young Alfonso was mentioned as the best olympic super heavy from Cuba since the late Roberto Balado, but he didn’t show anything of that in Beijing…
(12) David Price
YOB: 1983
H-W: 6.8-SH
Country: UK
Took the bronzemedal in Beijing where he “stopped” Timurziev on the way. But it was a premature stoppage and he was rather brutalized by Cammarelle in the semi. Price is a big man with a good jab and power, but he’s also rather stiff.
(13) Didier Bence
YOB: 1987
H-W: 6.1-SH
Country: Canada
Has been wounded during the last year, which hurted his chances to qualify for Beijing. But he’s got a powerful style who might be well suited for the proring.
(14) Kubrat Pulev
YOB: 1981
H-W: 6.4-SH
Country: Bulgaria
Skilled bulgar who have been around for a while, with a lot of success.
(15) Osmay Acosta
YOB: 1985
H-W: 6.2-H
Country: Cuba
A good “boxer” who took a bronze in Beijing, but Acosta is not in his predecessor Odlanier Solis class.
(16) David Arshba
YOB: 1986
Country: Russia
Russian wonder child as it whispered a lot about a couple of years ago. Arshba has not quite managed the praise, but is still young. He qualified for Beijing under the Azerbaijan flag, but the new passport was not quite clear so … no China for him. But with a reputation as a tough cookie, he can surely become a pro to be reckoned with.
(17) Denis Poyatsika
YOB: 1985
H-W: 6.0-H
Country: Ukraine
A short slugger who won the European title 2006, where he for exemple stopped Roman Romanchuk in the final.
(18) Joey Dawejko
YOB: 1990
H-W: 5.11-SH
Country: USA
The Youth World Champion in 2008. Dawejko is a bit chubby but surprisingly fast. Someone called him a white James Toney.
(19) Denis Sergeev
YOB: 1982
H-W: 6.4-SH
Country: Russia
Russians number two in the super heavyweight. Sergeev is a fairly traditional standup, european boxer who might be a little to “amateurish” at the end.
(20) Clemente Russo
YOB: 1982
H-W: 5.11-H
Country: Italy
A short “boxer” who’s “slap and dance”-style is tailormmade for the amateurgame. He won the WC in 2007 and took the silver in Beijing. He could probably make life difficult for any of the much bigger europeans, but realisticly is the cruiserweight his division.
(21) Erislandy Savon
YOB: 1990
H-W: H
Country: Cuba
Cuban teenager who’s described as a tall boxer with excellent skills. Became the Youth World Champ in November and has boxed on even terms with Osmay Acosta back home in Cuba a couple of times. And the fact that he’s the nephew of the great Felix Savon doesn’t make him less interesting.
(22) Egor Mekhontsev
YOB: 1984
W: H
Country: Russia
He just won the european championship
(23) Evgeny Romanov
YOB: 1984
H-W: 6.2-H
Country: Russia
Hard hitting Russian who became jr world champ among heavyweights in 2004 and knocked out the American Deontay Wilder in a duel in 2008.
(24) Keith Tapia
YOB: 1990
H-W: 6.1-H
Country: Purto Rico
Just turned 17, Tapia participated in the World Cup 2007 for Purto Rico. Many believe that he would dominate the amateur scene 2012 if he stayed as an amateur, but both himself and his people around him wants to go pro sooner rather than later. I think it would be better for him to continue to develop his skills as an amateur a couple of years than to rush into the proscene.
(25) Mike Wilson
YOB: 1983
H-W: 6.2-SH
Country: USA
Was the U.S. number one before the young Hunter came around. His selfconfidence might have been hurt a bit when Hunter took Wilsons' given 'place as the United States man in the Olympic qualification. Time will tell, but I have my doubts, even if the skills are there.
(26) Sardor Abdullayev
YOB: 1988?
Country: Uzbekhistan
The silvermedalist from jr WC 2006 has also been doing fine as a senior
(27) Kimbo Bethel
YOB: 1984
H-W: 6.2-SH
Country: USA
Bethel was the olympic alternate for Michael Hunter and can be a rather tricky boxer when he wants to.
(28) Andrey Volkov
YOB: 1987
Country: Russia
One of the best juniors in Russia the last couple of years.
(29) Ivan Dychko
YOB: 1990
W: H
Country: Kazakhstan
A Klitschko-lookalike who went to the final in the Youth world championships this year.
(30) Newfel Ouatah
YOB: 1985
H-W: 6.7-SH
Country: Algeria
A tall french/algerien who went to the quarterfinal in Beijing and might be an interesting name for the proscene.
(31) Jose Payares
YOB: 1986
H-W: 6.5-SH
Country: Venezuela
He beat( a sick) Michael Hunter and went to Beijing,where he lost to Ouatah in the first round.
(32) Sergey Kalchugin
YOB: 1987
H-W: H
Country: Russia
Junior world champ in 2006 and the heavyweight dominator class for several years. Has now taken the step up among the seniors.
(33) Ruslan Myrsatayev
YOB: 1985
H-W: 6.1-SH
Country: Kazakhstan
A stocky fighter with an aggressive style, who went to the quarterfinal in Beijing.
(34) Nicholas Kisner
YOB: 1991
H-W: 6.0-H
Country: USA
‘Slick Nick’ Kisner is already given the top seniors in USA a tough time. He beat Lenroy Thompson in the PAL-final 2008 for exemple. Despite his young age he fights like a tricky old veteran. The goal is primarily the gold medal in the Olympic Games 2012.
(35) Erik Brechlin
YOB: 1990
Country: Germany
Took the silver in the Youth World Champ this year.
(36) Sergey Kuzmin
YOB: 1988?
Country: Russia
Another succesful young man from Russia. He beat Maxim Babanin in June.
(37) Lenroy Thompson
YOB: 1988
H-W: 6.2-SH
Country: USA
He became the US future star champ with a style that is based on constant movement.
(38) Trevor Bryan
YOB: 1989?
H-W: 6.6-SH
Country: USA
One of the brightest super heavyweight talents in USA and picked by many as a possible Olympian in 2012.
(39) Niyaz Fayzullin
YOB: ?
Country: Russia
Another Russian who has done some success at the international level this year, in the shadow of Timurziev.
(40) Warren Baister
YOB: 1986
H-W: H
Country: UK
22-year-old heavyweight who came from nowhere and dominated completely in the English ABA championships.
(41) Craig Lewis
YOB: 1985
H-W: 6.4-H
Country: USA
Golden Gloves winner of 2008 who’s a good allroundboxer.
(42) Hasim Rahman jr
YOB: 1991
H-W: 6.3-SH
Country: USA
The son of the old world champ got a lot of hype for free, but like Kisner is, of course, Rahman jr very much speculation. Like Kisner is the primary goal for ‘Lil Hasim’ the Olympics 2012.
(43) Viktar Zuyev
YOB: 1983
H-W: 6.0-H
Country: Belarus
The silvermedalist from Athen might be a crowdfavorite as a pro, but lack of size and chin? might be his downfall at the end.
(44) Paul Koon
YOB: 1986
H-W: 6.3-H
Country: USA
Has been one of the best American heavyweights for the last couple of years and lost a very close bout to Craig Lewis in the GG-final 2008.
(45) Adam Willett
YOB: 1982
H-W: 6.2-H
Country: USA
The number one heavyweight in USA 2005-2007
(46) Andres Ruiz
YOB: 1989?
H-W: 5.11-SH
Country: Mexico
A rather short and heavy youngster who combines power with some skills. Stay tuned!
(47) Ivan Bezverkhiy
YOB: 1988?
Country: Ukraine
One of the top juniors in the superheavyweight division
(48) Garret Simon
YOB: 1991
H-W: 6.5-H
Country: USA
Simon won the National Junior Olympic Championship this year and is seen as real powerhouse. He also says that he’s going pro when he turns 18.
(49) Danny Price
YOB: 1985
H-W: 6.5-H
Country: UK
One of those who missed the plain to China with a slim marigin. Besides that has Price improved a lot duríng the last years.
(50) Modo Sallah
YOB: 1983
H-W: 6.4-SH
Country: Sweden
A good technical Swede in the same style as Attila Levin. Is suspended right now, but might be someone for the proscene IF he can be disciplined enough.
Do you miss someone or do you have any other comments? Feel free to contact me at
(For the latest ranking click here)
When the 18 year old Mike Tyson brutally demolished opponents in the mid 80-s, everybody “in the know” “knew” that they witnessed the new heavyweight superstar. The young Tyson is what you can call an archetype for the young heavyweight on the rise. The boxer with that special aura and the style of a future champ written all over him. But for every young Tyson or young Cassius Clay there’s hundreds of Courage Tshabalalas and Pele Reids. Hyped prospects who don’t deliver. Most of the prospects never succeed at all.
To illustrate that, I checked my top100-list from five years ago and found at that:
About 15 % are still considered prospects. Some of them still pad their records while a few others have came back after losses or inactivity. 5 % became beltholders and about 10% became gatekeepers or fringe contenders. The rest (70%) never reached anything close to the top. So that’s the bitter context for the young ones mentioned below I guess.
So what is a prospect? In my book, a prospect is someone with qualities that haven’t been pushed to the limit, an unknown commodity. A prospect is not necessarily undefeated even if an undefeated fighter is almost per definition a prospect. If you haven’t smelled defeat your still on your way up. But if your loss has been dubious in some way or if you have showed improvement since your loss, you might be a prospect too. The things that counts are what you can do in the future. And for that reason is not the “big” beltholders or official contenders considered prospects either.
The ranking is based on (1) Level of competition (2) How you perform against the level you reached (3) Amateur credentials (4) Age.
1 (1) Alexander Povetkin
YOB: 1979
Country: Russia
H-W: 6.2-225
Record: 16-0 (12)
Prodebut: 2005
Latest: Stopped Taurus Sykes in round 5 the 19th of July
Best win: Eddie Chambers in January
Other victims: Chris Byrd, Larry Donald, David Bostice, Friday Ahunanya, Ed Mahone and Richard Bango.
Rounds: 11
Comments: As one of the most successful superheavyweights ever in the amateur ring Povetkin is the closest thing to a predestined champ in the heavyweight division since… maybe Tyson. He’s at least the undisputed number one among the new generation of heavyweights. The stocky Russian is a pressurefighter who combines power with fast hands and good defence, so it requires something extraordinary to beat him. An impressive workmanlike decision over the former number two on this list, the slick Eddie Chambers in January 2008 consolidates his position as the best prospect in the world .
2 (3) David Haye
YOB: 1980
Country: UK
H-W: 6.3-215
Records: 22-1 (21)
Latest: Stopped Monte Barrett in round 5 the 15th of November
Best win (as a heavy) Monte Barrett
Loss: Stopped by Carl Thompson in 2004
Rounds: 12
Comments: Haye is definitely an exciting newcomer to the heavyscene and he certainly got the power and speed to make it interesting. At 6.3 he also got the right size for the big boys. His weak spot and the biggest reason that he should be counted as a rather unknown commodity as a heavyweight is probably his chin. Monte Barrett didn’t test Hayes chin, but all’n all a good win for Haye in his heavyweight “debut”..
3 (4) Juan Carlos Gomez
YOB: 1973
Country: Cuba
H-W: 6.4- 230
Record: 44-1 (35)
Prodebut: 1995
Latest fight: Outboxed Wladimir Virchis the 27th of September
Best win (as a heavy): Wladimir Virchis
Loss: Stopped in round 1 by Yanqui Diaz in August 2004
Other notable victims (as a heavy): Oliver McCall, David Defiagbon, Sinan Samil Sam, Al Cole
Rounds: 12
Comments: Don’t know what is going on with Juan Carlos Gomez. His career as a heavy has been very up and down so far. He showed his class as a heavy when he outclassed Sinan Samil Sam. Inactivity followed the win and when he returned countryman Yanqui Diaz shockingly stopped him and when we all thought that he finally was on the right track with wins over David Defiagbon and Oliver McCall he became suspended when cocaine was found in his body after the win over McCall. He came back with “another” win over McCall in 2007 and outboxed the Ukrainian dangerman Virchis in September 2008 in the most important fight of Gomez’ heavyweight career so far. The erratic Cuban got all the right tools to become a successful heavyweight. He’s one of the best cruisers ever and with great handspeed, mobility good defence and decent power he has the potential to do what Holyfield did (move up from cruiser to become a heavyweightchamp). His biggest enemy is his not so disciplined behaviour outside the ring as I see it. Let’s see if he finally (as a heavy) can live up to his talent.
4 (6) Alexander Dimitrenko
YOB: 1982
Country: Ukraine
H-W: 6.7-250
Record: 29-0 (19)
Prodebut: 2001
Latest fight: Stopped Luan Krasniqi in round 3 the 15th of November
Best win: Stoppagewin over Luan Krasniqi in November 2008
Other wins: Timo Hoffmann, Malcolm Tann, Vaughn Bean, Fernely Feliz, Ross Puritty,Julius Francis, Kendrick Releford
Rounds: 12
Comments: A former junior super heavy champ who looks like a basketball-player and moves very well for a man at his size. Dimitrenko can look a little weak or thin from time to time but his combination of size, mobility and decent power is hard to match.
5 (8) Chris Arreola
YOB: 1981
Country: USA (California)
H-W: 6.3-240
Record: 25-0 (23)
Prodebut: 2003
Latest: Stopped Israel Garcia the 25th of September
Best win: Chazz Witherspoon.
Other wins: Stoppagewins over Malcolm Tann, Damian Willis, Sedreck Fields, Domonic Jenkins and Damian Norris
Rounds: 8
Comments: Chris Arreola is a classical brawler who always comes forward with fast and powerful shots. He was a successful amateur in the light heavy division, but has as a pro moved up to the heaviest division and you can see that it’s not only muscles that brought him up in weight. Impressive win over previously unbeaten Chazz Witherspoon in June.
6 (2) Eddie Chambers
YOB: 1982
Country: USA (Pittsburgh)
H-W: 6.1-220
Record: 31-1 (17)
Prodebut: 2000
Latest fight: Stopped Raphael Butler in round 6 the 20th of June
Best win: Calvin Brock in November 2007
Other notable victims: Dominic Guinn, Derrick Rossy, Domonic Jenkins, Ed Mahone, Robert Hawkins, Ross Puritty,
Loss: On points to Alexander Povetkin in January
Rounds: 12
Comments: Eddie Chambers is a rather mobile and fast American heavyweight who lacks explosional power and also might be a little bit too small at the end. But he knows his way round the ring and with his relaxed and rather elusive style, might be a nightmare for a couple of the bigger and more powerful prospects and contenders out there. He showed that he could box on even terms with Povetkin when he was “on” and the KO-win over Raphael Butler showed that the slick Eddie Chambers still wants to be in the mix.
7 (9) Odlanier Solis
YOB: 1980
Country: Cuba
H-W: 6.1-255
Record: 12-0 (8)
Prodebut: 2007
Latest: Stopped Chauncy Welliver in round 9 the 11th of October
Best win: Stopped Alex Mazikin in round 1 in June 2007
Other wins: Cisse Salif, Jeremy Bates, Aldo Colliander, Marcus McGee, Andreas Sidon
Rounds: 9
Comments: Solis is probably the most talented heavyweight in the world but he might also be the biggest waste of talent on the list. He’s absolutely the most exciting heavyweight who have turned pro from Castro’s Cuba and his first five or six opponents as a pro were the most impressive start for a newcomer since... The level of opponents has not continue to impress during his second year as a pro though.
Initially we got a lightning fast, mobile and hard to hit heavyweight with decent power. Now we got a heavy who have balooned up from 200 lbs four years ago to over 250 lbs today, with improved power but declined speed and mobilty. To me it seems that the big problem for Solis is the people around him. Solis is rumoured to be a partyanimal outside the ring and his disciplin has been questionized more than once, but his promoter doesn’t seem to care. He just keep screaming about his “Cuban Tyson” who’s going to knock everybody out, and that’s a pity cause Solis is not just another “toughman” with power, he has the potential to be an all time great IF he remember what his real skills are (speed, mobilty and defense). A 250 lbs Solis who doesn’t dance and only searching the knockout will not be a champ.
8 (10) Kevin Johnson
YOB: 1979
Country: USA (New Jersey)
H-W: 6.3- 240
Record: 21-0-1 (8)
Prodebut: 2003
Latest: Stopped Matthew greer in round 3 the 7th of November
Best win: Bruce Seldon
Other wins: Terry Smith, Damian Willis, Robert Hawkins, Robert Wiggins
Draw: Timur Ibraghimov
Rounds: 10
Comments: Johnson might have the best jab on the list and he’s also a rather fast boxer with good allroundskills. But he seems to be a fighter who do just enough to win and he looks a little lacklustre and lazy at times which cost him the victory against Timur Ibraghimov for example. Johnsons opponents was unusual tough at the early stages of his career, but it seems that his matchmaking (like his style) has been more careful now. It seems that he doesn’t wants to mix it up if he’s not forced to, so it would make sense to put him against a good pressurefighter next.
9 (18) Denis Boytsov
YOB: 1986
Country: Russia
H-W: 6.1-220
Record: 23-0 (18)
Prodebut: 2004
Latest: Outboxed Vinny Maddalone the 15th of November
Best win: Robert Hawkins
Other wins: Ondrej Pala in 2006
Rounds: 10
Comments: An offensiveminded and powerful boxer with good allroundskills. He became junior world amateurchamp with only KO-wins in 2004 and he certainly looks a little bit like a young Tyson in style. He can look a little listless if his opponent doesn’t fall down from his brutal shots, but he’s got good basic skills. I hope he can refine those skills so he doesn’t become a onedimensinal knockoutboxer. He finally stepped up a little in class when he beat tough journeyman Robert Hawkins in April. Even if Boytsov hasn’t lived up to our huge expectations yet, he still got time on his side and is absolutely someone to keep an eye on.
10 (12) Malik Scott
YOB: 1980
Country: USA (Philadelphia)
H-W: 6.4-250
Record: 31-0 (11)
Prodebut: 2000
Latest fight: Stopped Arthur Cook in round 7 the 18th of July
Best win: Charles Shufford in May 2007
Other notable victims: Kendrick Releford, Damian Norris
Rounds: 10
Comments: Scott was an amateurstandout and got a good jab and fine movements. He’s what you call a safety-first fighter. He likes to outbox his opponents rather than mix it up and after seven years as a pro he hasn’t really stepped it up so it’s not only his style that is “safety-first”.
11 (-) Cedric Boswell
YOB: 1969
Country: USA
H-W: 6.3-225
Record: 28-0 (22)
Prodebut: 1994
Latest fight: Stopped Roman Greenberg in round 2 the 29th of August
Best win: Roman Greenberg
Rounds: 10
Comments: Boswell was mentioned as one of the brightest prospects on the horizon in the late 90:s and at the early 2000. In 2003 he was stopped by Jameel McCline in the 10th and final round in a fight that Boswell was winning handily until then. He has been rather inactive since, but showed when he “exposed” Roman Greenberg that he, despite his age, might be someone to keep in mind.
12 (21) Travis Walker
YOB: 1979
Country: USA (Houston)
H-W: 6.4-240
Record: 28-1-1 (22)
Prodebut: 2004
Latest: Stopped Wallace McDaniels in round 1 the 4th of September
Best win: Stopped T J Wilson in February
Other wins: Jason Estrada
Drew: Against fellow prospect Jason Gavern in September 2005
Loss: TJ Wilson in 2007
Rounds: 10
Comments: Walker a former topamateur with a win at the national Golden Gloves 2003 as the peak is a big guy with a big punch and decent skills. He surprised a lot of us when he won on points against the usually very fast and mobile Jason Estrada. The loss to TJ Wilson was of course a setback but it was a rather premature stoppage and in the rematch a much sharper Walker showed that the first fight was some kind of fluke.
13 (20) Jason Estrada
YOB: 1980
Country: USA (Rhode Island)
H-W: 6.1-240
Record: 14-1 (3)
Prodebut: 2004
Latest fight: Outpointed Domonic Jenkins the 29th of August
Best win: Lance Whitaker in April
Other wins: Charles Shufford in 2007
Loss: A close decision to Travis Walker in 2006
Rounds: 10
Comments: Estrada was heavily criticized for his lame performance in Athens 2004, but don’t forget that Estrada is probably the most successful American heavyweight since Riddick Bowe. He has also been matched rather tough so far too silence his critics, which also resulted in a close loss to fellow prospect Travis Walker. But he seems to have lost some weight since then and is faster in both hands and feet than most other heavyweights, so if you add his lack of power he might try to follow the footsteps of Chris Byrd. Frustrate your opponents with elusiveness and counterpunch them with fast and accurate punches. I doubt that Estrada can really match Byrds reflexes and upperbody movement, so Estradas key is to use his feet to become a elusive target.
14 (-) Ondrej Pala
YOB: 1984
Country: Czech
H-W: 6.3-235
Record: 20-2 (16)
Prodebut: 2005
Latest: Outpointed Henry Akinwande the 4th of July
Best win: Henry Akinwande
Other wins: Arthur Cook
Losses: Rene Dettweiler (very controversial) and Denis Boytsov on cuts in 2006
Rounds: 8
Comments: Pala is a decent allroundboxer who both can box and slug. Gave Boytsov his toughest fight so far until the fight was stopped on cuts and he has been doing some fine results since then with the decission over “Huggin’ Henry” as the peak. Pala might be a “sleeper” on the european scene.
15 (40) Darrel Madison
YOB: 1977
Country: USA (New York)
H-W: 6.2-245
Record: 11-1 (3)
Prodebut: 2006
Latest: Outpointed Elfair McKnight the 26th of September
Loss: On dsq (not a dsq that hurt a young prospects career)
Best win: Outpointed Zuri Lawrence in May.
Rounds: 8
Comments: Madison is a stocky heavyweight who became top5 in USA and a New York Golden Gloves-winner as an amateur. He’s a southpaw who has moved down in weight and has become both sharper and slicker the last year. His only loss was a questionable disqualification in a fight he was winning and he stepped up alot in competition when he beat the tricky veteran Zuri Lawrence.
16 (28) Steffen Kretschmann
YOB: 1980
Country: Germany
H-W: 6.5-235
Record: 12-0 (11)
Prodebut: 2006
Latest: Stopped Otis Tisdale in round 5 the 12th of September
Best win: Outpointed Corey Sanders in October 2007
Rounds: 8
Comments: Kretschman was a good amateur with a WC-bronze 2003 on his record for example. He’s a good technical boxer with decent power.
17 (93) Alexander Ustinov
YOB: 1976
Country: Ukraine
H-W: 6.8-300
Record: 13-0 (11)
Prodebut: 2005
Latest: Stopped Julius Long in round 1 the 11th of October
Best win: Outpointed Rudolf Abramyan in May
Rounds: 8
Comments: A huge powerpuncher who arrived from the K1-scene and looks a little like a rawer and wilder version of Vitali Klitschko.
18 (16) Oleg Platov
YOB: 1983
Country: Ukraine
W: 220
Record: 26-1 (22)
Prodebut: 2001
Latest: A NC against Danny Williams the 8th of December
Best win: Henry Akinwande
Loss: Ludomir Mace in 2002 (which he avenged)
Rounds: 12
Comments: Platov is more unknown than a couple of his friends from the east, but he’s been began to make some noise lately even if not much is written about him. He’s more of a puncher than a boxer and someone called him an Ukrainian Samuel Peter. His victory (even if it was close) over Akinwande can’t be denied and he also stopped Canadian Stephane Tessier, one of the few who have last the distance against Povetkin. Platovs 2007 hasn’t been so successful as 2006 and the NC against Danny Williams was a rather flattering result for Platov, cause he was in big trouble when the doctor stopped it.
19 (34) Carlos Takam
YOB: 1980
Country: Cameroon
H-W: 6.2-235
Record: 17-0 (13)
Prodebut: 2005
Latest: Stopped Humberto Evora in round 2 the 18th of December
Best Win: Stopped Daniel Bispo in June
Rounds: 6
Comments: Takam represented Cameroon in Athens 2004 where he lost to finalist Mohamed Aly. He also became the African amateurchamp in 2003 and 2004. Also impressive to beat the previously unbeaten Zinidine Benmakhouf in his debut in December 2005. Takam is a technical sound heavyweight with good allroundskills who needs to step up the competition a little. It seems that all heavyweight boxers in France suffers from lack of decent competition.
20 (23) Sebastian Kober
YOB: 1979
Country: Germany
H-W: 6.3-235
Record: 16-0 (11)
Prodebut: 2006
Latest: Outpointed Viktor Szalai the 27th of September
Rounds: 8
Comments: Kober is a good allroundboxer who was among the best amateurs in the world for a couple of years until he turned pro. His chin might be his weak spot as he showed some times at the amateurs.
21 (24) Evans Quinn
YOB: 1983
Country: Nicaragua
W: 215
Record: 16-2 (14)
Prodebut: 2004
Latest: Outpointed Andrew Greeley the 21st of June
Best wins: Stopped JJ Macallister in round 1 in July 2007
Rounds: 10
Losses: Two early losses
Comments: Fought his first 10 fights home in Nicaragua and his record after that (8-2) was not especially impressive for someone with ambitions, but after he left home he got 7 straight KO-wins with 6 in the 1st round and after his impressive US-debut this summer his name began to mentions with respect. Quinn is a very mobile boxer who combines speed and power in a way that is very unusual for a heavyweight. The question is how far he has developed since his early days in Nicaragua.
22 (31) Bowie Tupou
YOB: 1982
Country: Tonga
H-W: 6.3-260
Record: 15-0 (11)
Prodebut: 2006
Latest: Stopped Otis Tisdale in round 2 the 7th of June
Best win: Stopped normally tough Jason Bergman in November 2007
Rounds: 6
Comments: Probably the biggest hope from “down under”. Tupou is at the moment situated in USA and is described as a bigger version of David Tua. The thing is that one of Tuas biggest assets is his chin or ability to take a good shot and move on and only time will tell if Tupou can live up to that, but he sure got power in his fists.
23 (25) Bermane Stiverne
YOB: 1977
Country: Canada
H-W: 6.2- 240
Record: 15-1 (15)
Prodebut: 2005
Latest: Stopped Brad Gregory in round 1 the 11th of July
Best win: Knockoutwin over Harold Sconiers in 2007
Loss: Stopped by Demetrice King in July
Rounds: 4
Comments: A rather successful amateur who just missed the plane to Athens 2004. Stivernes relaxed and powerful style might be better suited for the proring, even if the loss to Demetrice King indicated that he seems to lack a plan B if the opponent doesn’t fall down. It seems that he underrates his own skills, cause I think he got more skills than just brutal power. He knows how to box. The thing is that he must learn when its time to use his boxingskills instead of searching for the knockout .
24 (48) Nagy Aguilera
YOB: 1986
Country: Dominican republic
H-W: 6.3- 230
Record: 10-0 (6)
Prodebut: 2007
Latest: Outpointed Douglas Robertson the 11th of October
Rounds: 8
Comments: A good amateur who’s situated in New York and been praised a lot by sparringpartner Lou Savarese who thinks that Aguilera’s combination of craftiness, speed and toughness will bring him to the top.
25 (30) Kertson Manswell
YOB: 1976
Country: Trinidad&Tobago
H-W: 6.4-240
Record: 16-0 (13)
Prodebut: 2004
Latest: Outpointed Earl Ladson the 2nd of August
Best win: Won on points over Corey Sanders in October 2006
Rounds: 10
Comments: One of Americas (beside Cuba and USA) best amateurs a couple of years ago. Stepped up a little in class when he in 06 defeated journeymen Monaco and Sanders, but became rather inactive after that. He’s not the youngest on the list, so he can’t take it to slow.
26 (32) Johnnie White
YOB: 1984
Country: USA (Louisiana)
H-W: 6.4-230
Record: 20-0 (17)
Prodebut: 2005
Latest: stopped Timothy Burden in round 1 the 10th of October
Rounds: 8
Comments: White might be a dark horse. His name doesn’t pop up so often when new blood among new heavies are discussed. But on the amateurscene (where he was known as Alfred White) he was seen as one of those with potential to reach the Olympic games 2008, when he suddenly turned pro. He’s described as a fast and powerful young man, so put him in your hat and wait.
27 (29) Mariusz Wach
YOB: 1979
Country: Poland
H-W: 6.7- 260
Record: 18-0 (8)
Prodebut: 2005
Latest: Outpointed Daniel Peret the 7th of August
Best win: Stopped Arthur Cook in June 2006
Rounds: 9
Comments: A big man with a lot of good amateurwins on his record. Was mentioned as one the best heavyweights who didn’t make it to Athens 2004.
28 (74) Derek Chisora
YOB: 1983
Country: UK
H-W: 6.2-250
Record: 7-0 (4)
Prodebut: 2007
Latest: Stopped Lee Swaby in round 3 the 26th of September
Best win: Stopped fellow prospect Sam Sexton in June
Rounds: 6
Comments: Chisora was a good amateur on UK level and has been rather succesful so far as a pro. Especialy the win over fellow prospect Sexton impresses.
29 (26) Carl Davis Drumond
YOB: 1975
Country: Costa Rica
W: 225
Record: 26-0 (20)
Prodebut: 2005
Latest: Stopped Alejandro Agustin Alvarez the 30th of June
Best win: Kelvin Davis
Other wins: Ramon Hayes, Sedreck Fields
Rounds: 10
Comments: Has stepped up in class lately with decent wins over journeymen like Ramon Hayes and Sedreck Fields and the former cruiser contender Kelvin Davis. Its been talk about a central American clash between him and Evans Quinn, which would be interesting.
30 (38) Gbenga Oloukun
YOB: 1983
Country: Nigeria
H-W: 6.1-220
Record 16-0 (10)
Prodebut: 2005
Latest: Stopped Petr Sedlak in round 2 the 10th of May
Rounds: 8
Comments: Nigerias man in the superheavydivision in Athens where he almost stopped (was outboxed until then) highly touted Roberto Cammarelle. He’s strong and tough but not the most technical out there.
31 (36) Solomon Haumono
YOB: 1975
Country: Australia
H-W: 6.2-235
Record: 15-0 (14)
Prodebut: 2000
Latest fight: Outpointed Cliff Couser the 27th of August
Rounds: 8
Comments: A former rugbyplayer in the footsteps of Anthony Mundine who after a couple of years in the ring went back to the rugbyfield, but now has made the decision to give boxing another try. Haumono is a real powerman who got some natural talent for boxing. The questionmark according to those who know is if he got the right dedication, but it is said that he’s on his way to USA for some training under the guidance of Roy Jones sr so maybe that’s an incentive.
32 (59) Jonte Willis
YOB: 1983
Country: USA (Washington)
H-W: 5.11-215
Record: 4-0 (2)
Prodebut: 2007
Rounds: 4
Latest: Outboxed Clarence Tillman the 20th of June
Comments: Willis is a small but fast heavyweight with good allroundskills and one of the best American amateurs post 2004. His opponents has also been rather tough so far for someone who just started his procareer.
33 (64) Francesco Pianeta
YOB: 1984
Country: Italy
H-W: 6.5- 245
Record: 17-0 (10)
Prodebut: 2005
Latest: Stopped Scott Gammer (injury) in round 8 the 29th of August
Best win: Michael Marrone in May
Rounds: 8
Comments: An Italian heavyweight who fights for Sauerland in Germany. Impressed in his win over previously unbeaten Michael Marrone.
34 (70) Kasim Howard
YOB: 1982
Country: USA (Florida)
W: 6.3-215
Record: 7-0 (4)
Prodebut: 2007
Latest: Outboxed Harvey Jolly the 11th of April
Comments: Howard, a fasthanded heavyweight, was a decent amateur who became nr 1 in Florida and reached the top10 in USA. He’s now praised by a lot of observers as one of the best heavyweight prospects from USA
35 (-) Mike Perez
YOB: 1985
Country: Cuba
W: 6.1-225
Record: 6-0 (5)
Latest: Stopped Luis Oscar Ricail in round 1 the 26th of October
Rounds: 6
Comments: Perez is a fasthanded southpaw who became the junior world champ as a light heavyweight in 2004 and was ranked number two among the Cuban heavyweights when he turned pro in Ireland earlier this year. He also seems to have the right backup as a pro, with cuban trainer Nicholas Cruz in his corner.
36 (35) Devin Vargas
YOB: 1981
Country: USA (Ohio)
H-W: 6.2-215
Record: 15-0 (7)
Prodebut: 2004
Latest: Stopped Dave Brunelli the 9th of May
Rounds: 8
Comments: USA:s heavyweight in Athens where he lost to Viktar Zuev. Likes to see himself as a boxer-kind of brawler and has been rather un-hyped as a pro so far.
37 (-) Manuel Quezada
YOB: 1977
Country: USA
H-W: 6.2-225
Record: 24-4 (15)
Prodebut: 2001
Latest: Outpointed Andrew Greeley the 21st of August
Losses: Last loss in 2005
Rounds: 10
Comments: Kind of a “latebloomer” who has improved a lot the last couple of years. A good bodypuncher, who knows his way around the ring. Hasn’t lost since 2005 and has beaten much better fighters during the time, than the boxers he lost to in his early days.
38 (49) Andrzej Wawrzyk
YOB: 1987
Country: Poland
H-W: 6.5-225
Record: 12-0 (8)
Prodebut: 2006
Latest: Stopped Harry Duiven jr in round 8 the 18th of October.
Rounds: 8
Comments: A young pole that got the size and the amateurcred. Wawrzyk was one of the best juniors among the amateur super heavies when he turned pro.
39 (46) Travis Kauffman
YOB: 1985
Country: USA (Pennsylvania)
H-W: 6.3-240
Record: 13-0 (7)
Prodebut: 2006
Latest: Stopped Josh Gutcher in round 1 the 13th of September
Rounds: 8
Comments: An amateur star with a lot of praisers behind him. He’s got quick and powerful hands. Has been inactive for more than a year because of some issues outside the ring, but is now back on track.
40 (72) Ashanti Jordan
YOB: 1977
Country: USA (Louisiana)
H-W: 6.3-230
Record: 6-0 (5)
Prodebut: 2007
Latest: Outpointed John Clark the 26th of september
Rounds: 6
Comments: Jordan was a top5-amateur in USA when he turned pro and might be some kind of sleeper among the “young” americans.
41 (55) Eugene Hill
YOB: 1978
Country: USA (Texas)
H-W: 5.11-250
Record: 14-0 (12)
Prodebut: 2006
Latest: Stopped Joe Fuller in round 2 the 11th of October
Rounds: 8
Comments: Like many others on the list was Hill a top10-amateur in USA when he turned pro, but unlike many of the others is Hills style much more proish than amateurish. He’s a stocky pressure-fighter with lots of power in his fists.
42 (61) Wilmer Vasquez
YOB: 1981
Country: Venezuela
H-W: 6.4-275
Record: 7-0 (4)
Prodebut: 2006
Latest: Outpointed Charles Davis the 11th of October
Rounds: 6
Comments: A muscled boxer with power who competed in the Olympic games 2004, but has like his nemesis from Athens, Solis gained a lot of weight since.
43 (43) Donnell Holmes
YOB: 1973
Country: USA (North Carolina)
W: 220
Record: 29-0-2 (25)
Prodebut: 2003
Latest: Stopped Benito Fernandez in round 2 the 27th of June
Best win: Stopped Stacy Frazier in 2005
Draw: Against Mark Doku and Earl Ladson
Rounds: 8
Comments: Has been mentioned as someone to look out for. But he definitely needs to step up in competition. Still fighting “recordpadders” is not a good sign.
44 (77) Keith Spencer
H-W: 6.6-260
Country: USA (California)
Record: 5-0 (4)
Prodebut: 2006
Latest: Stopped Hermann Binek in round 1 the 25th of July
Best win: Stopped fellow prospect Theron Johnson in June
Rounds: 4
Comments: Spencer is a big man who also was a good (but not great) amateur. Among the best, but not top3 in USA. A man at Spencer size might be better suited for a pro-ring, so might be worth the check.
45 (-) Tor Hamer
YOB: 1983
Country: USA (New York)
H-W: 6.2–225
Record: 1-0
Latest: Stopped Joseph Rabotte in round 2 the 22nd of October
Comments: Hamer established himself as one of the best american amateurs in a very short time with the victory in the Golden Gloves as the peak. His style can be described as a powerful and mobile bodypuncher.
46 (73) Andrey Fedosov
YOB: 1986
Country: Russia
H-W: 6.1-215
Record: 18-1 (14)
Prodebut: 2003
Latest: Stopped Harold Sconiers in round 4 the 29th of August
Loss: To Alexander Mileiko in 2004
Comments: Fedosov is a young fighter who’s described as more powerful than skilful.
47 (50) J D Chapman
YOB: 1983
Country: USA (Arkansas)
H-W: 6.6-245
Record: 29-0 (26)
Prodebut: 2002
Latest: Stopped Rick Boruff in round 2 the 8th of February
Rounds: 10
Comments: He has been given a lot of attention at least in Boxrecs forum where he’s discussed as much as the top stars in the sport. Aside of that he seems to be just a little overprotected.
48 (45) David Rodriguez
YOB: 1977
Country: USA (Texas)
W: 6.5-245
Record: 28-0 (26)
Prodebut: 1998
Latest fight: Stopped Andy Sample in round 1 the 27th of September
Rounds: 8
Comments: Has some kind of following in New Mexico, but seems to be very overprotected. Needs to fight someone half decent before we can judge him. One of his latest victim Brian Robinson was (0-6) when Rodriguez (17-0) fought him for example. And when he was (19-0) he fought (0-1) Brandon Quigley . Quigleys only fight prior to Rodriguez was a 1st round KO-loss to Travis Fulton who… etc… Rodriguez is a good exemple when a “good” record turns into bad record when you looks closer at it.
49 (-) Victor Bisbal
YOB: 1980
Country: Puerto Rico
H-W: 6.4- 240
Record: 13-1 (11)
Prodebut: 2005
Latest: Stopped Ronald Bellamy in round 4 the 1st of November
Loss: Stopped by spoiler Domonic Jenkins in april 2006
Comments: Bisbal was a successful amateur who competed in the Olympic games 2004 and was after that followed by a lot of hype in his first fights in the proring, when he two years ago all of a sudden was stopped by the prospectspoiler Domonic Jenkins. He’s now with a couple of lowprofile wins back on track again.
50 (-) Grzegorz Kielsa
YOB: 1979
Country: Poland
H-W: 6.4-230
Record: 7-0 (3)
Prodebut: 2006
Latest: Outpointed Jerry Butler the 29th of August
Rounds: 8
Comments: This pole was a good amateur who’s going on with his procareer in Canada at the moment. He was inactive for awhile, but is now back on track.
51 (-) Nate James
YOB: 1981
Country: USA
H-W: 6.5-260
Record: 1-0
Latest: Outpointed Timo Schwarm the 12th of July
Comments: A long powerful southpaw who was one of the best amateurs in USA for the last couple of years. He won the Golden Gloves in 2007 for exemple.
52 (92) Gregory Tony
YOB: 1978
Country: France
H-W: 6.5- 240
Record: 8-0 (8)
Prodebut: 2007
Latest: Stopped Daniel Peret in round 4 the 5th of June
Comments: A former K1-fighter who had started his boxingcareer with only ko-wins. And the things that I’ve seen of him as a kickboxer is that he’s more of a “boxer” than a “kicker”, so why not ...
53 (53) Ian Millarvie
YOB: 1980
Country: Scotland
H-W: 6.6-240
Record: 7-0 (5)
Prodebut: 2005
Latest: Stopped Jevgenis Stamburskis in round 2 the 5th of November
Rounds: 6
Comments: A successful amateur who was a rather talked about newcomer on the UK heavyweight scene when he turned pro. Rather inactive at the moment.
54 (42) Faruq Saleem
YOB: 1973
Country: USA (New Jersey)
H-W: 6.7-250
Record: 37-0 (32)
Prodebut: 1998
Latest fight: Outpointed Willie Perryman the 14th of November
Rounds: 10
Comments: Saleem is a big, powerful guy who has been matched very careful. The fact that a close 6-rounds win over Sedreck Fields counts as his best win after ten years as a pro. probably says it all.
55 (60) Martin Rogan
YOB: 1971
Country: Northern Ireland
W: 6.3- 225
Record: 10-0 (5)
Prodebut: 2004
Latest fight: Won the “Prizefighter tournament” the 11th of April (Won over David Dolan in the final)
Best win: Won the “Prizefighter tournament” the 11th of April
Rounds: 6
Comments: A toughman who started to box just a couple of years ago and developed into a top amateur before he turned pro.
56 (-) Manuel Charr
Country: Germany (Lebanon)
YOB: 1984
W: 6.4- 250
Record: 9-0 (4)
Prodebut: 2005
Latest: Outpointed Adnan Serin the 31st of May
Best win: Pedro Carrion in 2006
Rounds: 8
Comments: After beating the amateur star Carrion in 2006, he had some legal problems, but it seems that he’s back now.
57 (68) Maksym Pedyura
Country: Ukraine
H: 6.5- 235
Record: 11-0 (10)
Prodebut: 2006
Latest: Stopped Ergin Solmaz in round 2 the 12th of September
Rounds: 6
Comments: Read that he’s mentioned as a prospect and a heavyhitter but that’s all I found about him.
58 (-) Murad Khalidov
YOB: 1988
Country: Russia
Record: 3-0 (1)
Latest: Stopped Vadim Zangiev the 21st of June
H-W: 6.3-220
Comments: In 2007 he became the junior heavyweight champ as an amateur in Russia, so he must have something in his pocket.
59 (-) Robert Helenius
YOB: 1984
Country: Finland
H-W: 6.6-230
Record: 4-0 (1)
Latest: Outpointed Nikola Vujasinovic the 8th of November
Comments: A decent amateur on european level, with a silvermedal in EC 2006 as a peak so far
60 (56) Vladimir Tereshkin
YOB: 1988
Country: Russia
H-W: 6.5-235
Record: 9-0-1 (5)
Prodebut: 2007
Latest: Outpointed Daniel Peret the 1st of November
Rounds: 8
Comments: He was a good Russian amateur and with the right size and only 20 years old one to keep in mind for the future.
61 (-) Yakup Saglam
YOB: 1977
Country: Turkey
H-W: 6.4- 225
Record: 16-0 (15)
Prodebut: 2006
Latest: Stopped Attila Mameth in round 1 the 23rd of August
Comments: A rather unknown turkish boxer who has arrived in the shadows of his more known cuban stablemates (Solis …)
62 (-) Bogdan Dinu
YOB: 1986
Country: Romania
H-W: 230
Record: 2-0
Latest: Outpointed Sean McClain the 1st of August
Comments: Dinu was a good amateur on european level and fighting tough Stepahne Tessier in a debut is a rather unusual tough start for a beginner.
63 (62) Sam Sexton
YOB: 1984
Country: UK
H-W: 6.4-240
Record: 10-1 (3)
Prodebut: 2005
Latest: Stopped Chris Burton in the Prizefighter-final the 12th of September.
Loss: To Derek Chisora in June 2008
Rounds: 6
Comments: Sexton is a good allroundboxer with a decent amateurbackground. He came back fine after the loss to fellow prospect Chisora, with an impressive victory in the Prizefighter-tournament.
64 (-) Volodia Lazebnik
YOB: 1980
Country: Ukraine
H-W: 6.2-235
Record: 14-0 (8)
Prodebut: 2004
Latest: Outpointed Vladimer Chanturia the 15th of November
Rounds: 8
Comments: Was the top amateur in Ukraine the years just after the Klitschkos turned pro. Another Ukrainian hopeful for the future?
65 (-) Neven Pajkic
YOB: 1977
Country: Canada/Serbia
W: 6.3-230
Record: 8-0 (4)
Prodebut: 2005
Latest: Outpointed Shane Andreesen the 27th of September
Rounds: 8
Comments: A Serb/Canadian who is a decent allroundboxer and has began to make some noise on the Canadian scene lately.
66 (-) Magomed Abdusalamov
YOB: 1981
H-W: 6.4 -260
Country: Russia
Record: 1-0
Latest: Stopped Epiphanie Pipi in round 1 the 6th of September
Comments: Won the Russian championship in 2005 and 2006, but competed for Belarus most of the time as an amateur. Abdusalamov is a real puncher and got a lot of ko:s on his amateurrecord.
67 (66) Kelvin Price
YOB: 1975
Country: USA (Florida)
H-W: 6.8- 250
Record: 4-0 (4)
Prodebut: 2007
Latest: Stopped Melvin Lumzy in round 1 the 15th of March
Comments: Even if Price is a former basketballplayer there’s a couple things that separates him from the usual big tough athlete who tries to make an impact in boxing. The first thing is that he’s actually been training boxing almost every day for five years. He wanted to learn the basics from the ground. The other thing is that his teacher during the years has been Roy Jones sr who’s very impressed by the progress of his his adept. He believes that Prices combination of size, power, speed and agility will make him a future heavyweight champ. So I’m a little curious about his future.
68 (-) Seth Mitchell
YOB: 1983
H-W: 6.2- 240
Country: USA (Maryland)
Record: 8-0-1 (4)
Latest: Stopped Dan Whetzel in round 1 the 7th of November
Draw: With Alvaro Morales(!) in March
Rounds: 6
Comments: A latestarter who started to box as an amateur not long ago and has devoloped a lot since the start. Both fast and powerful
69 (65) Lenroy Thomas
YOB: 1985
Country: Jamaica
W: 6.4 -230
Record: 10-1 (7)
Prodebut: 2006
Latest: Outpointed Andrew Greeley the 7th of November
Rounds: 4
Comments: Thomas competed successfully in USA as an amateur and he was ranked among the best when he turned pro. He lost his debut to Ruben Rivera but has came back good after that.
70 (-) Kevin Burnett
YOB: 1982
Country: USA (Georgia)
H-W: 6.7-265
Record: 13-1-1 (8)
Latest: Outpointed Horace Ray Grant the 20th of June
Loss: Stopped by Willie Walker in 2006
Rounds: 8
Comments: Burnett was trained by Don Turner before, but I don’t know how it is right now. Described as fasthanded and powerful though. Was in deep trouble in the last round against Horace Ray Grant in a fight he won quite easy until then.
71 (95) Johann Duhaupas
YOB: 1981
Country: France
H-W: 6.5-235
Record: 17-0 (10)
Prodebut: 2004
Latest: Stopped Radoslav Milutinovic in round 1 the 20th of June
Rounds: 6
Comments: One of the best amateur heavies in France when he turned pro, but he hasn’t really stepped up in class yet.
72 (-) Deontay Wilder
YOB: 1985
Country: USA
H-W: 6.7-210
Record: 1-0
Latest: Stopped Ethan Cox in round 2 the 15th of November
Comments: USA:s only (boxing)medalist in Beijing. He’s still quite raw, but can be a force when he starts to use his size.
73 (-) Tom Dallas
YOB: 1985
Country: UK
H-W: 6.6-230
Record: 2-0
Latest: Stopped Howard Daley in round 2 the 15th of November
Comments: A top3 ranked super heavyweight in UK as an amateur.
74 (-) Rashad Minor
YOB: 1977
Country: USA
H-W: 6.3-290
Record: 1-0
Latest: Stopped Joel Colon in round 1 the 6th of September
Comments: Became the National Junior Olympic heavyweight champion in the mid-90:s and was seen as one of the brightest talents of young heavyweights in USA. But he disappeared and turned into basketball instead. He’s now after a couple of years in prison back in the ring, and he got his share of believers behind him. A little overweight but fast and powerful.
75 (-) Jeremiah Graziano
YOB: 1987
Country: USA
H-W: 6.1-200
Record: 1-0
Latest: Stopped Roger Ingram in round 1 the 29th of October
Comments: The young Graziano has with impressive victorys in a couple of national tournaments taken the amateur scene in USA by storm. He also got the name and style that smells of history. A stylish reminder of a young Mike Tyson, Graziano got an unusual high percent of KO:s on his record, so I got a feeling that we will hear a lot more about this young kid when he now walks into the proring. The big question is if he’s going to compete in the heavyweight or cruiserweight division.
76 (54) Chris Burton
YOB: 1981
Country: UK
H-W: 6.5-230
Record: 12-1 (6)
Prodebut: 2005
Latest: Lost the final to Sam Sexton in the Prizefighter-tournament the 12th of September
Best win: Stopped Matthew Ellis in February
Other wins: Franklin Egobe
Rounds: 8
Comments: Burton was a decent amateur on UK-level and is calm and fasthanded. Stepped up in class when he easily dominated Matthew Ellis. Lost to Sam Sexton in the Prizefighter-final, but not a “normal” loss, so he’s still on the list.
77 (-) Eric Martel
YOB: 1981
Country: Canada
H-W: 6.3-240
Record: 1-0
Latest: Outpointed Stephane Tessier the 24th of October
Comments: A rather fast heavyweight who was among the best amateurs in Canada.
78 (82) Andrey Rudenko
YOB: 1983
Country: Ukraine
W: 240
Record: 11-0 (4)
Prodebut: 2006
Latest: Outpointed Ivor Marinchev the 14th of June
Rounds: 6
Comments: Rudenko has represented the Ukrainian national team a couple of times.
79 (81) Joe Hanks
YOB: 1983
Country: USA (New Jersey)
H-W: 240
Record: 3-0 (2)
Prodebut: 2007
Latest: Stopped Ali Malik in round 2 the 17th of May
Comments: Hanks nickname is “The future” and with a decent amateur career behind him, he might be just that. He reached the semifinal in this years Golden Gloves and he has also been a popular sparringpartner for boxers like Wladimir Klitschko and Chris Byrd.
80 (-) Beka Lobzhanidze
YOB: 1981
Country: Georgia
H-W: 6.4- 230
Record: 1-0
Latest: Stopped Vaclav Cihlar in round 2 the 31st of May
Comments: Ranked among the 10-15 best amateurs in Europe when he turned pro
81 (-) Guru Singh
YOB: 1977
Country: India
W: 6.3-220
Record: 19-0 (11)
Prodebut: 2001
Latest fight: Stopped Colin Kenna in round 4 the 27th of September
Rounds: 10
Comments: Singh competed as a light heavy for India in the Olympics but has now moved up a little in weight. Took a couple of years off but is now back in the saddle.
82 (85) Henry Fuentes
YOB: 1976
Country: Cuba
H-W: 6.2-240
Record: 7-0 (4)
Prodebut: 2007
Latest: Outponted Willie Perryman the 26th of September
Comments: Fuentes is a former wrestler who took up boxing when he came to USA a year ago. Reports says that he has improved a lot so …
83 (-) Larry Olubamiwo
YOB: 1978
Country: UK
H-W: 6.4-260
Record: 2-0
Latest: Stopped David Ingleby in round 2 the 15th of November
Comments: Described as a huge heavyhitter who’s remarkable agile for someone at his size.
84 (-) Andres Taylor
YOB: 1979
Country: USA (Pennsylvania)
W: 205
Record: 2-0-1 (0)
Latest: Drewed with Jason Freeman the 21st of September
Comments: Was a top5 heavyweight among american amateurs when he turned pro.
85 (-) Alexis Mejias
YOB: 1978
Country: Puerto Rico
H-W: 6.4-230
Record: 8-1 (3)
Prodebut: 2000
Latest fight: Stopped Bernard Brown in round 2 the 7th of November.
Lost: To Patrick Nwanu in 2004.
Rounds: 4
Comments: Mejias was mentioned as someone to follow in the early 2000, but after a surprising loss to tricky Nwanu he suddenly disappeared. After four inactive years is Mejias now back in the saddle.
86 (91) Skyler Anderson
YOB: 1986
Country: USA (Washington)
H-W: 6.7- 240
Record: 10-1-1 (5)
Prodebut: 2005
Latest: Outboxed Joe Stofle the 4th of July
Rounds: 8
Comments: A young guy with some raw talent who improves in every fight according to those in the know.
87 (-) Yuri Budanov
YOB: 1986
Country: Russia
W: 220
Record: 8-0 (8)
Latest: Stopped Vladimir Danilovich the 22nd of October
Comments: Sounds like another young russian heavyhitter.
88 (99) Justin Jones
YOB: 1982
Country: USA (Houston)
W: 235
Record: 3-0-1 (2)
Prodebut: 2007
Latest: Drewed with Homero Fonseca the 18th of July
Comments: Jones was a decent amateur and won the Western Trials and became the Texas Golden Gloves champ for super heavies in 2007 for exemple.
89 (89) Dieter Roth
YOB: 1983
Country: Germany
H-W: 6.3-220
Record: 19-0 (12)
Prodebut: 2005
Latest: Outpointed Edgar Kalnas the 13th of September
Rounds: 8
Comments: The little brother of retired? Egon Roth. Dieter is a better “boxer” than his brother, but who on the list isn’t.
90 (-) Dwayne McRae
YOB: 1980
Country: USA
W: 245
Record: 1-0
Latest: Stopped Hannibal Otey in round 4 the 5th of September
Comments: A Lennox Lewis-lookalike with a decent variety of punches in his arsenal.
91 (-) Elijah McCall
YOB: 1988
Country: USA
H-W: 6.2-220
Record: 1-0 (1)
Latest: Stopped Darrion Moss in round 1 the 21st of June
Comments: The son of “Ironman” Oliver McCall at least makes an interesting story.
92 (-) Jesse Peterson
YOB: 1988
Country: USA (Tennessee)
W: 250
Record: 2-0 (1)
Latest: Stopped Ricardo Clayton in round 2 the 27th of September
Comments: A good amateur on US level
93 (-) Jens Krull
YOB: 1989
Country: Germany
W: 6.9- 285
Record: 3-0 (3)
Latest: Stopped Peter Simko in round 2 the 10th of October.
Comments: A huge young german with ambitions
94 (80) Alexey Soloviev
YOB: 1973
Country: Russia
H-W: 6.3-220
Record: 15-0 (10)
Prodebut: 2004
Latest: Stopped Raymond Ochieng in round 3 the 10th of May
Rounds: 11
Comments: Nothing much is known about this Russian boxer, but he continues to climbs up the ranking.
95 (-) Kaspars Kambala
YOB: 1979
Country: Latvia (Nevada)
H-W: 6.9-270
Record: 3-0-1 (2)
Latest: Stopped Ronnie Weaver the 8th of July
Draw: Against Alvaro Morales in January
Comments: A former basketballpalyer who has turned pro under the wings of Richard Steele. Hasn’t really impressed so far.
96 (88) Tyler Hinkey
YOB: 1982
Country: USA (Nevada)
H-W: 6.1-245
Record: 4-0-1 (3)
Prodebut: 2007
Latest: Stopped Mike Finney in round 1 the 13th of June
Draw: Against Alvaro Morales in October 2007
Comments: He was a decent amateur and he’s described as powerful.
97 (-) Tim Skolnik
YOB: 1981
Country: USA
W: 6.1-215
Record: 1-0
Latest: Stopped Sean McLain in round 4 the 6th of March
Comments: He was the alternate for Jason Estrada in the olympic games in Athen 2004.
98 (86) Richard Carmack
YOB: 1988
Country: USA (Kansas City)
W: 270
Record: 5-0 (5)
Prodebut: 2006
Latest: Stopped Nick Tindle in round 1 the 1st of December
Rounds: 2
Comments: Carmack was a good amateur at jr level and is also one of the youngest on the list, so he at least got a lot of time on his side.
99 (96) Edmund Gerber
YOB: 1988
Country: Germany
H-W: 6.3- 220
Record: 5-0 (1)
Latest: Outpointed Stanislav Lukyanchikov the 7th of June
Comments: A German kid who was a successful amateur on junior level
100 (-) Skuli Armannsson
YOB: 1983
Country: Iceland
H-W: 6.4-250
Record: 1-0 (1)
Latest: Stopped Caleb Nelson in round 2 the 7th of June
Comments: Boxers from Iceland are rarities so why not take the the chance to follow this heavyweight who was a decent amateur on european level.
And who are the most interesting amateur heavyweights? The list below is not an objective ranking about who’s the best amateur right now and so on, it’s a highly subjective ranking about potential to be a succesful professional heavyweight.
(1) Roberto Cammarelle
YOB: 1980
H-W: 6.3-SH
Country: Italy
He took the goldmedal in Beijing and won the WC in 2007, so his merits speaks for itself. Cammarelle is a fantastic boxer who's fast, hits hard and show up good reflexes. But I heard that he’s quite happy with his amateurlife and not so enthusiastic about turning pro, but with the two golds in the pocket, he surely is a hot name for the proscene and people have changed their mind before… Let’s hope that Cammarelle turns pro, cause I’m rather sure that he will be a succesful and an exciting one.
(2) Oleksandr Usyk
YOB: 1987
H-W: 6.3-H
Country: Ukraine
Usyk has the last year transformed from a good middleweight to a very good heavyweight. A technical southpawboxer who relies a lot on speed and reflexes. Lost to Clemente Russo in the qurterfinal in Beijing, but that was amateurboxing. Im rather sure that Usyk will get his revenge if they meet again in a proring. He moved down to light heavy in EC 2008 so I guess it’s rather unlikely that he will turn pro as a heavyweight.
3) Islam Timurziev
YOB: 1983
H-W: 6.2-SH
Country: Russia
Timurziev surprisingly lost to UK David Price in Beijing, but to me it looked like a very premature stoppage so I still rate him as one of the hottest amateurs in the world. And like his predecessor, Alexander Povetkin, the 25-year-old Russian Timurziev got a style that really should be better suited for the proscene. He moves economically, without being flatfooted. Add to this an impressive knockoutpower and you have a rather complete proboxer. The big questionmark is his health. He seems to be rather injury proned. Rumours about retirement are floating around at the moment.
(4) Michael Hunter
YOB: 1988
H-W: 6.2-SH
Country: USA
Although Hunter did not even got to the Olympics I rate him as one of the most interesting names for the proscene. The young American missed the ticket with the narrowest of margins three times in a row. Hunter is an unusually fast heavyweight. He is both fast in hands, feet and mind. In addition, he has good reflexes which makes him very hard to hit. He might lack a little in the power department though and I also think that his lack of experience showed in the Olympic qualifier against Robert Alfonso. But Hunter might be the biggest american talent in the heavyweight division since Riddick Bowe.
(5) Tyson Fury
YOB: 1988
H-W: 6.7-SH
Country: UK
Fury is a young big man who outclassed all opposition in the last ABA championships. Fury got the personality and is very mobile for such a big man, so I can imagine that British promoters are on a waiting list the day Fury hints about a career as a pro. He was scheduled to turn pro in September, but he cancelled that and it seems that he continues as an amateur a little longer instead.
(6) Vyacheslav Glazkov
YOB: 1984
H-W: 6.2-SH
Country: Ukraine
The silvermedalist from WC 2007 took a bronzemedal in Beijing. Glazkov is a good allroundboxer who might be more succesful as a pro than his predecessor Mazikin.
(7) Rakhim Chakhiyev
YOB: 1983
H-W: 6.0-H
Country: Russia
He won the heavyweight gold in Beijing and he’s more of a puncher than a “boxer”.
(8) Maxim Babanin
YOB: 1987?
Country: Russia
The best junior super heavy in the world during 2007, is expected to take over the Russian mantle after Timurziev.
(9) Zhang Zhilei
YOB: 1983
H-W: 6.8-SH
Country: China
A huge chinese who’s rather mobile and smooth for someone at his size. Took the silver in Beijing, but was outclassed by Cammarelle in the final.
(10) Oscar Rivas
YOB: 1987
H-W: 6.1-SH
Country: Colombia
A tough youngster who lost to Cammarelle in Beijing. He got a rather professional style and might be the best super heavyweight south of Cuba.
(11) Robert Alfonso
YOB: 1986
H-W: 6.4-SH
Country: Cuba
The young Alfonso was mentioned as the best olympic super heavy from Cuba since the late Roberto Balado, but he didn’t show anything of that in Beijing…
(12) David Price
YOB: 1983
H-W: 6.8-SH
Country: UK
Took the bronzemedal in Beijing where he “stopped” Timurziev on the way. But it was a premature stoppage and he was rather brutalized by Cammarelle in the semi. Price is a big man with a good jab and power, but he’s also rather stiff.
(13) Didier Bence
YOB: 1987
H-W: 6.1-SH
Country: Canada
Has been wounded during the last year, which hurted his chances to qualify for Beijing. But he’s got a powerful style who might be well suited for the proring.
(14) Kubrat Pulev
YOB: 1981
H-W: 6.4-SH
Country: Bulgaria
Skilled bulgar who have been around for a while, with a lot of success.
(15) Osmay Acosta
YOB: 1985
H-W: 6.2-H
Country: Cuba
A good “boxer” who took a bronze in Beijing, but Acosta is not in his predecessor Odlanier Solis class.
(16) David Arshba
YOB: 1986
Country: Russia
Russian wonder child as it whispered a lot about a couple of years ago. Arshba has not quite managed the praise, but is still young. He qualified for Beijing under the Azerbaijan flag, but the new passport was not quite clear so … no China for him. But with a reputation as a tough cookie, he can surely become a pro to be reckoned with.
(17) Denis Poyatsika
YOB: 1985
H-W: 6.0-H
Country: Ukraine
A short slugger who won the European title 2006, where he for exemple stopped Roman Romanchuk in the final.
(18) Joey Dawejko
YOB: 1990
H-W: 5.11-SH
Country: USA
The Youth World Champion in 2008. Dawejko is a bit chubby but surprisingly fast. Someone called him a white James Toney.
(19) Denis Sergeev
YOB: 1982
H-W: 6.4-SH
Country: Russia
Russians number two in the super heavyweight. Sergeev is a fairly traditional standup, european boxer who might be a little to “amateurish” at the end.
(20) Clemente Russo
YOB: 1982
H-W: 5.11-H
Country: Italy
A short “boxer” who’s “slap and dance”-style is tailormmade for the amateurgame. He won the WC in 2007 and took the silver in Beijing. He could probably make life difficult for any of the much bigger europeans, but realisticly is the cruiserweight his division.
(21) Erislandy Savon
YOB: 1990
H-W: H
Country: Cuba
Cuban teenager who’s described as a tall boxer with excellent skills. Became the Youth World Champ in November and has boxed on even terms with Osmay Acosta back home in Cuba a couple of times. And the fact that he’s the nephew of the great Felix Savon doesn’t make him less interesting.
(22) Egor Mekhontsev
YOB: 1984
W: H
Country: Russia
He just won the european championship
(23) Evgeny Romanov
YOB: 1984
H-W: 6.2-H
Country: Russia
Hard hitting Russian who became jr world champ among heavyweights in 2004 and knocked out the American Deontay Wilder in a duel in 2008.
(24) Keith Tapia
YOB: 1990
H-W: 6.1-H
Country: Purto Rico
Just turned 17, Tapia participated in the World Cup 2007 for Purto Rico. Many believe that he would dominate the amateur scene 2012 if he stayed as an amateur, but both himself and his people around him wants to go pro sooner rather than later. I think it would be better for him to continue to develop his skills as an amateur a couple of years than to rush into the proscene.
(25) Mike Wilson
YOB: 1983
H-W: 6.2-SH
Country: USA
Was the U.S. number one before the young Hunter came around. His selfconfidence might have been hurt a bit when Hunter took Wilsons' given 'place as the United States man in the Olympic qualification. Time will tell, but I have my doubts, even if the skills are there.
(26) Sardor Abdullayev
YOB: 1988?
Country: Uzbekhistan
The silvermedalist from jr WC 2006 has also been doing fine as a senior
(27) Kimbo Bethel
YOB: 1984
H-W: 6.2-SH
Country: USA
Bethel was the olympic alternate for Michael Hunter and can be a rather tricky boxer when he wants to.
(28) Andrey Volkov
YOB: 1987
Country: Russia
One of the best juniors in Russia the last couple of years.
(29) Ivan Dychko
YOB: 1990
W: H
Country: Kazakhstan
A Klitschko-lookalike who went to the final in the Youth world championships this year.
(30) Newfel Ouatah
YOB: 1985
H-W: 6.7-SH
Country: Algeria
A tall french/algerien who went to the quarterfinal in Beijing and might be an interesting name for the proscene.
(31) Jose Payares
YOB: 1986
H-W: 6.5-SH
Country: Venezuela
He beat( a sick) Michael Hunter and went to Beijing,where he lost to Ouatah in the first round.
(32) Sergey Kalchugin
YOB: 1987
H-W: H
Country: Russia
Junior world champ in 2006 and the heavyweight dominator class for several years. Has now taken the step up among the seniors.
(33) Ruslan Myrsatayev
YOB: 1985
H-W: 6.1-SH
Country: Kazakhstan
A stocky fighter with an aggressive style, who went to the quarterfinal in Beijing.
(34) Nicholas Kisner
YOB: 1991
H-W: 6.0-H
Country: USA
‘Slick Nick’ Kisner is already given the top seniors in USA a tough time. He beat Lenroy Thompson in the PAL-final 2008 for exemple. Despite his young age he fights like a tricky old veteran. The goal is primarily the gold medal in the Olympic Games 2012.
(35) Erik Brechlin
YOB: 1990
Country: Germany
Took the silver in the Youth World Champ this year.
(36) Sergey Kuzmin
YOB: 1988?
Country: Russia
Another succesful young man from Russia. He beat Maxim Babanin in June.
(37) Lenroy Thompson
YOB: 1988
H-W: 6.2-SH
Country: USA
He became the US future star champ with a style that is based on constant movement.
(38) Trevor Bryan
YOB: 1989?
H-W: 6.6-SH
Country: USA
One of the brightest super heavyweight talents in USA and picked by many as a possible Olympian in 2012.
(39) Niyaz Fayzullin
YOB: ?
Country: Russia
Another Russian who has done some success at the international level this year, in the shadow of Timurziev.
(40) Warren Baister
YOB: 1986
H-W: H
Country: UK
22-year-old heavyweight who came from nowhere and dominated completely in the English ABA championships.
(41) Craig Lewis
YOB: 1985
H-W: 6.4-H
Country: USA
Golden Gloves winner of 2008 who’s a good allroundboxer.
(42) Hasim Rahman jr
YOB: 1991
H-W: 6.3-SH
Country: USA
The son of the old world champ got a lot of hype for free, but like Kisner is, of course, Rahman jr very much speculation. Like Kisner is the primary goal for ‘Lil Hasim’ the Olympics 2012.
(43) Viktar Zuyev
YOB: 1983
H-W: 6.0-H
Country: Belarus
The silvermedalist from Athen might be a crowdfavorite as a pro, but lack of size and chin? might be his downfall at the end.
(44) Paul Koon
YOB: 1986
H-W: 6.3-H
Country: USA
Has been one of the best American heavyweights for the last couple of years and lost a very close bout to Craig Lewis in the GG-final 2008.
(45) Adam Willett
YOB: 1982
H-W: 6.2-H
Country: USA
The number one heavyweight in USA 2005-2007
(46) Andres Ruiz
YOB: 1989?
H-W: 5.11-SH
Country: Mexico
A rather short and heavy youngster who combines power with some skills. Stay tuned!
(47) Ivan Bezverkhiy
YOB: 1988?
Country: Ukraine
One of the top juniors in the superheavyweight division
(48) Garret Simon
YOB: 1991
H-W: 6.5-H
Country: USA
Simon won the National Junior Olympic Championship this year and is seen as real powerhouse. He also says that he’s going pro when he turns 18.
(49) Danny Price
YOB: 1985
H-W: 6.5-H
Country: UK
One of those who missed the plain to China with a slim marigin. Besides that has Price improved a lot duríng the last years.
(50) Modo Sallah
YOB: 1983
H-W: 6.4-SH
Country: Sweden
A good technical Swede in the same style as Attila Levin. Is suspended right now, but might be someone for the proscene IF he can be disciplined enough.
Do you miss someone or do you have any other comments? Feel free to contact me at
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